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Can't register new freelancer account

Hi Upwork supporters,


My friend is a good developer and he want to become a freelancer member of Upwork.
But when he sign-up an account, when click next button of step 2, he always got the message:
"This almost never happens, but something went wrong. Please try again later or contact support for assistance."
How to my friend can register new freelancer account?



Community Member

I cant access any account with upwork and I should only have one account
associated with this email address.
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Niti, 

I would like to confirm if you are getting a cloudfare issue when you're trying to access the Upwork website? If so, please know that we have received similar reports, and the team is working to resolve the issue. 

Let me know if you are referring to a different case so that I can look into it further.

~ Avery
Community Member

Hi, Im having the same issue creating a freelance account. Could you please help me?

Hi Daniele,


I checked your account, and this account that you used in the community is a freelancer account. Are you having issues with completing it to 100%? 

~ Joanne
Community Member

I figured out what was the problem.
It was the city field inside the registration form.
Thanks anyway



My friend has big project to work on upwork but can't start as has same registration issue. May I PM you his email? I will highly appreciate if you can help with that as that project is extremely important for our company and my friend is very valuable for bringing it done in time.




Hi Grigor, 

Was your friend able to do some of the basics of the registration process? If so they should be able to post here in the Community. Otherwise, they can contact us through our other support channels and we'll be happy to assist your friend further.

~ Avery

He did all required and fulfilled account, but he got message that upwork get's 10000 requests each day and it's only for chosen ones and so on... **edited for Community Guidelines** I see no objective reasons why he got refuse. He is very high level professional in embedded programming (there are very few such level pros on upwork, guess can count on one hand). 

Here is his profile link. He said he resubmitted profile now, but that don't looks right 😞

**edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi Grigor, 


Please know that Upwork does not discriminate against color, race or national origin. We are happy to welcome freelancers who have skills and experience that are in demand in our marketplace.


I would like to note that your friend's registration has already been accepted. If he needs help with anything, he can reach out to us directly and we'll assist him further with his concern.

~ Avery



Yes, I know about upwork policies and exactly that's why this situation was very unexpected for me.

Just got confirmation that his account is active now, thanks a lot for quick answering and help!


Have a nice day and take care.




Community Member

hi I'm having the same problem to make the registration, not allowing me to register with my mail, is something that has never happened to me.

Hi Jose Alberto,


I checked and can see that you successfully verified your email. Are you referring to that you attempted to register with an email that's different from the one you used on the account you're currently posting with? If not, would you mind clarifying?


Thank you.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hi, I need you assistance. When I type my email in to create an account the app either doesn't respond or referes me to clients app. 


We were able to solve the issue we had by going to Google Chrome Settings and clearing the cache. Once we did, we were able to register the new Upwork account. It was suggested by another community member.


Hope that helps!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Thabiso,


It looks like you already have this client account open. Please know you can create a freelancer profile from your account by going to your Settings! Check out this help article to lern more.


Community Member

Every time I complete the section of my profile, it won't let me click 'Next' although I've completed all of the sections. How can I get to the next section?



Hi Emily,

If you`re directed back to the same page, please try clearing your cache and cookies or logging in with another browser to submit your application. Thank you.

~ Goran



It doesn't even let me get to that part. The 'Next' button simply doesn't let me press it, it remains grey. 


I have attached photos so you can see.



Hi Emily,


I just checked your account and can confirm that you have successfully submitted your application for a review. Please allow 24 to 48 hours for the review to be completed, thank you.

~ Goran

Thank you!

Hello! My wife has the same issue. She can't sign up. How can we solve it?


Thank you,


Hi Nick,


Could you please click on my name and send me a PM with the email address associated with your wife's account? I'll check that for you and advise you accordingly.


Thank you.

~ Bojan

Same here. My daughter is trying to create an account but she can't get past "Validating your email / Checking your email." There's no error message, just a neverending loading icon. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Hi Jacqueline,


Can you please send me a PM with the email address she registered with? I'll be happy to check and assist you accordingly.


Thank you,

~ Luiggi
Community Member

This is still a problem, four years later. I've been trying to register a freelancer account for myself for almost a week, and have gotten the same message. I've contacted support, and all they've done is ask four days after submitting the ticket if the issue was still ongoing. 

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