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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was closed as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.


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Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.


Thank you!


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Community Member

Please help review my profile, Am new here. 


Hi, Welcome. This is Emmanuel Etuk with you, I am a professional Data Entry specialist , with  years of experience in Data management. My Core Competencies: Educated Seller - Bachelor Degree . Highly dedicated and very passionate to meet client's expectations . Extraordinary skills, Super Fast delivery (24 hours). Guaranteed 100% accuracy and quality of work,

Emmanuel Effiong Etuk
Community Member



There is a review of your profile a few posts above on this page.

Community Member

Great Profiles 101:

Describe your services, not your personality.


Emmanuel Effiong Etuk
Community Member

Hi there... I am new to Upwork and I need advise from my experienced seniors here. Kindly review my profile. 

Community Member

Hi Annie,


I read through your profile and I have some thoughts about how you can improve it. First, I will tell you what I see wrong (and why) and offer suggestions for improvement.


Personal: Your summary includes a lot of personal attributes (i.e., passionate, dedicated, eagerness, etc.) These sound great, but clients rarely care about personal qualities, so I would not include them. Instead of saying: "I am a passionate and dedicated new article writer and freelancer eager to make my mark in the world of content creation." I would say: "I am a skilled article writer eager to help you create exciting and meaningful content."

Being New: You mention being a newcomer--something else clients rarely care about. Clients want results and if you have the qualifications, skills and abilities to meet their needs, they will be happy. Many clients will not care if you have 5 years of experience or 15 years of experience; they want quality results. With that, I would remove any comments about being a "new freelancer" or "new article writer."


Understanding: One of the most important things to do in your summary and your overall profile, is to tell clients what you do and how your services will get results. Clients need to understand what services you provide and what that means to them. You say you're a Nutritionist by profession and a writer by passion. Nothing wrong with that, but what does it mean for clients? Are you clients getting an article writer who happens to be a Nutritionist, or are they getting a Nutritionist who writes articles focused on health and nutrition?


If you are offering health and nutrition article/content writing services, you should specify that. You need to tell clients that you write informative nutritional articles, healthy menus and eating habits, or health-related food and nutrition content designed to promote good health and manage disease. Right now, there is no connection between your nutrition expertise and your article-writing. If you plan to write articles (no matter the subject) then mentioning your nutritionist background may not be too interesting to potential clients.


Portfolio: You should consider adding a portfolio to showcase sample writing. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients, and clients often like a visual representation of work. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your writing skills.


I think that's it for now. Once you revise your summary, it will be shorter and more informative for clients.

Community Member

Great Profiles 101:


Even if you do something many people do, try to find some aspect of what you do that sets you apart from everybody else. One way to do that is to specialize. Another way is to do something better than 99 percent of your rivals. 

Community Member

Great Profiles 101:


Don't describe yourself as passionate or professional. For one, these are very weak ways to describe yourself. These words also don't set you apart from anyone else. In fact, they both sound like you are very new to your profession. People don't want to hire people who are new to their skill. They want to hire people who are good at their skill.

Community Member

Great Profiles 101


Lists are boring. Nobody reads them. Furthermore, they don't give anyone a chance to get to know you. People hire people they think they can get along with, so a list just isn't that helpful. Lists also don't convince people you are good at something. Talking (writing) about what you've done with your skills is what convinces people you are good at something. 


Avoid lists wherever possible.

Community Member

Great Profiles 101:

Never say you love learning. Clients want to hire freelancers who know what they are doing, not people who are going to be stumbling around, learning at their expense. 

Yes, everyone is learning as we go. But don't advertise that. 

Community Member

Great Profiles 101:


Don't use the photo that you show your friends. Use the photo that you show your parents.

The photo should be one of your head and shoulders, wearing professional-looking clothes and with a background and lighting that helps people see your face. 

If possible, the photo should also reflect your work. I've seen only one photo with a young man sitting next to an open laptop. What a brilliant idea! If you're an artist, why not show a photo with you holding a paint brush? If you're a writer, try posing with a book. Although don't do this if it detracts from a professional looking shot of your face or your head and shoulders.

Community Member

Great Profiles 101:


In general, freelancers are expected to be independent and know what they are doing. They are expected to be experts.


When clients hire you, they want you to get the job done with as little fuss as possible. In many jobs we do it's important to touch bases with the clients, but they still would rather you just do what you do and come back with the project finished. They do not love the idea that you will communicate with them again and again as you do the work. 

So be careful about saying "Commication is key. I will stay in touch with you."  Most of the time it's better to say, "I'm so good at this, I will hand in a perfect project with minimal help from you."

