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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was closed as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.


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Community Manager

Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.


Thank you!


View solution in original post

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Hello Kerri:

Your profile is set to private, you should make it public to get reviews.

Can you check my profile for review on it.



Community Member

Hi there, awesome community members!

I'm so grateful for this topic. It's really helpful for beginners and experts alike to discover new things they might have overlooked. Everyone has something to teach, whether they are new or experienced.

That being said, can you please share your honest feedback on my profile? I'm totally new to Upwork and I'm open to any suggestions you have to improve it.
Here's the link to my profile: Salman Khan - Jr. Frontend Developer || JS and WordPress Expert - Upwork Freelancer from Dhaka, Bang...

Community Member

Hi Salman,


Welcome to Upwork.


I reviewed your profile and I think you have a good approach. I have a few suggesions that might help improve your overall profile:


Title: I suggest you make a few changes to your title: 1) Don't call yourself a "junior" developer. When a client looks for a developer, you are the expert. Also, I suggest adding a dash "-" to frontend, and spelling "JavaScript." The reason is because Upwork will probably match you with better jobs when those words are spelled out instead of acronyms. So, I think your title should be something like: Front-End Developer | JavaScript and WordPress Expert.


Education: Unless you want to keep it hidden, add a timeframe to your BISC attendance.


Overview/Summary: Your summary has good information. You tell clients exactly what you can provide and I think it will give clients a good idea of how you can help them.


Portfolio: Add a portfolio to showcase sample work you have completed and to demonstrate your experience. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


Employment History and Other Experiences: If you have a job history and other experiences related to front-end/web development, you should add them. Every part of your profile helps contribute to its completeness, and help position you in search results.


I think that's it for now. After you make these updates, it should help clients get a better picture of you, and how you can help them meet their needs.


Good luck!

Community Member

Hello Upworkers 🙂

Kindly give me some feedback on my profile - Not getting any work at the moment


Community Member

Hello Richard,


There are a few short reviews of your profile in response to your message on May 21, 2023 12:59:49 AM. Those appear on page 24 of this thread.

Community Member



I need help with my profile.


Your rate is much too low and you have to explain exactly what problems you can solve and how that will benefit your clients. You have to be specific as possible. People want to know what they are getting for their money.

Community Member

Dear colleagues,

after reading a lot of information about the profiles, I have created my own and now need someone else to look at it with fresh eyes to identify possible areas for improvement.

I would appreciate your constructive feedback.

Thank you.



Don't say you'll do your best to get back to them ... say you'll get back to them.

Dear Anthony,


thank you for your feedback, really appreciated.

Community Member

Dear Upwork Community,


I hope this post finds you well. I am writing today to ask for your feedback on my Upwork profile. Currently, I work as an in-house counsel and I send proposals to clients with reference forms outlining the ways in which I will provide my legal services. These forms are in pdf format and demonstrate how I would draft policies, contracts and legal documents.


However, despite my efforts, I often do not receive a response from clients and it leaves me feeling confused and unsure if I have met their requirements or if my approach is not right. 


That's why I am reaching out to the Upwork community, hoping to receive some feedback on my profile and approach. I would greatly appreciate any input from experienced freelancers on how I could improve my profile and proposals to increase my chances of landing clients.


Thank you for taking the time to read my post.




Your profile is not strong enough. It is only one sentence. Would you hire me based on one sentence? Probably not. Would you hire a lawyer based on one sentence? Absolutely not.

You also post your title as "In House Council." Huh? Do you know what freelance is? It's the opposite of in-house. It's completely outside the house. It's independent work ... basically you will almost never be the prionciple lawyer as a freelancer. You will be adjunct.

Beyond that, you have to explain what problems you can solve. No lawyer is great at everything. Do you do crimminal law or business law or accident and injury law or civil law ...????? What?????


I think if you send referene forms along with your proposals you have probably missed the point of a proposal letter.

One of the most important things to remember is that you have to be very, very, very confident to land a job in freelance. You have to say "I am an expert who can get the job done."


When you write a proposal letter you should be so confident that you don't need reference letters. Say in your own letter that you can supply them, but don't send them. 

How to explain this: A proposal letter is NOT (NOT) ((NOT)) when you ask for a job. It's when you ask for a discussion with the client about their problems. You do NOT ask for a job in a proposal letter. You tell them you are available for a discussion. That's all. 

If you press your luck, you will scare them away. They are NOT going to hire you from a letter. Never. They hire you later after you discuss your skills and the project with them. So in the letter DO NOT ask them to hire you. Just tell them you are an expert who understands their problems and are available. 


You won't get a response  every time, but you know when someone does respond that your chances of success are much better.

Community Member





I need more appreciation and support from my all experties because I want to grow and I want to learn more about my work. I had open my account on upwork in 2022 but I have never get work yet please help me 🙏https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~017c806dcf3c418faf this is my profile link please guide me

Thank you 


Your profile is not very convincing in part because you've put very little effort into it.  You wrote two sentences and messed up the paragraph breaks.

