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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


Thank you!


View solution in original post

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Community Member

Yes Please check my profile.

Yes Please check my Profile.

go for project and post some project and highlight your work 

Yes please check my profile.

I would like you to help me to join my first job

how was this pocess?





Holy smokes! I did not expect such a confident write up from someone so young. (You look young to me -- I guarantee I'm a bit older than you.) 

Anyway, confidence is perhaps the number one thing you need when you are starting out. And your sense of confidence and your focus and sense of purpose all blew me away. Right from the opening -- that's a great opening you have there.

But first I looked at your portfolio and thought "I hope this guy mentions his range of styles" and, sure enough, you did exactly that. So that's terrific.


Here's what you might do: You might write a sentence or two about your professional experiences. Just say someting like, "I have sold illustrations to _____, _____, and _____." 

That tells people that other people took a risk on you and they seem to have been pleased with the results.

Also, if you do have another style or two to show us, do that. I really noticed only two styles ... 

If not, you should probably post one or two more illustrations whether they are in the same style or not. And, you don't have to post only items you've sold, so feel free to sit down and work out a new style or two and whip up some new samples -- as long as they meet your standards, which seem pretty high.

Another thing to say is "My illustration are appropriate for storybooks, album covers, CD covers, posters, marketing material, graphic novels ...." and anything else you can think of. Sometimes a customer is looking for a book jacket cover and will pass you buy simply because they didn't see the words "book jacket cover" in your write up. I'm not very technical, but apparently people can do a "keyword" search to find workers and if you don't litter your write up with the right keywords you could be passing up opportunities.

You will do great over time ... expand your mind from a business point of view. Create a business that reflects your ambitions ... 

Good luck. I'm impressed. 

Yes please check my profile 






I like your write up. It covers a lot of ground. It also does the three things all profiles must do: It is friendly; it tells us you are an expert; and it has plenty of confidence. 

Frankly, I think you should double your rate, but that's up to you. 

can you please check my profile


Hard working, reliable, passionate. There are 10,000 web developers on Upwork who say they are hardworking, reliable and passionate. You sound exactly like everybody else. 

What makes you different? What do you offer they don't offer? What services, skills, personal touch do you have that nobody else has?





Hi Anthony,


Please check my profile also. Thank you very much!

Yes, please check my profile.😊

Hello pls check my profile and give me some feedback.

Thank you so much

Please check my profile

Yes, please check my profile and rate out of 10

Please check my profile & give your valuable feedback about my profile. Thanks!

Saif Ullah

Pls check my profile and give me feedback on how i should improve it 


Yes reviewe my Profile

Hello i have reviewed your profile keep on view mine also


Please check my profile too




Don't take this the wrong way, but why would you define yourself as a good leader given the point that freelancers work for themselves? Who do you expect to lead? 

Clients care about the service they are buying. That's what they are spending their money on. 

A client doesn't necessarily care what software you use; they probably only care if what you do fits the operating system they have. So instead of saying "I know these software applications," what you should say is "I will make sure to use software that is compatible with your operating system."


The overall point is that the profile should be a sales pitch about your service or services and talk to clients on their level. What are you selling and how will your customers benefit from buying that from you? 

Make sure you sound friendly and confident. But focus mostly on the service(s) and how clients will benefit. The rest will fall into place.






Hello pls could you review my own profile too and give me feedback 🙂


Please check my profile )

Yes, please check my profile.


One sentence? That's all you've got? 


Would you hire someone on the strength of one sentence? That seems unlikely at best.

Hello Muhammad, I saw your profile I find kind great, can you take a look on mine, please?

Hey Bruno, I saw your profile, can you take a look at mine, please?


can you please check my profile too


Dear Concern,

Please advise me to enrich my knowledge.

Yes please check my profile.



Maybe I'm being dense, but what services are you selling? You should spell that out. 


One way to think that through is to describe the problem or problems you can solve. Finish this sentence, "I can help you ......."


clients are hiring you to fix a problem or problems. That's what your profile should focus on. 

Check my profile also. 

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