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Please, Review My Profile

Hey guys,

this is my first time posting here.
I am on UpWork for a few month now, and it starts to get a little bit momentum.
This week I will breach the 1000 Dollar total earnings. 

However, I am still pretty unsatisfied, how few of my proposals come back with an interview invitation.

Could you guys give me a short review of my profile?
What do you like?
What dont you like?
What would you change?

I would appreciate any Feedback!

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This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


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Can you please check my profile and tell me what is wrong with that?I am submitting proposals around 3 months and still did not get any job.I wonder if there are any mistake in my profile.

Your profile is set to private Tina.

Community Member



I have same issue. My profile 100% . I have attached my lates project in portfolio. I am doing bidding here for last 6-7 months. I have good feedbacks and Ratings. But the Problem is I have got only 2-3 project invitation since last 6-7 months. Also my profile view rate is very very poor.... 


Kindly check my profile and let me know , Why I am not getting enough project invitations ? And How can I improve my profile view Rate ?? 



Waiting for your response ....


For one thing, you need to change your profile photo.


I don't like your current photo.

Community Member

I am confused how this site work and how can receive job. I am new but not new in my profession. Can you give me any suggestion to get job according to my profession. 


Thank You 


Hello Moon,


I understand the situation. I viewed your profile and saw that you need some improvements in your profile. Your overview is very short. Please try to update your overview which is more efficient. Moreover, please try to update your portfolio according to your skills. Please add as many as you can.


Plus, keep applying to the jobs and use mobile apps to make your availability. In this way, you might get invitation to jobs as well.


Please try to find about cover letter of Upwork on youtube and follow that. I hope you'll get the job.


Best of luck.



Community Member

Hi Upwork Team,


I was getting atleast 2-3 invitation per week when we were part of elance.com

AFter switch happened few months back to upwork.com, i am not receiving any invitations.

Would you please let us know if I have to enable any category or option? Or may be you need to do the same for me?

It may possible that my profile is not visible to all and hence I am not receiving any job invitations. 


Please take a look into this and let me know if you have any questions.




Hello Gaurav,


I understand your situation. The best way to receive more invitation is to use the Upwork mobile app and set availability as (respond within 10 mintues). You get this feature only in mobile app.


It's from my own experience. If you'll set availbility like this, you'll definitely get ivitation. I hope this helps.




Hi Gaurav,


I see that you are not actively using Upwork, which would explain the lack of invites. If you become more active on the platform, improve your profile, write tailored proposals and apply for jobs within your skill set, you'll start receiving job invites.


You need to upload an actual photo of yourself and can't use a logo on your Upwork profile.


Also, from your post it sounds that other people are involved on your contracts, which is a ToS violation. If this is a case, please create an Agency, have your team members register on Upwork and add them to your Agency. Freelancer profile is designed to be used only by the account owner.


Shan, one's profile availability does contribute to getting invites, but the crucial factors are the ones I mentioned above.

~ Vladimir
Community Member

Hello there,


Even last month, I got proposals from few clients, but now it's "zero". Could anyone tell me what's wrong there?

Is there any problem at my profile? If there is, so how can I improve it, and can get more opportunities to win a job?


Kind regards,

Tanmoy Biswas


One thing you should do if you want to improve your profile is replace your profile photo with a decent photo.


I feel that the lighting, facial exression and apparel seen in your current photo are all wrong. The overall impression I get from your current photo is that you are an amateur.

Hello Sir, 


Thank you so much for your suggestion. I will definitely change my current profile picture into a professional one.

Is there anything else you find on my profile that I need to improve or change to get better job opportunities, Sir?


I will be very glad to hear from you.




Tanmoy B 


Remove this:

"You can contact me by email or Skype."


Remove this:



That statement appears right under your name when clients see your listing. It is redundant, wastes space, and is annoying.

Remove this:


"And my only goal is to obtain a position that will enable me to use my strong working skills, educational background and do the best work for every client."


As a client, I do not want to know about your goals. I don't care.


Your profile page should be about ME. Tell me what you will do for me.


Also, you should have a native English speaker proofread and correct your language usage and fix the errors. Your English as demonstrated on your profile page is not bad. But it could be improved.

Thanks Sir, I will change all of them according to your suggestion.



As you suggested me to change profile picture and few lines from my cover letter, I have done it. So now could you please take a look on my profile?



Tanmoy B 

Community Member

I completed my profile (100%). Take Tests, Put a lot of portfolio in my profile. Done Everything i can do with my profile but still not getting any work please help me. 


I requested for about 30 jobs, not one even rejectet or replied to my request. This is my request sample please tell me am i doing something wrong with this. .


