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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Hi New Upwork Freelancers!


Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The Community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!

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Community Manager

Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


Thank you!


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Hello Mary! I'm new on Upwork.
Please can you go through my profile and let me know what you think of it.

Halo, I wouldn't mind if you could please preview my profile. Thank you.

Hi Mary! Can you check mine if you have time as well? I'd love to know your feedback about it. Thank you!

Hi Mary,

Would you mind having a quick scan of my profile please? New to this so any feedback welcome and appreciated!

Anna M wrote:
Hi Mary,

Would you mind having a quick scan of my profile please? New to this so any feedback welcome and appreciated!

Your profile talks about "us". Your profile should talk about YOU.

And if possible, you should add a portfolio.


Regarding the text of your presentation, I cannot tell you much. I don't know that area and my English is not good. I guess someone else can show up and give you some other advice on that part.

Thanks Mary, really appreciate your time and feedback. Will update accordingly.

Hi, Mary. I just joined the Upwork platform recently and I'd also love to get your feedback on my profile. Thanks in anticipation.

Emmanuel N wrote:
Hi, Mary. I just joined the Upwork platform recently and I'd also love to get your feedback on my profile. Thanks in anticipation.

I hope someone will advise you more since I do not speak English and I cannot comment on the content.
But I can tell you to eliminate the first line since it occupies an unnecessary space and it is data that the client can already see.
It also removes the name of your website, although it is not a direct link, with copy and paste in the search engine it appears, and it is a form of external contact.

Hi there, Maria. Thanks a lot for quickly reviewing my profile. Although, I didn't get specific points you put out though. Do you mean I need to remove my website's link completely? And about eliminating the first line, is it that of my general profile description?

Emmanuel N wrote:
Hi there, Maria. Thanks a lot for quickly reviewing my profile. Although, I didn't get specific points you put out though. Do you mean I need to remove my website's link completely? And about eliminating the first line, is it that of my general profile description?

Yes, It is against Upwork TOS to have any link in your presentation, portfolio or video that allows you to get in touch.
You can send a link to your portfolio when you submit a proposal.


You are wasting the first few lines giving information that is not necessary. Those two lines are what clients see of your presentation, so get straight to the description.


Ok then. Thanks a lot for the heads up. Although interestingly, my account was individually reviewed by Upwork and I received an email correcting me only about removing and editing out my username from the screenshots I placed of my Fiverr stats. I didn't get any further warning or anything regarding my website. I've actually come across another top rated seller who included a link to his website too. Maybe because it isn't more inclined as a personal blog but as a news site.

About the edit to my profile description though, I'll definitely work on that. 🙂

Hi Maria,

Hopefully, you doing well. I am a mechanical engineer with good experience but I'm new at this platform. Can you please review profile of the undersigned so that shortcomings may be overcome. I am constantly sending proposals with work proof i.e. related files but getting no response till date. Please guide me.

It will be highly appreciated. 


Thanking you in anticipation, 

Hi Syed,


Thanks for your post. I'm Upwork Success Partner and an independent professional on Upwork for more than 6 years, and I'll be happy to share a few tips on how you can improve the marketability of your profile:


  • Consider crafting your overview as a pitch to prospective clients.  You can arrange information to make it easier for clients to scan, for example, you could have your introduction paragraph and separate paragraphs for skills and experience. You can also use bullet points to help organize your lists. Expand on services you offer, what you’re most passionate about, and mention specialized software/ tools if appropriate. Other examples of information you can include are past accomplishments and projects, preferred working style, and your business’ values.
  • Also, check your overview for spelling and grammar. I see a few minor errors. If you'd like to add extra polish, you might want to consider using Grammarly (from Grammarly.com). I use this myself and really like it because it's free and it offers a Chrome add-on so it works in webmail, messages, proposals, and more.
  • Currently, your portfolio is empty.  This is one of the most important areas of your profile and clients will often have a difficult time hiring you without samples of your work. If there is only one area you want to focus on, this should be it! 
    • Your portfolio gives you the opportunity to impress potential clients with real-life examples of your skills and expertise. To help you look your best, consider showcasing 4+ examples of your best work. Learn more about building a great portfolio here.
  • You only have 6 skill tags but are allowed up to 15. Add additional skill tags to showcase your expertise & help you show up in relevant search results.
  • In the Other Experiences area, you can add information about any other activities you’re involved with that highlight your skills.  For example, you can mention volunteer work, team sports, or other hobbies. These are great conversation starters and demonstrate that you do more than just work which adds another dimension to your profile.

Additionally, you could increase the exposure of your profile by adding a Project to the Project Catalog. 

