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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was closed as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.


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Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.


Thank you!


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Community Member

Hello everyone,


I'm new to Upwork.  I'm looking for reviews on my Upwork profile.(https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/mgkmoha), and your feedback to improve my profile will be much appreciated.


Struggling to land jobs. 



Hello Khan,


Your profile is set to Private. You must set your profile to Public so we can see it.

Hi Clark,


I did set the profile to public mode. 

Community Member

It would be appreciated if you reviewed my profile and suggested any improvements. 





I have no suggestions for improvements beyond the previous reviews:



Some other users might make suggestions.

Community Member


Please I just join the forum, is there anything i need to do to get more job opportunity to learn and enhance my skills better?

Thank you






Community Member

Hi Stephen,


Enhancing your skills is something I often encourage freelancers to do, but how you do it and for which skill area is up to you.


The best way to increase your chances of winning jobs on Upwork is to make your profile 100% complete. Then, you must write good cover letters that convince clients you are their best freelancer for the job.


In your profile, do not tell clients that your motive is to get more job opportunities and gain more experience in the job market. Clients are looking for qualified, experienced freelancers, and many will avoid freelancers they perceive as having little to no experience.


Since you are new to Upwork, you can get your profile to 100% completion by going through the following Academy Courses and Learning Paths:


Community Member


Can you please suggest me some tips on how to write an attractive cover letter so i can land an offer. Also it would be apprciated if you would review my profile again.



First of all, your profile is much more down to Earth. So, I find that a big improvement. 


I'll be a bit picky here, but my experience with Upwork is that you don't write cover letters here. You wrote proposal letters. Is that what you mean? 


Proposal letters are easy. Cover letters can be much longer and involved. I wouldn't want to advise you on the wrong thing.

thanks and yeah i meant proposal letters, sorry about that.

Community Member

Hi everyone, 
I am competely new to the market in general and I would very much benefit from feedback on my profile, resume and any other important aspects for finding job opportunities. My profile should be visible on: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01a88ac6c2dda6b18c 

Thanks in advance!


Clients on Upwork want you to guarantee results. They don't want aspiring math students; they want experts who can say, "I'll have tthe report to you on Friday by close of day." 

That said, I'm not sure what service you are selling. Try writing this sentence and then write the rest of the profile in a manner that this suggests:

Write down "I am an expert ______________ who can help you with _________________, ______________, and _______________, so that your life will improve in the following way:: ___________________________________.

That's the elevator pitch for a profile. Establish your expertise. Define the service you are offering or the problems you can solve and tell people how their lives will be better off if they hire you. Be and expert. Be friendly and be confident. if possible tell people why you are different from all of your competitors. That's what makes a succesful profile.


Last kep point Don't talk about yourself and your personality (except very briefly); talk about your service. 

Community Member

Hello Upwork Community,


This is Najia, a Digital Designer and 2D animation Artist. I'm new to upwork and would love to hear your reviews and suggestions on my profile.  PFA link to my profile. 




Community Member

Hello Najia,


Welcome to Upwork.


I reviewed your profile and I think everything looks good. Your summary, portfolio, and skills provide good information for clients to understand your qualifications and how you can help them.


You should also consider adding a project catalog. The project catalog allows you to setup a pre-packaged service that clients can buy without you sending a proposal. Due to higher than usual requests for project catalogs, reviews and approvals are taking a minimum of 10 business days. Read Get Started With Project Catalog for more information.

Community Member

Hi community! I am looking for suggestions on my upwork profile, I am getting no views at all. Plus How can I win clients, I have sent too many proposals but could not get a single person to reply to my proposals. Please help.

here is my profile link.



Medical writing is a hightly technical skill that can be a lucrative path to take. In that case, I would take out the business about you working as wordpress developer. People on Upwork want to hire experts, not people who are groveling around for work.

If you are a medical content writer, be assertive.  You don't talk about your content writing experience at all and you have no medical content in your portfolio -- you have a medical report in which the name of the author is blocked out.


If you're just scamming us, you'll certainly be busted sooner or later. I hope you're not doing that.

thank you for your input anthony, I can assure you I am not scamming anyone. Anyways I will keep in mind your suggestions. but Can you please tell me why I am not getting any profile views? why my profile is not appearing in search results?


I don't  know much about profile views, but I wouldn't worry about that too much.

I don't believe people look at profiles to find someone to hire. I believe they read a proposal letter and if it sounds good, they check on your profile to see if it validates what you said in your letter. If your proposal letter says "I'm a great writer," and they go to your profile, then you have to be prepared to back up your claim. I think people look at profiles for validation -- to double check -- what they hope to see after being intrigued by your proposal.

I have gotten every single one of my Upwork jobs through proposal letters. That starts the conversation going. Write a great proposal letter and you can write your own ticket on Upwork.

All that said ... if it takes a proposal letter to get someone to look at your profile, then the number of visits to your profile won't ever be impressive. Write 10 proposals and get one or two people looking at your profile and maybe one of them hiring you -- that's a big success. You can walk to the bank with that kind of response.

Hello Anthony, rate and give recomendations on my profile.

I have read a lot of your recommendations for other freelancers. You give very precise advice.

Thank you.
Community Member

I am looking for Suggestion for my profile. Thanks

Md. Sabbin Islam,


I think your profile looks good. I suggest adding short job descriptions to each job in your employment history--especially since those jobs are relevant to the service you provide on Upwork.


Everything else looks good.

Community Member

Howdy! I would like to get suggestions on improving my profile:


Also, very interested in working one-on-one with someone to better maximize my Upwork potential. Thank you!


