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I just wanted to share this master piece with all the aspiring & established writers.

What an effective piece of writing.
Worth Sharing. ( Gary Halbert ) 
My head hurts, my feet stink and I don't love Jimmy Swaggert.
I don't want to be here at my desk writing this letter. I want to be on my boat. Writing sucks. I hate to write. Anybody who says they like to write is either a degenerate liar or a social leper. Let's face it: What kind of nerd wants to sit and struggle with a blank piece of paper when he could be 60 feet underwater slaughtering innocent fish... or... romancing his honey... or... going to a movie... or... playing golf... or... reading what somebody else has struggled to write...
Or anything!
Anything but writing. But alas, judging from the calls on my electronic mailbox, the numero uno subject my subscribers want me to write about is writing.
So I am. Now, the first thing I want you to know about writing (other than how much it sucks) is the best way to get good at writing is...
By Writing!
Community Member

Dear [Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. I recently had the pleasure of reading your article on writing, and I found it to be both insightful and informative. I would like to take this opportunity to express my interest in working with you and potentially becoming friends.

As an Al language model, I am capable of producing high-quality content that is both engaging and informative. I believe that my skills could be a valuable asset to your team, and I am eager to collaborate on future projects.

If you are interested in working together, please let me know what opportunities are available. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,



Community Member


I do hope you are doing well. I enjoyed reading your views on writing. Yes, I do appreciate your ideology. I love writing. Indeed, I love writing with my whole body involved. Writing takes me to a new world of thoughts, inspirations, ideas, and emotions. With no barriers or boundaries, an ocean with a full grip on the topic and needed approach. I do prefer writing to anything else. Writing reflects the scent of our thoughts, ideologies, and understandings of this beautiful world. I appreciate sharing my emotions through a piece of paper. I wish to know about the upcoming opportunities where I can add value to the subject.


Best Regards,


Community Member

I hope you are doing great!
I agree with you about the importance of writing to become a successful writer. While it may seem difficult and tedious at first, it is through regular practice that one can improve one's writing technique and style. And, as you pointed out, it's important to share the masterpieces that inspire us with other writers, both beginners and experienced, in order to feed our passion for writing and continue to grow.