You must describe some of your past successes. You must explain to people why hiring you will benefit them. You must let people know a little bit about yourself so they feel comfortable hiring someone who is otherwise a complete stranger.

Look around Upwork. Look for profiles of other accountants and bookkeepers. Read their profiles. Check out their rates. Look for profiles of very successful freelancers. What do they say? What do they charge? What services do they offer?

You have to do some homework, put a little effort into it. 

Community Member

Hi, Please can you review my profile and give feedback. Thanks


You did a great job but for two things, both of which are important. One, take out that entire first paragraph. It is rhetorical and a bit condescending. Second, raise your rates. You have a valuable skill. If you underprice yourself you are not doing yourself a favor and it will only look like you lack confidence. 

I mean it, though, the rest is very, very good. 

Community Member

Hi,am new here please view my profile and advice accordingly incase of any adjustment. Thanks in advance.

Community Member

Hi Stephen,


I looked through your profile, but it looks incomplete. You need to reduce your hourly rate because no client will hire a graphic designer at $84.00/hour.


The first sentence in your overview/summary is good, but you need to add more information. Clients need to have a reason to choose you because the skills you list are the same skills every graphic designer lists. You should tell clients why you are the best freelancer for the job. For example, do you complete projects faster by working more efficiently? Do you work with clients to discuss their design needs?


You need to add a portfolio to showcase any sample work you have completed. Clients always expect graphic samples from graphic designers. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


Since you are new to Upwork, make sure your profile is 100% complete before applying to jobs. At a minimum, you should do the following:


Community Member

Hi! I'd like to get a profile review so please let me know if there's anything I can to improve my profile on Upwork!

Community Member

Hi Hamdi,


It looks like you made a few improvements since last month. Here are a few more things you can adjust to help improve it:


Title: Remove the word "creative" from your title. It doesn't help Upwork match you with front-end development jobs and should only be used within your summary. You should also spell the words "JavaScript" and "TypeScript" instead of the acronyms "JS" and "TS."


Portfolio: I think you need one or two more items in your portfolio. Clients always expect web developers to provide several samples of their work.


I think that's it for now.

Community Member

Hi Upworkers,

It's been more than a year on Upwork, and it's going a bit well I constantly updating myself and my profile,  but I think there are some mistakes.

I certainly, need some Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers in order to improve my profile and productivity,

Thanks in Advance.



What matters to your clients is that you are an expert at what you do, not that you are co-owner of a business. As such, your opening should be "I am an expert _____ who is co-owner of _____. It should not be "I am co-owner of ______ who is an expert at _________."

Second, your profile should be about twice as long to give people a chance to get to know you. Tell people about your services. What benefits will they gain if they hire you. Why do you love what you do? What special techniques do you know?


Furthermore, why did you mention that business in the first place? If there is some advantage to the clients, spell that out. Tell them you work with a team ... because it makes the work go faster ... because there is always a back up ... because it's a two man job. Whatever the reason, spell it out.

Don't mention anything in your profile unless its to your client's advantage. Then, if you do, you have to explain why it is to their advantage if it isn't absolutely obvious.

Lastly, someone gave you a pretty bad review. That 80 percent success score needs to be confronted. Take one or two of your really great reviews and cut and paste them so they are the very first thing clients see. That will counter the idea that one person gave you a bad score.

Oh, lastly, don't start with "Hi, my name is Asad." Start with "I am an expert __________." That's much more critical and your name is already posted in large letters on your profile, so it's unnecessary to put it there a second time. 

Community Member

Hello Upwork Community,

Please review my upwork profile.




Nirali Kansagara

Community Member

Hello Nirali,


Your profile is set to Private. You must set your profile to Public so we can see it.

Community Member

Hello Clark,


Thanks for your update.But I am not able to setmy profile to Public. Can you please help me with that.

Community Member

Yes please help me I need work and feedback from professional freelancing is compulsory. 

Community Member



I looked at your profile, but it appears to be incomplete. Your overview/summary has good information, but you need to provide more for clients to better understand which services you provide. You say you can help them achieve their goals, but how can you help? What can you translate and write (e.g., technical documents, medical documentation, website content, etc.)


One of the first thing you should do is change your profile photo. The picture in your photo should be a close-up image of your head and shoulders that clearly shows your face. Read through Upwork's best practices for How to Choose A Good Profile Picture.


Make sure your profile is 100% complete before applying to jobs. At a minimum, you should do the following:


Community Member

Hello..? how can I improve my profile..?

Community Member

Hello Samuel,


Your profile is incomplete, so the best way to improve it is to make it 100% complete.


The first thing you should do is change your hourly rate to something between $7.00/hour - $15.00/hour depending on your experience.


