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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

UPDATE: Check out the new Get Profile Feedback board!

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was closed as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.


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Community Manager

Great news, everyone! 👏  Due to the overwhelming success of this thread, we've created an entire board dedicated to profile feedback. This allows each freelancer to start a dedicated thread requesting feedback which makes it easier to manage for all involved parties. Check out the new Get Profile Feedback board!

Due to the new board, we've blocked new replies on this post. If you're still waiting for feedback, please post a thread in the new board. 😁


View solution in original post

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Community Member

Dear Upwork Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the status of my profile on Upwork. Despite completing all the necessary sections such as Portfolio, Education, Video Introduction, Other Experiences, Profile Photo, Overview, and Skills, I was surprised to see that my profile was marked as only 40% complete.

I would appreciate it if you could kindly review my profile and provide feedback on where I might have missed any required information or steps. I am eager to ensure that my profile is fully optimized and in line with Upwork's guidelines.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and assistance in resolving this issue.

Warm regards,

Le Chi Hao

Community Member

I'm new on upwork . Please could someone take a look at my profile and leave me some reviews? https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~0125851003cd54987b
Community Member

I am facing some issues regarding my profile. I have my booster on, but I'm still not getting enough views on my profile. I am new to Upwork, so I am unable to find the problem on my own. Can you help me identify my mistakes?

No worries, happy to help! Having a strong profile is key. Could you share what you've included so far? Let's see if we can optimize it to attract more clients.

Thanks for your response. I'd be happy to show you what I have included! What would you like to see?


Not your fault. Your profile is good. But you cannot avoid some filters, like $1K earned. And not so many alive clients here. Keep waiting and apply to jobs yourself.

Thank you so much for your kind response! I appreciate the time you took to review my profile.

Community Member


*Hello Upwork Community!*

I'm Naeem a determined and resilient individual looking to kickstart my freelancing journey on Upwork. I've created my profile, but I'd love to get your expert feedback to make it shine!

*Please take a look at my profile:* [99741c2a]

- Any other suggestions to improve my profile's overall effectiveness

Thank you so much for your time and guidance! I'm excited to learn from your experiences and improve my profile to attract clients and grow my freelancing business.

*Looking forward to your feedback!*

Community Member

Hi there, 


I'm new to Upwork, and I would greatly appreciate your feedback on my profile. Could you please share your opinion on how well my skills and experience are portrayed? Additionally, I would love to hear any advice you may have on how to secure new contracts.


Thank you very much!


Best regards, Giorgi

In general, here are some tips for creating a strong Upwork profile and securing new contracts:

  1. Complete Your Profile: Make sure your profile is complete with a professional photo, a descriptive headline, and a detailed overview that highlights your skills, experience, and expertise.

  2. Highlight Your Skills: Emphasize your key skills and areas of expertise in your profile overview and skills section. Use specific examples and achievements to demonstrate your capabilities.

  3. Showcase Your Portfolio: If you have relevant work samples or portfolio items, showcase them on your profile to demonstrate your quality of work and expertise in your field.

  4. Set Competitive Rates: Research the market rates for your skills and set your hourly or fixed-rate pricing competitively. Consider offering introductory rates or discounts for new clients to attract attention.

  5. Customize Proposals: When applying for jobs, tailor your proposals to each client's specific needs and requirements. Highlight how your skills and experience make you the perfect fit for the job.

  6. Provide Excellent Customer Service: Be responsive to client inquiries and requests, and deliver high-quality work on time and within budget. Positive client feedback and ratings can help you build a strong reputation on Upwork.

  7. Build Your Network: Connect with other freelancers and clients on Upwork, participate in community forums and discussions, and actively engage with potential clients to expand your network and opportunities.

  8. Seek Feedback and Iterate: Continuously seek feedback from clients and peers, and use it to improve and refine your profile, proposals, and work processes over time.

Community Member


I hope all are fine,


Previously, I received numerous profile reviews and job invites, but recently, my profile reviews have dwindled, and I'm not receiving job invites anymore. What steps can I take to regain traction? Additionally, could you provide guidance on the best bid range price for using the Boost Profile feature?



Community Member

I am new here but have a lot of lot of work experience outside of market place. I am steadfastly waiting for my first job to come. I hope I don't wait forever. anyone Pls, feel free to view my profile and give me some advice on how can I get it.

I'd recommend that you first work through the comprehensive offering of learning in UpWorks Academy. It's a journey - and I gues that no one (including me) just gets work without working on self-marketing and self-selling. You should have a clear understanding of the clients you want to work with and the offerings you have. And those offerings should make you "swim in the blue ocean" - meaning that you have to somehow be in a niche. Otherwise you won't handle the huge amount of competition on UpWork.

Community Member

I am new here but have a lot of lot of work experience outside of market place. I am steadfastly waiting for my first job to come. I hope I don't wait forever. anyone Pls, feel free to view my profile and give me some advice on how can I get it!

Hi Md, 

You need to be patient as a new freelancer on upwork. To get jobs you need to bid and send proposals to jobs that suit your experience. What matters is to gain trust and build confidence on the platform by starting small ( start with small projects and prove your worth as you go). 

also you can as well as read documents on this platform that take you through on how to build your profile and tips on improving your success chances. 

I hope you find this in order and be patient and don't give up. 



Community Member

I am new here, but I have a lot of work experience outside of the market. I am steadfastly waiting for my first job to come. I hope I don't wait forever. anyone, Please feel free to view my profile and give me some advice on how I can get it!

Congrats on joining Upwork and have a great day!
Click the above Academy link for success tips.

thanks for your reply.


Community Member

It would be helpful if you could provide me tips to enhance my profile. How could I catch client attantion  and be more successful on Upwork


Thabks in advance,


It is set to private, noone can check.

Community Member

Hi i'm new to upwork, Can someone please help review my profile and let me know if its okay and what areas i need to work on

Community Member

I'm Lucky Mark, I'm new here, I will be glad if someone can be my mentor.

Community Member

As a freelancer on upwork, how often should I update my profile?

From my point of view, this depends on two things:

  1. Something important has changed in your work situation - i.e. your experiences or your work preferences
  2. You fine-tune attributes like title, description, rates or skill attributes for search optimization

In general, updating the profile on a regular base is a good thing to do. I suggest checking the profile at least once a quarter. Maybe other freelancers have other recommendations.


Be sure to check the respective academy material for further tips and strategies and don't miss to check the forums which hold a bunch of useful tips, too.

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