Community Member

Great Profiles 101:



Remember this sentence: "I am an expert _______________ with these credentials ____________, who can help you ______________.


Remember that sentence and use it.  This is the perfeft opening. One: It establishes you as an expert immediately. People come here to find experts at various skills. People will pay attention to what an expert says. So establish your expertise immediately. (Don't start with "Hi, my name is ______. Start with "I am an expert _________ ....)


Furthermore, the emphasis of a profile is how you can help others. So "I am an expert ___________ with these credentials _____________, who can help you ____________" sets the pattern for the rest of your write up. Describe your services and how they can help others. It's as simple as that.

I really appreciate. Thank s

Emmanuel Effiong Etuk
Community Member

"Hello Upwork community, I'm looking for suggestions on improving my Upwork profile.


any help or suggestions will be highly appreciated.


Community Member

Hello Muhammad Junaid,


I have suggestions about your profile:


Photo: The first thing you should do is change your profile photo. The picture in your photo should be a close-up image of your head and shoulders that clearly shows your face, but without sunglasses. Read through Upwork's best practices for How to Choose A Good Profile Picture.


Title and Overview/Summary: Your title and summary might be confusing to clients because it appears that you either run an agency or you work for an agency. I'm assuming that is what Kolouroo is.


The content in your summary is fine, but you need to be clear about how you will provide services. Most clients see a freelancer's profile and expect to work with an individual. If you are looking to be an agency owner, you should change your freelancer account by Creating An Agency.


If, however, you are working as a freelancer (individual) then you should revise your summary to speak as an individaul.


The rest of your profile looks fine.

Community Member

Hi there,

I have opened my account few years back but didn't used it. From last one month, I am actively looking for work.

Please review my profile https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~012471f049c2d0af47

Thank you.


Best regards,


Community Member

Hi Monir,


Your overall profile has good information, but I think your overview/summary is too short. The first paragraph tells potential clients how you can assist them and this is good. But I think you should follow up with more.


For example, tell clients what the results of your accountancy support will be: (e.g., "You will get 100% accurate bookeeping services that ensures your financial documents and data records are up-to-date." Then, telll them what your goals are for them: (e.g., "My goal is to recognize and resolve any discrepancies, and keep your finances and reports healthy and accurate.")


Statements like these can help a client better understand why they should hire you, what they will get, and how it will benefit them.


Finally, I think you should add a little more depth to the job descriptions in your employment history. I recommend this because each job is highly relevant to your Upwork freelancing services, and better job descriptions will help clients better understand your extensive background in finance and accounting.

Community Member

Dear Clark,

I really appreciate your comment.

Thank you.



Community Member

Hi Andrea G

I am a new freelancer who wants to improve upon my freelancing skills and get jobs from Upwork.

Before that, I want you to review my profile and give me feedback. 

Thank you.

Community Member

Hi Mohammed,


Andrea is an Upwork Moderator. The moderators provide valuable information to freelancers and moderate the Forums, but they do not provide profile reviews.


I looked at your profile and there are several problems you need to fix:


Title: Remove the word "expert" from your title. Descriptive words like this do not add value to a title and can be used in your overview/summary. Also, there is a bit of difference between "copywriting" and "content writing," and I think you mean "content writing." Either way, your title needs to be revised to something like Content Writer | Data Entry | Virtual Assistance.


Overview/Summary: Your summary appears to be a copy and paste from a résumé. First, remove the words "CAREER OBJECTIVE" and "PERSONALITY PROFILE." Your summary is written like an employee looking for a job with an employer when it should be written like a freelancer looking to provide services to a client.


Next, your summary needs to focus on the services you will provide through Upwork. It will not matter to clients if you are a senior lecturer, a mathematics instructor, or an engineer if those things don't directly benefit them. Right now, your summary moves in four or five different directions, and you never tell clients which services you provide.


Finally, you need to make sure your title, overview/summary, and skills are related to each other. If you have off-topic or irrelevant content in your profile, Upwork's algorithms may not match you with the most relevant jobs. If you are a data entry specialist/virtual assistant, you need to use your summary to talk about your data entry skills, the data entry/virtual assistance services can provide, and how those data entry/virtual assistance services will benefit the client and their business.


If, however, your focus is on mathematics tutor or continuing education, you need to make your title, overview/summary, and skills relevant to math.


After you unify your title, overview/summary, and skills, potential clients will be able to make a better decision on whether or not they should hire you.