Hey Joe,


I think your profile summary is one of the most unique I have seen on Upwork. I think your title is great, but I have one suggestion you may or may not like. I think you should add the word "voice over" or "voice actor" somewhere in your title. Maybe like this: Voice Actor: There's Always A Story To Be Told or Voice-Over: There's Always A Story To Be Told.


The reason for the suggestion is based on how Upwork's matching algorithms work. Upwork is constantly trying to match freelancers with relevant jobs and show prospective clients qualified freelancers in searches. Upwork looks at your title, summary, skills, etc., and I think you will get more exposure if your title contains one of those "voice" words. You already have a "voice" word in your Voice Talent specialized profile, and that's great.


As far a working one-on-one with someone, that will be tough to find on Upwork. Most people will claim they are too busy or they want to charge you $500.00/hour!


Great voice, by the way!

Community Member

Dear Andrea G. 

kindlty requesting to have a look at my profile any recomendation on how to land my first project. Thanks

Community Member

Hi Enock,


The first thing I noticed about your profile is the amount of things you need to remove. In your main profile overview/summary, the extra wording should be removed. The first line: "Profile Overview:" should be removed and "Job Description:" should be removed.


Next, your main profile and both specialized profiles are way too long; most clients will never read all of it. If you can consolidate information, it will help make your profile shorter, and clients might be more inclined to read it. And it appears that much of it is copy/pasted from a résume. Using résume content is fine, but make sure your most important information is near the top since most clients will not read your entire summary.


IMPORTANT: In both of your specialized profiles or anywhere else in your profile, you need to remove your full name, phone numbe and email address. This is a violation of Upwork's Terms of Service and you can have you account suspended or terminated for it.


Once you make these changes, I think your profile will be in better shape.

Community Member

Hello Upwork community, Have a look on my profile again as i changed few things which were noticed by the community member



Community Member

Hello Saad,


I checked out your profile again and it looks much better.

Community Member

hello, im on upwork for 2 weeks, but i didnt get job yet. can you look at my profile and can you tell me if there is something wrong ? thank you in advance.

Community Member

Hello Nilsu,


Nothing wrong with your profile. You made a few updates over the past few weeks and I think everything looks good. The portfolio you added looks great.


It has been difficult for many freelancers to win jobs lately, but your profile gives clients enough good information to want to hire you. Keep trying--hopefully, you will win some jobs soon!

Community Member



May I request feedback on my Upwork Profile?


Thank you so much.


Community Member

Hello Rosalinda,


There are a few things in your profile that I think need to be changed to help improve it.


Title: Your title should be specific and focused on a skill area or occupation, but you do not need to include words like "proficient"--it will not help your profile stand out. Instead, I think your title should be simpler. Something like: Customer Service & Tech Support.


Overview/Summary: It appears that your summary is a copy/paste from a résume. You can use résume content, but you need to rephrase it to sound more like a freelancer (business) providing services to other businesses (clients) and less like an employee looking for an employer.


First, remove the first line: "OBJECTIVE". Then, write your summary in a way that tells clients who you are and what you can do for them. Clients expect to read about your skills and qualifications, but they really want to know how your skills/qualifications will benefit them. For example, you should say something like:


Highly skilled and dedicated customer service professional with experience providing a full suite of customer support functions. I can help you with virtual assistance, technical support, online chat support, and help manage your business or technology projects. I specialize in quality, speed, and optimizing business processses and increasing efficiency to help you grow your business.


Portfolio: Add a portfolio to show samples of your work. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


Skills: Make sure your skills list includes relevant skill categories. We are allowed up to 15 skills, so you should add more that are related to your customer service work. It is important to keep your skills list updated with relevant skills categories so that Upwork can match you with relevant jobs, and so your profile will appear when clients search for your skills.


I think that is it for now. Once you make these updates, I think clients will have a better understanding of the services you offer and how you can help meet their needs or solve their problems.

Community Member

Hi all. I would love some feedback on my profile. I just changed the visibility to public.


Community Member

Hi Tuba,


I reviewed your profile and I think it looks and sounds good. Your overview/summary is well-written, but it is bit long. Most clients will not read more than two or three paragraphs, so make sure your most important information is near the top. As long as prospective clients can figure out which services you provide, it should be fine.


Your portfolio, skills, certifications, and employment history all look good. I am not seeing any issues or problems that would prevent a client from hiring you.

Community Member

Thank you for your valuable opinion, Clark. I appreciate it greatly.

Community Member

Good afternoon!

I'd love some profile feedback so that I can improve: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/robsogovo


Thank you in advance!

Rob Sogomonian
Voice Actor / Owner at Psyjnir Media Studios
Community Member



Very nice profile. I think you have everything in place and I don't see any problems or issues that would prevent a client from hiring you.


You might want to consider using one of the videos in your portfolio as a video introduction. Because you are a voice actor, most clients will eventually scroll to your portfolio, but for those who don't, it would be great to have a video higher up on the screen. This isn't a huge deal; just a thought.


Everything else looks great.

Community Member

Hello good evening, I am new to the platform and I would like you to help me with an aesthetic issue. In the profile description tab I can customize my text, that is, I can create a description with bullets, separations, period and everything is personalized, but when I save the changes and publish only 1 paragraph appears. I really don't know what to do and I would like to get beautiful, organized and custom texts as a result. Help ...... ...... I will be very grateful with your opinions, greetings.

Community Member



This message is a few months old and it appears that your profile contains more than one paragraph with separations, bullets, etc.


Unless you plan to attract only a Spanish-speaking audience, I suggest your write your profile in English; you will likely get much more attention.

Community Member

Hello , I am Ahmad and new to Upwork. I will appreciate if someone reviews my profile. 
Thank you. 

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