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Upload Button Not Working



I've been attempting to bid on some projects, but when I try to click the "Upload Files" to attach my portfolio, I click it, but nothing happens. I've tried on multiple job postings, and it's the same thing, not working. Is anyone else having this issue?


Hi Hannah,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I checked but I could not replicate the issue you experience. Could you please clear your cache and cookies or log in with another browser? 


If the issue still persists please share a screenshot from your end so that we can check and assist you further. 


~ Nikola

Hi Nikola. 


Thanks for your reply. I did try clearing my cache and using a different browser and the issue still happens. I'm not sure how a screenshot will help, but I've attached one to this message. Ironically enough, when I tried to click the "browse" button to attach the screenshot to this message, it also isn't working. I had to drag and drop instead. 


When I click the "upload" button, nothing happens. 

Hi Hannah,


Aray here stepping in for Nikola. I tried this as well and I can't seem to replicate the issue. The page leads me to my files when I click on the "Upload" button. However, we truly appreciate you reporting this to us. We'll have this further reviewed by the team. It's good to hear that the manual "Drag and Drop" option works. Let us know if you still need further assistance.


~ Arjay
Community Member

Hello Hannah,


In addition to the Moderator's comment, then reboot your computer and check your Internet connection. Have a great day!

Community Member

hey, if you are using the mobile app then please update it, if you are using a desktop, search disc in your window and clean up disk temporary files and internet temporary files, then try to upload.

This is Anwar Ali, Psychologist, (Academic) SEO specialist, Google Adsense Expert, and Digital Marketer( by profession). as an SEO specialist, I am a Freelancer on Upwork with a rising talent badge and a friend of search engines. I shake hands with google during getting approval from google Adsense or faxing any issue related to an Adsense account so we (me and google) cooperate with each other.
The Interesting thing is that I have eager to find solutions for problems in my field that don't have any solutions till now.
Community Member

Thanks for all of the suggestions! It's still not working for me after trying all of that. Thankfully the drag and drop still works, but hopefully this issue figures itself out I guess.

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