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Redesigned Find Work Home Page: Feedback and Questions

We are redesigning the Find Work homepage to make it easier to view and manage your job feeds and profile highlights. In addition to visual updates, these changes include modernization of backend site elements.  Check out the announcement here and let us know your thoughts about these updates in the comments below.

~ Valeria
153 REPLIES 153

Valeria K wrote:

Maria T wrote:


Hi Valeria,

I have the new "Find Work" layout.
What is the "green looking glass icon"? I don't see anything like it.
If I want the filters to appear, I have to type something in "Search for job".

Maria, it's not necessary to type anything into the search bar. You should be able to just hit the button on the screenshot below and it'll take you to search. On Google Chrome it does. Could you please try and let me know if it works for you?



Thanks Valeria.
I didn't know what you meant by "green looking glass icon", for me it is a "green magnifying glass" 😊

Community Member

    I appreciate you trying to make the website a bit nicer, but if that is the price to pay for functionality, please then better put it back the way it was.

I must say I even liked it better before these changes. Not to mention bugs you have now as above mentioned. Cannot open job posts at https://www.upwork.com/nx/find-work/ (right-click->open in new tab) directly but you must click to open slide-in and then click on the job to enter its page. I don't know why but this slide-in feature is more annoying than anything to me, tabs help keep things organized while scrolling and searching further down the feed. I would rather go to a job post page in a new tab.


Not to mention it is bugged and it freezes website movement as some pointed out in previous posts. So, please just put it back the way it was.


p.s. The dark theme idea is not bad at all.

Stevan Nikolovski

Glory Glory Upwork Engineers!

But, why can't I now scroll my shortcuts? Is it a bug, or a new feature?

Hi Siarhei,


Could you please clarify if you're referring to the saved search results or something else? Thank you.

~ Goran

Hi Goran!

Yes, I'm talking about it.

Community Member

Hi All,


A few issues many of you brought up here have been fixed by the team, including: 


  • Right click on the job title will now open the job posting in a new tab.
  • The issue with feed jumping to the previously viewed job posting should now be fixed
  • "Click to load more jobs" feature should be working normally now. 

Thanks for flagging these and helping us replicate and ultimately fix them. 

~ Valeria

Hey Valeria,

Thanks, works great for me.


Valeria K wrote:

A few issues many of you brought up here have been fixed by the team, including: 


  • Right click on the job title will now open the job posting in a new tab.
  • The issue with feed jumping to the previously viewed job posting should now be fixed
  • "Click to load more jobs" feature should be working normally now. 

Thanks for flagging these and helping us replicate and ultimately fix them. 

Thanks, Valeria. 


Just to make sure this is still on the list: the issue with being unable to scroll the job list after reporting a post is still happening.

Community Member

I can't see any change yet on my Find Work Homepage.

**Edited for Community Guidelines**


You guys should bring back the notifications for pending invitations and offers in the home page.

Community Member

The new design is awesome. I don't have the 'my feed' column at all. The only ones I have are the best matches, recent, and saved columns. At first, I thought it was normal until I joined the community and saw the screenshot of how it was to look like. Is there anything that can be done about that? Thank you.

Now I can't apply to projects. The page "Submit a Proposal" isn't loading.

Hi Siarhei,


I checked this for you and was not able to replicate the issue you're describing. Could you please clear your cache and cookies or log in with another browser to check if you’re still experiencing the same issue?


Let us know if the issue persists.


Thank you.

~ Bojan

Hi Bojan!

Could you also check why I can't scroll my shortcuts? It's November 16, and this bug is still present. 

Hi Siarhei,


Are you experiencing issues with scrolling through the saved searches once you click on the "Edit Saved Searches" or when you're on the "My Feed" page? 

~ Bojan

Ofili C wrote:

The new design is awesome. I don't have the 'my feed' column at all. The only ones I have are the best matches, recent, and saved columns. At first, I thought it was normal until I joined the community and saw the screenshot of how it was to look like. Is there anything that can be done about that? Thank you.

Hi Ofili,


Glad to hear you like it! It looks like you don't have any saved searches and therefore there is nothing to show in My Feed. Go ahead and try running and saving some searches and they'll show in My Feed: 



~ Valeria

Valeria K wrote:

Ofili C wrote:

The new design is awesome. I don't have the 'my feed' column at all. The only ones I have are the best matches, recent, and saved columns. At first, I thought it was normal until I joined the community and saw the screenshot of how it was to look like. Is there anything that can be done about that? Thank you.

Hi Ofili,


Glad to hear you like it! It looks like you don't have any saved searches and therefore there is nothing to show in My Feed. Go ahead and try running and saving some searches and they'll show in My Feed: 



Valeria, I used to see the new design, but now I see the old one (I don't care if it stays that way).

Community Member

please add the "back to top" button back.

Community Member

Some days ago my Upwork homepage changed to the new design. It was looking better than what was before. But currently, it is restored to the old design. I'm wondering if it is happening just for me or for all? 

The new look.png

"Certa bonum certamen"


Make Upwork Really Great Again

Hi Ravindra, 

The area that you have identified currently displays a greeting. But as Mike has shared herethis section will be a carousel that will be used to share important announcements and information to talent. 

~ Avery
Community Member

Hi Avery,

Still, the box is a nonsense box. 


The new update doesn't need a big box that takes more than 20% of a page. That kind of announcement and information to talent can be done within a line or a maximum of 2 lines or by a different link. We just don't want to see that nonsense box, please. Please remove that box or make it in a level...don't take more than 20% of a page, please.  

Community Member

This is awful, why you have made a huge Good afternoon header almost on 30% of the page? 