  • Consider adding this feature and some items about the service you provide as well as an image to catch the client's eye. You can review popular projects and get some inspiration from other talent here.

I encourage you to visit the Upwork Events page for past and upcoming educational events. It might help you learn more about how to get started and be successful on Upwork. There is a great session to check out called Upwork Power Webinar: Winning Profiles to get even more tips.


I hope this helps!



Tiffany F. | Upwork Success Partner

Hi All
Can any one review my profile and give me an honest review and because my profile didnt appears in search from more than 3 months

Please review my profile. Thank You

would anyone please review my profile? I'm continuously sending proposals but didn't get any job yet. would be grateful if you check is anything wrong with my profile. 


Community Member

Hi Anila,


Have you verified yet your profile by Upwork? If not please make it first and try to complete your profile with 100% rating. I think you know everything but still I am saying that, you should send proposal as per your niche and mention all skills properly whichever your experience have. Thank You




Suman B.


Community Member

thank you.

Mary, Could you please check my profile and provide me with feedback. I will appreciate it!
Thank you!

can u please identify shortcomings in my profile and how can I make it a bit attractive

Hi, Mary and everybody, how are you doing?


I am pretty new to UpWork (started two years ago but only for two months, and then came back for real four months ago) and I would love to have your feedback about my profile.


Thank you very much in advance!



Good day,

please I have a look at my profile


Hi Mary, Kindly help me with what's wrong with my profile. Thank you so much!

Hi Mary! 

I would love some feedback from the Community Guru 🙂

Hi Mary!

I need your help for growing my account and kindly please visit my profile and give me reviews and good feedback.

Thank You So Much For This Act Of Kindness!

Yeah, It's essential to have a professional picture on your profile.


I know many would like to maintain a humble and straightforward look, but putting up something nice can impress a client who didn't want to hire you in the first place.


It's somewhat a trick I used when I started my journey, and it worked.


Apart from what Mary has said, I will like to add that new freelancers or just every freelancer should have one profile picture in use as long as 12 months or more before changing them. 


And before you change your profile picture, ensure you have no ongoing contract because some clients may feel uncomfortable seeing new picture on your profile everyday. It could be very suspicious. 


So, take your time and snap a professional picture that you can use for a long time.


**Edited for Community Guidelines**



I want you to check my profile and give me feedbacks.



Hello, I'd be grateful if you could review my profile.

Many thanks.

Carol O wrote:

Hello, I'd be grateful if you could review my profile.

Many thanks.

What happened? You don't have a profile. 

Martina P wrote:

Carol O wrote:

Hello, I'd be grateful if you could review my profile.

Many thanks.

What happened? You don't have a profile. 

It's the famous Upwork forum curse - someone posts something and suddenly their profile is gone. But the photo lingers on like a ghost.

Helo  respected sir.i am new on upwork but i have 5 year experience about web development and i have sotware house  .Could you check my profile and provide me with feedback. I will appreciate it! Thank you!

Hi everyone,

I'm new freelancer. I don't know how to make an attractive profile. Can you give me suggestion that I make my profile attractive?. Thanks in advance

Hello Musadiq A, welcome to UpWork!


I checked your profile and everything seems great except your description. While reading it I was able to see that the structure of your sentences was not so great. I think that a stronger and a more professional description could make your profile more uniqe and more appealing. 


To fix that I would advise you to write a more in depht description and run it through Grammarly 🙂 


Hi. I already wrote to the community but I want to ask you personally, could you also check my profile if I already got approved? I don't know how things goes around here


Thank you in advance 

 Hi, and thank you for the profile review.


I'm an HR and Talent Acquisition consultant. I specialize in helping small and medium sized companies get off the ground and grow with programs such as handbooks, building a recruiting function, policy, and strategy guidance.


I'd love some feedback. I know I need to work on some more portfolio examples.







Will you give me some suggestions?


Hi Sohel Ahmad,

I glanced at your profile, and you're off to a great start. I'm also really glad to see you've already earned a Rising Talent badge!

I've noticed your availability is set to "As Needed - Open to Offers"; different freelancers use this to communicate different things so it can be a detractor to receiving relevant invites. Consider updating this, as well as a few of your skilll tags.

Sometimes clients aren't familiar with the toolset, but rather search for a type of service. Try to focus on this in your skill tags, and mention specialized tools/software in your overview.

Good luck with winning projects!

Hi ,


Can you check my profile and let me know if I shall do any changes ?




Community Member

Good day, would you be kind enough to go through my profile, just got on here and I want to know if everything is in order. Thanks in advance.
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