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Pennsylvanians anywhere?

Hey friends,

I'm relatively new to Upwork and was wondering if anyone is part of or has stumbled upon and groups or communities for Pennsylvania residents?


In the meantime, I'm going to indulge in my favorite bad habit, shopping on Amazon and convincing myself I MUST have that to continue living, or that we NEED that to make daily life bearable. Plus I need to feed my need for instant gratification in the form of same day delivery. 🤣 Sad but just a tad bit too true.

What things do you guys have a tendency to indulge in, knowing you probably shouldn't but can't resist sometimes?


P. S. I should probably add cancel prime membership to my to do list today... 

Community Member

If you are buying things from Amazon that you don't need,  from the money you don't have (aka credit cards) then you definitely need to cancel your prime membership.  Amazon wants you to buy things,  the more important question is what do you want?


Consider reading a few articles from Mr. Money Moustache,  he has some great advice on how to achieve financial freedom. 

Community Member

Here is something I found very relevant...


Figure out your Real Earnings and Spending
The idea here is that your real hourly wage is much lower than you think. You can figure it out as follows, and I’ll even put in some plausible figures for a person with a $50,000 annual salary:

Take your total monthly income after federal and state taxes: ($3500)
Then subtract all work-related expenses (commuting, clothes, restaurant lunches, housekeepers, daycare,de-stressing activities etc) ($1500)
Divide this by your total work time (including commuting, dressing up, clothes cleaning, unwinding time, etc.) (248 hours)

The net result is that you take home a lot less than you think, and spend a lot more time doing it. In the example above, the $50k earner ends up bringing home only $8.06 for each hour spent in activities directly related to the job. Thus, when you decide to buy yourself an 8 dollar treat at Starbucks or at the pub, you’ve really just burned off an entire hour of “life energy” which you’ll never get back – you have to add that hour to the end of your work career to achieve financial independence.

Tracking your spending is the easy part – the book recommends you use a notebook to handle everything, whereas I just do all of my spending by credit card, allowing it to be tracked automatically. The key, however, is you should know exactly what you buy each day, and why you decide to buy it. No more unconscious impulse shopping.

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