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Word document goes berserk with endnotes

I'm checking in with people I know who deal with large documents to see if anyone has experienced this, and I thought I'd also ask here. Someone has sent me a 400-page file with over 1000 endnotes, and crazy things are happening when she tries to add more (and yes, I think she still has more to add). 

It's no longer possible to add endnotes to the end of the document, and odd things are happening with the ones that she's added at earlier points in the document. Parts of the sentence that contains the superscrpted endnote marker are ending up in text boxes in the header. Some of the endnote text is showing up in text boxes at the end. 

Has anyone experienced this before?  I'm trying to find a global fix, but I suspect going over 1000 footnotes might be maxxing out Word's capacity to handle them. One of the options might be splitting the document into smaller documents. 

Any thoughts?

Community Member

I can't help you with this particular problem, but all I can say is Word drives me nuts. Maybe it's a good program and I'm just not used to using it. But I can't understand why I can't just drag and drop a file from the home page into the Upwork message box. 

Community Member

Word does as it's told, so at some point it's been told something peculiar. 1,000 notes shouldn't be a problem in itself.


I would divide the document into sections so the endnotes fall at the end of each section rather than at the end of the document. You'll have to tell Word that's where you want them to be. (You can revert them  to the end of the document once you've sorted it.)


There's a good chance that your problem only appears in certain sections. Once you've identified where it is, you can start working out what it is. And if you do have to replace endnotes, you can minimise the number this way.


You mention 1,000 footnotes. In addition to the endnotes? Is that a separate issue? Or did you mistype?


Edited to add: Are the problems at both ends? Are you both working with the same version of Word? Neither of you doing something creative like moving a doc or docx file from something like Open Office or Office Libre to Word? This sort of thing can happen with 'compatible' software.


An alternative is that the error was inserted due to some copy/pasting that added a command from another file. In which case you might need to sternly tell your client to paste in unformatted text (paste from menu using A rather than Ctrl+ V).

Community Member

Renata S wrote:

I'm checking in with people I know who deal with large documents to see if anyone has experienced this, and I thought I'd also ask here. Someone has sent me a 400-page file with over 1000 endnotes, and crazy things are happening when she tries to add more (and yes, I think she still has more to add). 

It's no longer possible to add endnotes to the end of the document, and odd things are happening with the ones that she's added at earlier points in the document. Parts of the sentence that contains the superscrpted endnote marker are ending up in text boxes in the header. Some of the endnote text is showing up in text boxes at the end. 

Has anyone experienced this before?  I'm trying to find a global fix, but I suspect going over 1000 footnotes might be maxxing out Word's capacity to handle them. One of the options might be splitting the document into smaller documents. 

Any thoughts?

So 1000 Endnotes is way more than I have ever seen used, by like 900, and the sheer amount could be causing Word and Endnote to crash. Endnote libraries have to update. And a Word file creates a "Traveling library". A traveling library of 100 references would have 1000 links/lines of code back to Endnote. I don't think any reference software is intended to put 1000 links in a single document. 


Can you split the document into multiple documents to thereby lessen the load? Otherwise I think this would be an issue for the Endnote help desk. 


I am a daily Endnote user. I understand the issues with loading your talking about, and my opinion is that it's directly related to the number of Endnotes trying to be saved into one document. 

I'm really confused. I thought the OP was about using the endnotes function within Word. Is this about a separate piece of software linked to Word?


1,000 notes is an easily reached number for an academic thesis/book.

Kim F wrote:

I'm really confused. I thought the OP was about using the endnotes function within Word. Is this about a separate piece of software linked to Word?


1,000 notes is an easily reached number for an academic thesis/book.

Endnote (capital E) is a reference software that links to Word. It offers a Cite While You Write (CWYW) function and so the Word doc actually does contain links back to the Endnote library. 1000 linked Endnote (not endnote) references could easily crash a Word doc, which is why you usually separate chapters then put them together at the end. 


I may have automatically read into it that Renata meant Endnote software versus simple endnotes in Word using Word's reference tools. 

Renata, did you ever figure this out? I'm curious to know the resolution.