I need to see the Recent Jobs here, not your Greetings.

How can I go back to old version of Upwork Web?

Hi Tatevik,


The area that you have identified currently displays a greeting. But as Mike has shared herethis section will be a carousel that will be used to share important announcements and information to talent. Thank you.

~ Goran

You can add "upwork.com##.announcements" rule to the Adblock extension to hide this awful Greetings block.


Meanwhile, I have next layout problem to be fixed

upwork layout.png


Community Member

Why was a new home page needed? Other one was perfectly fine. Now I have "Good morning" and my name screaming at me in 30+ font. The jobs shown are irrelevant to what I do. My categories start with the least important and the most important, which is what I do 90% of the time, is not even visible. Overall, the page is aesthetically unpleasing. 

I was so happy when it was back to the old layout after a few days. Today the new layout is back and I hate it. Make it go away.

Jennifer R wrote:

I was so happy when it was back to the old layout after a few days. Today the new layout is back and I hate it. Make it go away.

I have been luckier than you, the new design is gone and has not returned yet.
For me it can continue like this ad infinitum, which means that please do not implement the new version that is horrible, cumbersome, full of nonsense, etc ...

This is in regards to the recent changes to the Upwork Home Page.  A few observations :-

1) The top most part displaying my name and a Greeting with todays date is not helpful.


2) Now I see Best Matches, Most Recent & Jobs Saved tabs.

3) The problem is Upwork is deciding the jobs to be shown there and as it is Upwork search was never that great. Getting rid of the most recent jobs posted, be it in another domain is not visible.


Some feature Suggestions :-

1) May be add a feature which can make a job not to display in future search , like when I have already viewed a job, I decide this isn't great for me and if there was a button to simply exclude this particular job from further search results, that would be a time saver. I still use the Search jobs features.


2) Secondly If i see some jobs posted by some clients, is there a way I could totally block seeing their job posts in my search? This will be immensely helpful to freelancers as they could Qualify out clients!


Community Member

It is not easy to update the home page and see the "best matches" job instead of "recent jobs" and to see only one job in home page, then you need to make a few clicks and scroll all the time to look for job, it is the worst change from Upwork, please change it back to old layout.

Community Member

Dear Valeria

First of all, I want to thank you for your job!


Then my trouble:

I faced this issue with the new 'Find work' page design: when flagging a job post, the scroll bar is in the place before flagging.

After flagging scroll bar disappears, and the page isn't scrolling at all.



Hi Alexander,


I checked your account and it looks like you already have an open ticket about this concern. I can see that one of our agents has updated your ticket and provided troubleshooting steps that you can perform. Please feel free to follow up on the ticket by going here


~ Joanne
Community Member

Find Work Page - attached a screenshot  - so many quesitons arised in like 15 seconds after opening it:


- why am I seeing only two job posts using 1200px high monitor? (not mentioning the fact second one is just it's title and first line of description) 


- do you expect me to rotate my monitor by 90° to see more job posts at once?


- why am I notified on what day is this?


- do you think I forgot my name?


- are those green triangles and faint clouds should make me, I do not know, feel a bit better this morning?


- why that intro field is taking that much of space and my attention? Is that just intrusive excuse for making that bad ui?


Dang, I even can't attach the screenshot - here is what it gives me when I try to drag and drop it - 


The file type (.jpg) is not supported. Valid file types are: .jpg, .gif, .pdf, .pptx, .wmv, .png.

Community Member

Fully agree with Sergey.

And also whats the point of 2 search boxes ?

Whats worse, the search is broken, especially the client search. Just switched to my client account, looked for talent, search for keyword , and from already from page 2 showing duplicates from page 1. I I don't even mention that lots of talent have nothing in common with the keyword . And this has been the case for at least the past half year

Or search for job, did search for "alma" ( hungarian word for apple, the fruit ) . Basically shouldn't return anything unless someone looking for remote apple fruit picking jobs . Yet, there is 13 jobs matched .

Its frustrating when working features get disabled, yet broken stuff never gets fixed.

Community Member

Everything is fine with this new design except this big unnecessary box. 


This box has blocked 20% of the page unnecessarily. Also when I scroll down, I miss this.


I know you don't care about Freelancer, still, I have a request if you could remove that nonsense box.


Community Member

REALLY don't like the new design - it takes up far too much real estate on the screen whether phone, tablet, or computer and is more difficult to navigate.  Do NOT like the new messaging format either.


While redesign is 'nice', fixing what already may be wrong is better than introducing a 'mess' without forewarning.  As a long term freelancer, please address requested issues before arbitrarily redesigning.

Community Member

Screenshot (4).png

Most of the screen space is coverd by the good evening message. We can't see the new projects. I think this message is unnecessary. Kindly remove if it is possible.

Community Member

«Kindly remove if it is possible.»


ahah, do not expect it to be something upwork could do - they said it would take months to roll back to '6 screenshots per hour' workdiary view

thus this giant welcome message will disappear in like 2025 

Community Member

REALLY dumb that the number of applicants is no longer seen on the initial presentation - have to open each project to see if there are already "too many applicants" - a complete waste of my time.


Wasted screen real estate, wasted time, what else will you find to bollix.

Community Member

Holly A wrote:

REALLY dumb that the number of applicants is no longer seen on the initial presentation - have to open each project to see if there are already "too many applicants" - a complete waste of my time.


Wasted screen real estate, wasted time, what else will you find to bollix.

I had the new design for a while and it seemed horrible to me, but I didn't notice it.
Have they really cut the number of applicants?
I have a screenshot and when I took it the numbers were still there.

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