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Top Rated Badge

I earned my Top rated badge back in Febuary (2023) and I just noticed that it is not showing on my profile. I need help fixing it. I already had 100% JSS but when my client ended our contract just this July, It immediately dropped to 65% and the top rated badge won't show anymore. I earned it on Fabruary 2023.


Community Member

Your JSS is 65% now. You can be top-rated with JSS 90% more. No fix needed. 

Complete more works with good feedbacks, increase JSS.

Thank you for your quick response. I already had 100% JSS but when my client ended our contract just this July, It immediately dropped to 65% and the top rated badge won't show anymore. I earned it on Fabruary 2023. 

You can request feedback removal if this contract dropped it. You have 2 weeks from time when top-rated gone.

The feedback is 4 over 5. Did it affect the drop in my JSS? 

Public is 4\5. Private is x\10. You will never know what private feedback left. 

I understand. I think 2 weeks have passed since they ended my contract. I guess I'll just have to work on it again. 😞 

Is there anyway I can have it removed by the client, or is it too late? 

Ask support. 

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