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Marketplace Updates: Boosted Proposals and Connects

Two new Marketplace updates: 

  1. Introduced a fourth slot in Boosted Proposals, increasing your chances of being noticed, while continuing to let clients see who is most interested in their job post.
  2. Adjusted the range for the cost of Connects per job to better match the demand for jobs in the Marketplace.


Check out the product release for Marketplace Updates: Boosted Proposals and Connects and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

611 REPLIES 611

The bidding option is **Edited for Community Guidelines**, it drains money from freelancers and makes Upwork a fortune. 

it is **Edited for Community Guidelines** and Upwork needs to solve that soon to keep the best talent on the platform.

 but you need to keep yourself updated on what is working and what is not. for example one of the best technics that are working is to try to receive invites instead of chasing clients.

Community Member

That too! I've been receiving far less invites than before. Also I've used the available badge (which is also trash) and that does nothing but drain my connects.

Community Member

Please could someone tell me why some projects require 12 connects (for a $100 job) whilst others require 6 connects (for a $100 job)? - these are examples I have seen whilst scrolling the available projects in the field of graphic design.

Is Upwork trying to make freelancers pay more for "verified payment" clients/other reason ? I cant seem to find the answer - it doesn't make sense.

Is it trying to filter the "amateur" vs "expert"?

Well according to Upwork, the number of Connects assigned to a job/project is calculated based on the projected job value, which is determined by estimating duration and budget amount, and marketplace demand. I think other factors might play a role in the calculation, but Upwork doesn't reveal what those are.


If I'm not mistaken, all of this is calculated by an algorithm, which I'm guessing gets tweaked on occasion. However, it doesn't seem to calculate the number of Connects based on the job's verified/unverified status or whether the client is seeking a beginner or expert.


You can view Community Manager Avery's post here.

Community Member

 I would like to express my concern regarding the current policy **Edited for Community Guidelines**. In the past, clients preferred quality over quantity. However, it seems that the current policy is focused more on spending more connects without suitable qualifications. As a result, this platform is no longer beneficial for freelancers or clients. It appears that the company is only focused on its profit-making policy.

Community Member

I feel. That bidding option should finish now. What does it mean? It means, you have to buy more connects to compete.

This is unfair, each freelancer should have equal chance. Client will see the profile and pick his freelancer. What's the logic of bidding. Competing with your own freelancer friends and creating an atmosphere of unease. It's a working platform or crypto. 


If you don't find it advantageous, don't use it. What could be simpler? 


Every business competes with the other businesses that want to provide the same product or service to the same market.

Do you have any Idea how much $ Upwork is taking from every single job post? Today I saw a new update where they have increased the connects amount to 10-18 connects for every job post. That is not fair I think.

Community Member

Hello Upwork

Why you are increasing bidding rate frequently? This is not fair. For which job I can apply with 4 to 6 connects earlier. Right now almost double. 

Is this your new strategy to income more from freelancers?

At time of purchasing connects quantitiy is same. Why you are not increasing quantitity of connects there also?


This is very disappointing me. I think Upwork just finding way to income more through putting gun on our head?


Hello all freelancer, need your comments and opinion. 




Hello Samir,
I completely agree with you! this is a new way to income more from freelancers.

The bidding rate is increased and if the job is only about the changes or some corrections still it shows 16 connects to apply which is not acceptable at all.

If they increased the rate of connects 8 to 16, why they are giving the same 10 connects per month? They should also increase monthly connects...
Why they are not giving us more connects at the same cost?

No one is taking action against it, when we ask them they are just trying to say they want to prevent bots from applying to the job and they need good freelancers but what about us?

How can we apply to the jobs with 16 connects when it is not worth it? (when the client is not hiring anyone)

To all freelancers, please share your concerns...

Thank you!
Amit G.

Absolutely disgusting. Like Upwork wanted to push us to join a War and they are taking advantage by generating more income, like job post price is 5 USD they are generating revenue 10-15 USD whether buyer is hiring someone or not. I saw some lower-price job posts ($5-10) they took 8 connects from us.

Yes, this is true, Seen many jobs with a Budget of 5$ and to apply for this job have to spend 8 Connects.

Community Member

Facing same issue. This is wrong and we have to raise our voice against it.

Hello Samir,


There are too many freelancers thereby flooding Job proposals with cover letters. There are 4,000,000 active freelancers to 830,000 active clients, therefore if anything, the minimum bid needs to go higher.

Almost double. Is it fair?



Apparently it is too low because too many freelancers Bid per Job.

William T C wrote:



Apparently it is too low because too many freelancers Bid per Job.