Community Member

Hello Upwork Community. I’m new to Upwork just got my account active today. I’d appreciate suggestions and feedback about my profile before I start sending out proposals. Thank you for your time 

Community Member

Hello Nwamaka,


I looked through your profile and there are several things you need to fix before sending proposals.


Title: The best way to choose a title is to focus on the exact services you will provide to clients. In doing that, keep in mind that clients expect consistency, and you don't want clients to think you are unfocused. Right now, your title says you're a virtual assistance and ghostwriter. These are two different skill areas, so you need to make sure your clients know exactly what you can do for them.


Based on your overview/summary, I think you should focus on virtual assistance in your your main profile. Then, you can create a Specialized Profile that focuses on ghostwriting or any services not directly related to virtual assistance.


With that, I suggest you change your main profile title to something like Virtual Assistant | Adminstrative Support. Then, if you create a specialized profile, its title could be Ghostwriter or Ghostwriter & Editor.


Overview/Summary: Similar to your title, your summary should focus on virtual assistance/admin assistance. You have good information in the first paragraph, but I would remove the "ghostwriting."


You do a good job of telling clients what you can do and what they will get, but I think you need to provide a little more information. You can tell clients how your services will benefit them and their business (e.g., processes will be consolidated; workflow will be improved; productivity will increase; or business operations will be streamlined, etc.)


Since you are new to Upwork, make sure your profile is 100% complete before applying to jobs. At a minimum, you should do the following:


Community Member

Hello, Upwork community, I'm looking for suggestions on improving my Upwork profile.

I sent many proposals but did not get a job. Please review my profile and give feedback.


My Profile Url:  https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01df0fbe5f25f188e2 

Hi Deepak,


You should update a few things to make your profile more attractive to clients:


Hourly Rate: Rates are differrent around the world, but your hourly rate is a bit low for a full-stack developer. Most Indian-based full-stack developers with similar experience are between $10.00/hour - $25.00/hour. Many clients will see a low hourly rate and immediately think you provide low quality services.


Title: Capitalize "mern" since it is an acronym (MERN Stack Developer).


Overview/Summary: You should remove the first few words in your summary: "Hello!👋! My name is Deepak! Thanks for visiting my profile.The first two sentences of your summary are important because the client sees them when searching for freelancers. You want those first two lines to be impactful, and you don't want to waste space with a greeting and your name. Besides, clients can already see your name displayed on your profile.


Then, you need to provide client's more information about how you can help them. Clients expect to read about your skills and qualifications, but they really want to know how your skills/qualifications will benefit them. When you say you have 8 years of full-stack development experience, what does this mean for clients? What can you build for them? (e.g., dashboards, admin panels, custom landing pages, mobile apps, etc.) Does your development process benefit the client in any way? (e.g., is it faster, is it more reliable, etc.)


Your answers to questions like these can help a client better understand why they should hire you, what they will get, and how it will benefit them.


Portfolio: Add more items to your portfolio to showcase sample work. Clients will expect more visual samples from a developer. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients.


Employment History: Add short job descriptions for each job in your employment history.

Community Member

Thanks for creating this post. Hello Community, Please check my profile and give feedback. Thanks for your support

Hello Muhammad Rizwan,


Good approach to your profile. Your summary is concise, but I think it provides enough information for clients to understand your background, what services they are getting, and how those services will benefit them.


The only suggestion I have is to reword a few sentences and add spacing between paragraphs to make your summary easier for clients to read. For example:


Do you need a professional and reliable Data Entry Operator to support your business? Look no further! With valuable experience in admin support, data entry, copy-paste, PDF conversions, and Microsoft Office (Word, Excel), I can provide excellent and accurate results at affordable prices.


As a passionate and energetic Data Entry Operator, I guarantee 100% satisfaction and timely delivery of your projects. Whether you need to organize your data, create spreadsheets, or convert files from PDF, I will cover all your needs.


So, why wait? Contact me for top-notch data entry services that will help take your business to the next level!


Everything else looks good!

Thank You very much for your precious feedback. Your words mean a lot to me, once again Thanks

Community Member

"Hello Upwork community, I'm looking for suggestions on improving my Upwork profile.


I sent many proposals but got only 3-4 small jobs. Please review my profile and give feedback.

Community Member

Hello Jay,


I looked through your profile and you have good information. However, there are two changes I would make to your overview/summary:


1) The lists make your summary quite long and most clients will not read this much. If possible, you should combine similar items to help shorten your summary.


2) There is one sentence I suggst removing. This sentence: " I'm here to help you with anything you may need in order to grow and explore your business or complete your task." will not mean much to clients because no individual can help a business with everything. It sounds good when we say things like this, but much of this statement is not true, so I would remove it.


