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Can't submit proposals.

I can't submit any more proposals. I have 26 remaining connects. The 'submit a proposal' is grayed out and unresponsive.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Moe, 

I checked your account and can see that you are being asked to complete your video-chat verification which is why you are currently unable to submit proposals. Please complete the verification process so that the temporary limitation to your account can be lifted and you can start working on Upwork. 

~ Avery

View solution in original post

Community Member

No longer a problem.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Moe, 

I checked your account and can see that you are being asked to complete your video-chat verification which is why you are currently unable to submit proposals. Please complete the verification process so that the temporary limitation to your account can be lifted and you can start working on Upwork. 

~ Avery
Community Member

I just did that and the temporary limitaion has been lifted. 


Thanks for replying.

Community Member

I am face also same problem but the upwork support dose not send me video calling link. i am click the worrning here button but it automaticly gose to home page ...

Hi Fozle Alahie,


Could you please try accessing the link once again? If it still redirects, please reply directly to the email notification that was just sent to you. 



~ Valeria

After all i get my email reply after using this email provided link then it working ...And i am complete the varification over video call...

Hello Good day, I can't submit proposals, and "Action required: To avoid additional account restrictions, you must complete your identity verification video call with Upwork. You can initiate this call by chatting with an agent here." When I click the link "HERE"

Hi Darcy,


Please try accessing the link directly from your ticket, you can access your ticket section on this Link. If you`re still experiencing any issues let me know, thank you.

~ Goran

Can I do Video chat verification through mobile phone

Hi Farhat, 

You may update this support ticket and let the team know that you only have a mobile phone available to complete your video-chat verification. The team will get back to you with more information on how you can complete the verification process. 

~ Avery
Community Member

Good day!


Can you also help me with my account? When I try to submit a proposal, it just directs we to a blank upwork page.


Hoping for your response.


Thank you and have a great day!

Hi Ashley,


I checked your account but was not able to replicate the problemion you mentioned.
Please try clearing your cache and cookies or logging in with another browser, thank you.

~ Goran
Community Member

Hi, I wanna enquire about the link to the video chat. Where do I get the link?


Hi Aref,


Thanks for reaching out to us. You can find the link by looking in your support tickets or use this link.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar
Community Member


I have the same problem. What Can I do?

Hi Margherita,


I'm sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you. I followed up with the team handling your case and you should be all set now. Let us know if you need further assistance.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Hi there.


I can write proposals but when I click "submit the proposal" nothing happens.


Can you please help?


Thank you in advance.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Michael,


Could you please clear your cache and cookies or log in with another browser to check if you’re still experiencing the same issue?


Let us know if the issue persists.


Thank you.

~ Bojan
Community Member

Still doesn't work. I'm getting tired of filling out proposals. What should
I do?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Michael,


Could you please confirm if you're experiencing this issue while you're using your freelancer account or the agency one? 


Currently, your status is the exclusive member of your agency. That means that you can only apply for jobs under the agency and can’t apply as an independent freelancer. 


If you'd like to update your exclusivity, log into your Upwork Agency account and look under Settings > Members and Permissions.


Thank you! 

~ Bojan
Community Member


Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately when I follow your instructions I can't find a setting that
allows adjust my exclusivity in Members and Permissions.

What else could it be?

Kind regards

Hello Michael,


Thank you for your message. You will need to switch to your agency account before you access your Members and Permissions on the Settings page. You can switch to the agency profile from the drop-down at the top right of your Upwork page. Feel free to message us if you need further assistance.


Thank you.



Thank you for your help! I got to send my first proposal 😀

Hi! How do I get Connects? Its saying that, 


You don’t have enough Connects to submit this proposal.

Hi Abul Hasnat Mohamm,


If you need more Connects to submit a proposal, you will have to purchase them from your account. Connects are not sold individually, but bundles begin at $1.50 for 10 Connects. Regardless of which bundle you choose, all Connects are priced at $0.15 apiece. Here are your bundle options:


10 for $1.50

20 for $3

40 for $6

60 for $9

80 for $12


This can vary based on your location, but all Upwork users will be able to purchase Connects with a credit card or prepaid card. If you aren’t able to use a credit card or prepaid card or you don’t have an Upwork balance, in many cases you’ll be able to use PayPal. To see the options available to you, click here.

~ Joanne
Community Member

Hi there


Great work helping Moe to solve his submit a proposal issue. I'm experiencing similiar, I can fill out proposals using my freelance and agency account but once I'm ready to hit the send button nothing happens. Can you help?


Thanks in advance.



Hi Michael,


Please try to clear your cache and cookies or log in via another browser to submit a proposal. If you're still experiencing the same problem after this, thank you.

~ Goran
Community Member

hello Avery I have the same problem the "submit proposal" bottom is greyed out so I'm not able to apply for jobs, even though I had certificated my id ,face, number and I had completed jobs before , my account has been suspended for no reason, I didn't get any notification from Upwork about what should I do, please check my account and help thanks in advance.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Asma,


It looks like your team already reached out to you via support ticket regarding this. Please refer to your ticket here


Community Member

hello, Avery me too, I cannot submit proposals on my upwork. pls help. thanks


hi. Im Janiero. Can someone help me understand upwork. i Am new user. and now connected to an agency. i want to maximize my upwork account by initiating another proposal to a client. but i cannot submit a proposal, and says my accoutn is private. how come? pls help me. thank you.

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Janiero,


I have checked your account and it looks like you are an exclusive member of an agency. Please note that Agency members who are exclusive work on Upwork only as part of their agency. This is the most common type of agency relationship. Their profile and proposals are branded with the agency to make the agency’s part in the work relationship clear to clients. All contract payments are paid out to the agency. Exclusive members don’t have the option to submit proposals as an individual and all their proposals are submitted as members of the agency. Please check this help article for more details.




~ Arjay
Community Member

I also can't submit proposals. This has never happened before. I click the button and it just loads indefinately. I've checked my internet speed and it's 600 download 1k upload and I've tried with a vpn 

Hi Marvin,


Thank you for your message. I'll have one of our customer support agents to reach out to you directly and assist you further.


Thank you,


Community Member


I am having the same issue. I can't reply to a proposal, please help.



Hi Alana,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Could you please share a screenshot of the error message from your end so that we can check and assist you accordingly? 


~ Nikola
Community Member

Can you help me with this problem too, please. Someone sent me an invitation for a proposal and I can't, the 'submit a proposal' is grayed out and unresponsive.

Community Member

I'm also facing the same problem. I create new account on upwork but 'submit a proposal' is grayed out and unresponsive. And i didn't get any email from upwork.

Hi Yasir,


One of our team members will reach out to you directly via a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your tickets on this page.

~ Nikola
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