Where's your citation to back-up your claim?

I think it's odd that you never consider that Upwork should do some better vetting of freelancers. Or make it easier for clients to choose who can respond to a job post, without having to actual send invites. You always take the stance that they need to make money, and there's only one way to do it.


They're essentially trying to limit how many jobs freelancers can apply to, but by monetizing connects, they make that effort pointless. So instead they are limiting how many good freelancers apply for any given job by letting any yahoo who is dumb enough to purchase a ton of connects and boost proposals send as many garbage proposals as they can afford.

Community Member

Kelly B wrote:

They're essentially trying to limit how many jobs freelancers can apply to, but by monetizing connects, they make that effort pointless. So instead they are limiting how many good freelancers apply for any given job by letting any yahoo who is dumb enough to purchase a ton of connects and boost proposals send as many garbage proposals as they can afford.

This is spot on. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw some jobs requiring 16 connects to bid for the job. It doesn't matter if you're an excellent SEO (like myself), all that matters is how many connects you've purchased. I couldn't even take 16 connects seriously. And the postings themselves contain minimal information. I'm not sure how the number 16 was even determined. 

My success rate in getting projects from direct applications has always been low, Kelly. I guess I have got close to 50 percent of my income on this platform from direct invites from clients. So your profile page can also bring in business.

Community Member

Upwork very clever. Merge my topic here. Irrelivant place.

Community Member

There is somebody in my niche that keeps bidding ridiculously high connects even though the jobhas been posted for just a few minutes. How can you possibly close a project when you are always outbid by everyone else who bidding really high for every job post.  Seems like those who can get the project will be those who have really deep pockets. 

You are wrong, Willmar. They also need to deliver. A single 1-star review can end a freelancer's Top Rated Plus status.

Community Member

Very true. To free memberships, only 10 connects are given each month and most jobs today are 12 to 16 connects. Completely unfair.



Why do you consider it unfair?

Do you consider it fair to spend 16 connects for a single job?



It needs to be higher than 16 because Clients are receiving too many proposals; as high as 100+.

So what? Upwork can change the algorithm as it previously did. Only relatable experienced freelancers will go on top of an application. Instead of doing that, they're focusing on gambling. 

William T C wrote:

It needs to be higher than 16 because Clients are receiving too many proposals; as high as 100+.

The other side of the coin is that quality freelancers are forced to spend precious connects (because of how much they cost) on jobs where they likely will not get a reply. You're missing the forest for the trees.



Community Member

This is very stupid, what you did with connects. I don't understand why you increased the price of submitting proposals by 3-4 times, and now you are also taking away connections for winning interviews. You already take 10% commission from any amount, is that not enough for you? It is not normal.

I think you should give back all connections when a client posts a public job for a certain freelancer with whom he has already agreed, but other freelancers have time to submit proposals. The client hires his freelancer within 10 minutes, but up to 50 freelancers manage to apply and even boost, and they will never get this job. In essence, he was supposed to create a hidden job for invites only and send an invite only to his freelancer, but he does not understand that people spend real money to send him a proposal. Let's calculate, 10 connections = $1.5, 50 proposals of 12 connections = 600 connections = $60, not to mention connections per boost. Do you think this is normal? This is complete bull**bleep**. Some clients create job for only $10 or $20, but in the end you/they collect from freelancers $50-60. As a result, the upwork earns $50-60 dollars from this job, when the only 1 freelancer gets $8-16. It's some kind of casino.
I think such clients should be warned and possibly even banned. And you need to review all possible options to return connections



Consider only applying for Jobs that meet your approval and the issue is solved. Right?

No, not right. And not even close.


The problem with what you are saying is that there are clients that post jobs and leave it open without even interviewing anyone. To be fair to everyone, since they increased the connects needed to apply for jobs, there should be a refund policy if a client doesn't hire within a month. Better yet, Upwork should charge clients per job post so they have some skin in the game. It also automatically removes fake job postings. 



Upwork charges $4.95 for the post if a freelancer is hired. Frequently clients don't locate a freelancer that meets their needs. ONLY apply for Jobs that you are an EXACT match so you are the Best Match freelancer.

The charge is not for POSTing a job—it's for enacting a new contract. You can post all day and night and never be charged a thing, and the scammers do exactly that.

Community Member

Kelly E wrote:

The charge is not for POSTing a job—it's for enacting a new contract. You can post all day and night and never be charged a thing, and the scammers do exactly that.

William T C doesn't see the larger issues. He cheerleads for Upwork. 😆



What would you change on Upwork and why?

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