Also, you should add short job descriptions for each job in your employment history.


After that, just keep applying to jobs by writing great cover letters. Always create a custom cover letter based on the client's specific job requirements. Focus on the client's needs and requirements; highlight your qualifications; and tell the client how you will meet their needs.


Good luck!

Community Member



Please check my profile here https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01f103a1e45009329d and let me know if any improvements are required. 

Thank you!



A review will be provided in response to the message you posted on 20 May.

Community Member

PLs compare the pictures and tell me what you find better to show to the public as first impression. Is this good marketing?



I'm not sure what you are asking with regards to a first impression. Clients can scroll through your profile and see any of the items in your four screenshots.

Community Member

Dear community colleagues,

I'm new to Upwork, and I'd really appreciate some advice on how to make my profile stand out. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Wish you a lovely day ahead.

Community Member

Hi Daniela,


Welcome to Upwork!


I read through your profile and I think it is good. However, I  have three suggestions that might help improve your overview/summary:


1) Add some spacing to make it easier for clients to read. (See below)


2) I think you should revise the second sentence to tell clients that you offer these services. Yes, it's part of your background, but if we make it sound like "results," it might help clients better understand exactly what you can do for them.


3) With your experience/background, you are an expert, so I think the word "expert" should be added somewhere in your summary.


If you combine 1, 2, and 3, your summary could look and sound like this:


I'm an expert Translator/Interpreter speclalizing in written text translations in Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish and English. I can translate academic papers, manuals, websites, legal documents, film scripts, novels, songs and cultural localization.


Having a Bachelor of Arts in Portuguese - English Language and Literature, along with the knowledge of a native Spanish speaker, I have an excellent command of each language and an impeccable record of accurate proofreading, editing, and translating material. I am a C2 Proficiency certificate holder from the University of Cambridge, which proves that I have mastered English to an exceptional level.


I am adept in accurately assessing the context of material and translating it in an understandable and appropriate way. I am also highly skilled in academic writing and UX writing, and I can help you better convey a message and its meaning in a cohesive way.


I have more than 20 years of experience in Language Teaching and Translating and I work exceptionally well under pressure. If you have strict deadlines, I work closely with you to ensure your translated material is completed on-time, with 100% accuracy. I am obsessed with time management and detail, and I am proficient with CAT tools and computer software.


I believe in bringing forth a positive work ethic and a commitment to efficiency and integrity. Let's talk about how I can help you.!


Everything else in your profile looks good!

Community Member

I sent hundreds of proposals in the last few months, and I have very bad feedback.
I am pretty sure that my profile/portfolio is good, and I applied only on projects that I can work on.

How to improve this? What's happening with Upwork?
Any advice will really help me!






Big Issues: In Progress jobs should be limited to a maximum of ten unless needed otherwise you appear TOO busy for new clients. Focus on two keywords phrases in the Title and the first sentence of the Summary. Modify the Summary into four short paragraphs. Thanks!

Community Member

Hello Upwork community,

I am looking for suggestions on improving my Upwork profile. I haven't submitted any proposals yet, still going through upwork academy to see how this all works. 


Thanks in advance,


Community Member

Hi Gina,


Very good start to your profile. I like the material in your overview/summary because you approach potential clients immediately in the first sentence. I think you could bolster it a bit by giving clients a little more substance. Also, you are an expert in your field, and I think you should sprinkle that in somewhere.


If you're agreeable to it, here is how I would revise your summary:


I'm an expert Marketing and Customer Success leader who knows how to to connect with people on any level. I can help your company create programs and projects that increase value for you and your customers, resulting in longer-term, profitable relationships.


I'm an accomplished communicator who builds and strengthens relationships through influence, collaboration and resolution of complex challenges. My ultimate goal is always customer happiness and I can help you measure, track and improve the interactions between you and your customers.


Some of my successes include:

► Exceeding year over year retention goal of by over $50,000.

► Leading an initiative to decrease 90 day accounts payable within 1 quarter - decreasing the amount owed by over 50%.

► Increased online sales to 50%, up from 25%.


If you're looking for the very best way to market your business and increase adoption, retention and satisfaction of your customer-base, let's discuss my strategy and how I can help you.


Note: I like the personal touch about being an avid runner and enjoying music, reading, hiking, etc. Clients don't always appreciate this, but some will. I'm not suggesting you remove it, but if you retain it, definitely keep it towards the bottom of your summary so that clients get the "customer success" pitch first.


Everything else in your profile looks great.

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