Make sure your profile is 100% complete before applying to jobs. At a minimum, you should do the following to improve your profile:


Community Member

Hello Upwork community,

I need help improving my Upwork profile. I've sent many proposals but haven't gotten any jobs. Can you please review my profile and give me feedback?


Thank you!

Community Member

Hello Chennareddy,


I reviewed your profile and I think you have good information throughout. I have a few suggestions that might help improve it:


Overview/Summary: Remove the phrase "Welcome to my Upwork profile!" from your main profile and specialized profile. The first two sentences of your summary are important because the client sees them when searching for freelancers. You don't want to waste space by including a greeting.


Portfolio: I think you should add one or two more items to your portfolio. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression, and I think clients will expect to see more samples.


Everything else looks good.

Community Member

Hi everyone!
My name is Usama Nisar.I am a UI/UX Designer having one year of experience.
Here is the link of my upwork profile  https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01161d2b21363d5b24
I want my other field related members to take a look at my upwork profile and suggest me wherever they see there is something missing.
Thanks a lot. Looking for your positive feedback.
Usama Nisar

Community Member

Hi Muhammad Usama,


There might not be many UI/UX Designers providing feedback on your profile. However, I am very familiar with UI/UX design and Upwork profiles, and I have a few suggestions.


Title: Change your title to be more descriptive to your skill area. It should be: UI/UX Designer.


Overview/Summary: Your summary is too long and most clients will not read it all. If they do, they will find repeated content. The last three paragraphs in your summary are basically repeating the information in the first three paragraphs. You should remove redundant content and reduce the size of your summary by half.


Portfolio: Add a portfolio to showcase your work and demonstrate your experience. A portfolio is highly critical for a UI/UX Designer, and clients will expect to see visuals of your work. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


The rest of your profile is fine.

Community Member


I hope this message finds you all in good health and high spirits. I am reaching out to the experienced freelancer community with a humble request for your valuable feedback and suggestions regarding my Upwork profile.


As a budding freelancer with a strong background in Android application development using Java, I have put considerable effort into creating an impactful profile. However, I firmly believe that the collective wisdom and experience of this community can help me refine and enhance my profile even further.

I kindly request you all to take a few moments to review my Upwork profile at the following

link: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01e5c415c2bb646ec2

Community Member

Hello Bhushan,


I looked through your profile and I have a few suggestions:


Hourly Rate: Rates are different around the world, but I think your hourly rate is a little low. With 2 years of experience, an India-based Android/application developer should probably be between $10.00/hour - $15.00/hour. Many with 4-6 years of experience are much higher.


Overview/Summary: Your summary has good skill and background information, but you should focus on a potential client's needs. Clients expect to read about your skills and qualifications, but they really want to know how your skills/qualifications will benefit them. The first two sentences of your summary are important because the client sees them when searching for freelancers. You want those first two lines to be impactful and offer something that interests clients.


To make your summary more client-focused, tell clients what types of Android or other applications you can build (e.g., games, dashboards, locator app, alert app, etc.) Then, tell clients how your app development will make their lives better and solve their problems.


I would revise the first paragraph in your summary like this:


With 2 years of experience as a software developer specializing in .NET and Android technologies, I can build games, music apps, alert apps, management apps, dashboards, and other impactful applications. I thrive in collaborative environments and can work seamlessly with your existing teams to achieve common goals. My dedication to delivering high-quality solutions has allowed me to make valuable contributions in my previous roles.


Your portfolio, skills, certifications, and employment history look good.

Community Member

Hello sir

Please can you review my profile and tell me what I need to improve it .

Community Member


Community Member

"Hello Upwork community, I'm looking for suggestions on improving my Upwork profile.


Community Member

Hello Prince,


You need to work on improving your overview/summary. You mention your knowledge of machine learning, Python, SQL and other things, but you need to focus on how you can help clients. Clients want results, so they need to know how you will apply this experience/skill to meet their needs. For example, what types of applications can you build? Will those applications help businesses operate better?


Finally, remove the second part of our last sentence: " also expecting to enhance my skills and leadership qualities." Clients never want to hear this. Why? Because it sounds like you are still learning or looking for the client to help you enhance your skills. Clients are expecting you to be the expert and have no desire to hire you if you still need to "learn and grow."


So, I suggest you revise your summary by focusing more on the clients needs. Tell them what you can build and how those finished products will streamline operations, improve performance, and solve problems.


Your skills and employment history look good, but you might want to consider adding a portfolio if there are any visuals you think clients will want to see.

Community Member

Hello community,

I hope this message finds you well! I'm reaching out to you today with a humble request for your valuable feedback. 

If you have a few minutes to spare, I would greatly appreciate it if you could take a look at my Upwork profile and provide me with your thoughts and suggestions. Your insights can help me identify areas where I can improve and better showcase my skills and expertise.

Here is my link: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/philipmutua

Thank you

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