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Marketplace Updates: Boosted Proposals and Connects

Two new Marketplace updates: 

  1. Introduced a fourth slot in Boosted Proposals, increasing your chances of being noticed, while continuing to let clients see who is most interested in their job post.
  2. Adjusted the range for the cost of Connects per job to better match the demand for jobs in the Marketplace.


Check out the product release for Marketplace Updates: Boosted Proposals and Connects and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

621 REPLIES 621
Community Member

Hello. Got question

Why do my upwork keep saying this, I owe 40 Connects under Boost Profile(Need Attention). These Connects will automatically be deducted when you restart. but i never remembered borrowing any connect, and also my profile setup got to 100% and haven't gotten Rising Talent yet.

Community Member

I do not agree that freelancers have to Bid to get a work. Is like paying to be hired. 

Up work should not allow this. All of freelancers should have the same opportunity. This should be change, is my oppinion.

Hello, please have got a question

 why can't i turn off my boost profile

Community Member

Let's talk about this with an example so everyone will understand how much this is unfair.

* Let's say a group of people who work in Upwork for a very long time and have excellent profiles with feedback. And let's say everyone earns very good money and each and everyone has their private profile and each person applies for jobs but they share the work.


So these people have enough money to buy connections so they can boost each and every job with high connections. So when the client checks the job posting and he will simply select that person (and of course, their group will share the work and complete it) so in this scenario, whoever earns more and whoever has a group only gets projects. And even very talented people who don't spend on connects will not be able to survive here. 


This boosting system must remove and come up with another solution. We already have stars, job success scores and etc... So this boosting system was implemented completely in money minded. And this will never help freelancers. 



Not applicable

It's getting very cr**zy on Upwork right now ... This boosting of proposals has made the site complicated to get jobs and makes only the rich freelancers get seen most of the time.


Imagine i stay online all day and apply immediately the job is posted, but then the client isn't online to read my proposal at that moment, then one lazy freelancer comes in 2hours later and boosts by 50+ connects and when the client comes online he assumes that is the best candidate and ignores the rest.



Look the boosting of proposals should be removed...

If you don't like boosting, don't boost. There. Simple.

I don't boost and I still get my proposals viewed and I still land jobs.

Not applicable

That's you... It affects alot of proposals from being seen from 3 spaces to 4 spaces now.


That means you automatically take 5th on every proposal not boosted and many people apply... That's if you were even first to apply.


When i joined Upwork there was no boosting.. And it was cool .. 

I get jobs still with all these boosting but that's after missing out on the best jobs because the rich kids boost and get seen first

Absolutely, Upwork was better without boosting. That's why I don't contribute to that problem and don't boost.

Any client worth working with will see your proposal if it's well-written, don't worry.

It was introduced - much like the recent change to the fee charges - to improve Upwork's profits. Increase competiton, make people spend more and Upwork benefit. That is the only reason for the change, so it's here to stay. Upwork don't listen to freelancer's ideas. The community section gives the pretence that they do, but their only concern is profit. If that means it is at the expense of the people who have helped to make this platform what now is, then so be it.

Not applicable

Honestly, its something else.... Its now a game of spend more and make less

Community Member

I used to get interviews and be hired regularly before all this boosting frenzy but recently I have been receiving hardly any replies to my proposals, not talking about getting a job. It seems that without boosting, clients don't even notice

the proposals. Most of my proposals remain unviewed, which didn't happen before. Honestly, it is really off-putting to constantly spend a lot of connects without being hired in the end. It is great that the fee is going to be reduced to 10% but at least I paid from something earned, now I am paying without actually earning. I don't think it is sustainable like this.


Not applicable

Hi Karolina..... this is exactly my experience as well. If you dont boost, you will barely get any jobs recently just once in a while. If the application rate is high just forget about it if not boosted. The client will not even bother to read more than the first four boosted proposals and make their pick.

Its really frustrating... could this gradually lead to lots of freelancers quitting the site.. its getting too expensive applying and not gettting anything. Upwork is just making maximum profits at the moment at the detriment of lots of freelancers.

You may like to check my two comments under  "Increase in connects required for bidding"

Community Member

Please, why can't I turn off my boost profile

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Victoria,


I see the team has responded to the support ticket you raised about the boosted profile concern. Please visit your ticket on this page or your email for more details, and don't hesitate to coordinate with the team if you need further assistance; they'll gladly look into that for you.


~ Arjay
Community Member

Review the Connects Spending Structure. Spending 8 Connects for Non-Payment Verified Proposals!

I think Upwork should review it for the new Freelancers. Or specify the connects spend structure. 

I hope Upwork thinks about it for all. And restart the 10 connects Free for those who get the replies from clients.


$5 - $10 - Spending 1 Connects

$10 - $20 - Spending 2 Connects 

$20 - $50 - Spending 4 Connects 

$50 - $70 - Spending 6 Connects 

$70 - $100 - Spending 8 Connects 




Please, Why can't I turn of my boost profile

Community Member

This is not fair to freelancers. So freelancers literally have to spend 4-8 connects before they can apply for $5 job. Also connects for availibitly badge.  Upwork is making the platform more and more difficult for freelancers. As freelancers will erarne more upwork will get more charges. So we would have to say by by Upwork.

Community Member

Yes you are right.

Community Member

Increasing the connection per job application will backfire. Reasons & all steps like boost connect and increasing connect working against experienced developers, soon Upwork will incur huge loss in terms of Experienced developers availability.

a). It's Recession time, so job postings are very low.

b). Developers who are working on Upwork for the last 8-10 years are struggling to get projects, so very soon they will join any company and start doing 9-5 jobs (nobody can wait more than 2 months to survive on Upwork without a project).

c). Boosting is totally an illogical option for experienced developers, it is working against experienced developers.
d). Soon Upwork will be a platform with freshers if this will be continued for the next 6 months, and once this will be traced by job posters they will leave the platform.

e). Upwork should introduce many things instead of imposing more terms on existing businesses, like new service sectors, accounting, consulting, and other jobs that are possible to do remotely.

There is a huge resentment among supplier and providers, I think this will disturb the Upwork's business Model.


Community Member

I invite you to check my two comments under  "Increase in connects required for bidding"

Community Member




I have beed doing bidding but the connects that freelancer is taking is too much 8 conencts for a bid . And after getting the reponse u are getting back any single connect.


Is it right. Either u get or not get a resonse deductions is too much for the connets .And we are  not able to bid regularly as our bids gets finish and gets no response.


Its not ok with upwork as its is the trusted frellancer plateform beacusye of this so many freelancers has stooper working here.





Also so many fake jobs which chucks the connects. 

Community Member

Too expensive. Upwork will lose its clients. This feels like we can't survive on Upwork and we should look for alternative tools. 

And what alternative do you suggest?


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