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client asked me payment outside upwork.

client name is  **Edited for Community Guidelines**

job link is   **Edited for Community Guidelines**

another job link     **Edited for Community Guidelines**


he asked me project payment outside Upwork

and he forced me.

I want my project payment via Upwork but the client denied making project payment via Upwork.


Please help me in this case.

I have all chat proof so i can show to upwork


Thank you.

Community Member

You have a few problems here.
1) You should not be communicating outside of Upwork without a contract first. This is against Upwork's ToS. So you should never have begun talking to this client on Skype without being first hired through Upwork.
2) You seem to have started working without a contract in place as well? Don't do this either. 
3) Clients can't force you to do anything. You can always say no. So when a client asks you to violate the ToS, risking your own account getting banned, tell them no and move on from the client. 


If you want to continue working for this person, you should immediately tell them you will only communicate on Upwork and will not do anymore work until he has opened the contract. But if it were me, I probably wouldn't work with a client that is willing to risk my account getting banned. That's not a very good client.

View solution in original post

Community Member

Sawrabh K wrote:

I want my project payment via Upwork 


You just kissed your Upwork account Goodbye by posting proof that you communicated with the client outside the platform (violation 1) and eagerly agreed to be paid via bank transfer (violation 2)


Sawrabh K wrote:

and he forced me.

He didn't force you. You asked how payment would be handled, he told you that it's by bank transfer, you agreed to it by saying "Fine" and did the work.

Community Member

How is this client forcing you? **Edited for Community Guidelines**

the client refused me to make payment via Upwork he told me on call very clearly that he will not make payment via Upwork.


I have all proof that how he forced me.

and please Upwork help me.


and I do not receive any project amount outside Upwork from the client.


Sawrabh K wrote:

... and I do not receive any project amount outside Upwork from the client.

No, but you have posted proof that you 1) communicated with the client outside the platform and 2) agreed to be paid via bank transfer.


That's 2 major policy violations, each enough to permanently suspend you.


Sawrabh K wrote:

and please Upwork help me.

Help you with what? You decided to take the communication outside of Upwork and agreed to be paid via bank transfer. Game over.


to petra r


I never received any project amount outside Upwork okay.

I only talk over the Upwork chat system to the client.

and I want to contact to Upwork authority so I can show call and chat to Upwork.


I always follow all protocols on Upwork.





That's funny because the screenshot you shared sure isn't the Upwork user interface.

Sawrabh K wrote:

I never received any project amount outside Upwork okay.

No, you eagerly agreed to it, which is enough.


Sawrabh K wrote:

I only talk over the Upwork chat system to the client.

Really? So the Skype (or whatever it is... it's not Upwork) screenshot you originally attached as proof was a figment of my imagination?


Sawrabh K wrote:

I always follow all protocols on Upwork.

No, you do not. And you very helpfully attached the proof.


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

have you seen the complete chat and call between me and the client?

I will show complete chat and call to Upwork senior authority.




You mean the complete chat between you and the client OUTSIDE of Upwork with no contract in place? Do you understand that was a TOS violation and red flag right there? All communication with the client is required to remain on Upwork prior to a signed contract. So you are not allowed to share skype, email or whatever pre-construction. Your evidence only proves your "guilt."

to Amanda L

have you seen chat and call on Upwork chat and call system?


I need the contact information to Upwork senior authority.

I am honest with Upwork I know it.

I am ready for any investigation.


I will show Upwork chat to Upwork senior authority.

Thank you.

Sawrabh K wrote:

I will show Upwork chat to Upwork senior authority.

No "senior authority" will bother with this nonsense, but expect someone to contact you very soon....

Also, Upwork can see the Upwork chat. You don't have to show it to them. The Upwork chat is not the problem, the NOT-ON-UPWORK chat where you agreed to be paid by bank transfer is.


And the "client" you worked with previously....

Hi Sawrabh,


Thanks for waiting patiently. One of our team members already reached out to you directly via a support ticket to assist you further.

Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Hi all,


Sawrabh, I will look into this further and will get back to you once I have more information.


Please be mindful of the Community Guidelines before posting as few posts from this thread were already removed/edited.


Thank you.



~ Aleksandar

He didn't force you to do anything. He said he would pay through a bank transfer and you agreed. You had a choice to say no and instead you decided to work off platform. Are you incapable of deciding when to take a job or not?

Force implies there is an ultimatum and that the result of one choice is retribution. How exactly was this client going to do anything to you if you said, no, we have to contrac through Upwork? He couldn't. There was nothing he could do to you for saying no, hence he didn't force you to do anything.

So you agreed to be paid off of Upwork, now the client hasn't paid you, and that's the only reason that you're reporting him. Correct? I hope that Upwork investigates your account to see how many other times you've done this.

to Christine,

you are not correct.

I do not agree with the client that s the reason I making a complaint regarding the issue.

and this project is new 

I am ready for any investigation.


First of all, you communicated with a client with no contract in place outside of Upwork. That is a TOS violation, as has been mentioned. Then you agreed to be paid outside of Upwork, another TOS violation. Your best bet is to plead for forgiveness for breaking these terms of service and hope you don't get permanently banned from the platform.

Sawrabh K wrote:

I am ready for any investigation.

I'm sure you are. Also into your first contract... and the client in question.


Amanda L wrote:
 Your best bet is to plead for forgiveness for breaking these terms of service and hope you don't get permanently banned from the platform.

I think that ship has sailed. (take a closer look at the only contract on his profile for number 3 in "all bad things come in 3s"...)

Why do you keep saying that everyone is wrong? You attached PROOF that you communicated off of Upwork and that you agreed to accept a payment off of the platform. The fact that you never actually got the payment doesn't mean you're an innocent victim - why is it so difficult for you to understand that you did something wrong? The time to report this client was when he offered to pay you by bank transfer, not after you agreed and did the work. And if you're so scared of this client, why are you reporting him now?
Community Member

You have a few problems here.
1) You should not be communicating outside of Upwork without a contract first. This is against Upwork's ToS. So you should never have begun talking to this client on Skype without being first hired through Upwork.
2) You seem to have started working without a contract in place as well? Don't do this either. 
3) Clients can't force you to do anything. You can always say no. So when a client asks you to violate the ToS, risking your own account getting banned, tell them no and move on from the client. 


If you want to continue working for this person, you should immediately tell them you will only communicate on Upwork and will not do anymore work until he has opened the contract. But if it were me, I probably wouldn't work with a client that is willing to risk my account getting banned. That's not a very good client.

I made an informative thread about payments outside of Upwork. You should check it. 🙂 

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