This One Is For SEO Requirements:


Dear Hiring Manager, I read your project details completely, my name is Bhupender yadav and I’m an experience SEO with 3 years SEO experience. And I like to inform you that I’m working with this kind of project for more than 2 years. Because the company in which I’m working is provide local SEO services to the clients and the best part is that the company is located in Florida USA & I’m very much interested in your project with all your requirements. I never worked for a local plumbing company but I worked with A House painting company. And we did very good for them when they are our client, they are not with us for some reason. Also if you choose us we will provide you some additional benefits like video production and maintain your YouTube channel, I will upload 1 video every month and also Do SEO for that video also.


**Edited for Community Guidelines**


I will also give you these services in some cheaper rates.

Thank you for your consideration

Best Regards

Bhupender Yadav


And this one is for video editing:

Hello Sir, As you can see i'm a new freelancer on Upwork. But i'm not new in the field i'm using camtasia for 4 years. And I think i'm the best person to do this job, and as this is my first project on Upwork so may be i can do this for you in free, because i want some positive reviews on my profile. So please give me a chance, also if you want to check a sample video so you can give me any one of them and i'll remove the green screen from that video. And if you like my work so give me remaining 9 otherwise give this work to anyone else. But I know that i can do this so please give me my first chance on Upwork





ugh no.


btw these people aren't "hiring managers."


Also, the "sir" schtick is why I kill the opposite gender in the bidding game.

No real video editor offers SEO services.

But i'm giving SEO services also you can take my interview

@Bhupender Y wrote:



(...) Because the company in which I’m working is provide local SEO services to the clients and the best part is that the company is located in Florida USA (...)


Commuting from Delhi to Florida must be awful on Mondays.

"Where darkness shines like dazzling light"   —William Ashbless

Because the company's backend is in Delhi. Who says you can't rank a USA website from delhi.

Not applicable

@Bhupender Y wrote:

Because the company's backend is in Delhi. Who says you can't rank a USA website from delhi.

You can open a website from India and maintain that it is in the United States. However, the company is not there. And the time on your profile is not India and not USA, it is from another part in the world, If you are not honest about your location you will be excluded from Upwork. 

So what you are suggesting......

I'm a video producer and SEO. And i'm very good in both fields. I registered on Upwrok around a month before and used my all contracts but not getting a job.

Please review my website and tell me what is wrong with this. 

Please Help.

Your profile tells people what you do outside of Upwork, but makes no mention of what you are offering clients here. Professional and serious about your work should be a given, so not sure how much value it adds. I guess you can keep it in though. Below average test results don't look good, especially if they make up two thirds of all your results. 


Can you add images to your portfolio entries? Would be good to have some to work in conjunction with the Youtube links. 


Not sure if there;s a place for your learning new things line. You may learning new things, but most clients want a freelancer that doesn;t really need to learn knew things, as they know exactly what needs to be done to get the job completed to a high standard, and already have the skills to pay the bills, without having to learn new things. 


So yeah, your profile really needs fleshing out quite a bit. 'Video Production' is great, but a bit more granularity would be good... do you write scripts, pre-production, hire talent, direct, shoot, edit, vfx, motion graphics, color grade, sound effects, music, DVD mastering etc etc? Connect the dots for a client. Take this exciting example for if 'video production' was replaced with 'food production'. 


"Are you hungry? Yes you are, aren't you?! I can see it in your eyes. I can see your tastebuds salivating at the thought of it.


Well fear not! I am Bhupender, and I am here to satisfy all of your culinary desires. Maybe you need a quick snack to stave off the hunger... sure thing! How about a burger or a hot dog smothered in my special sauce?


Looking for something a bit healthier? I reads ya. I studied under the vegan monks of the moons of Jupiter for seven years, where I was taught how to repel hunger with foodstuffs from across the galaxy. Maybe you're having a party and you can't face cooking? Well you've come to the right place! I can source waiting staff, a brigade of chefs for your galley and together we can create a selection of the finest food the world has ever known, so you can focus on what you do best... tearing this party up!


Just imagine it, all of your worries slipping away, and just for one affordable fee... I can take away your pain and improve the quality of your life. Forever." 


Well something like that anyway. Sell yourself. Paint a picture to your potential clients of how you can help them. How they need you.   

"Welcome, humans. I'm ready for you!"
- Box, Logan's Run (1976)

re: "I'm a video producer and SEO."




That doesn't mean you need to say this on your profile.


If you are starting out, struggling to get hired for the first time, you need to optimize your profile for success.


Clients don't want to hire a video producer SEO. They want to hire one or the other. Remove one and improve your chance to get hired. Once you start getting hired regularly, maybe you can add some more things onto your profile.


For now, focus.

Also, I think the selfie mirror photo makes you look lazy and unprofessional.

Thank you so much,

I like your suggestion.

Thank you for such a good suggestion. 

Is It possible to run 2 Upwork Ids at same time. in one i'll do SEO and in another I'll do Video Production, if yes! How????

@Bhupender Y wrote:

Is It possible to run 2 Upwork Ids at same time. in one i'll do SEO and in another I'll do Video Production, if yes! How????


You're going nowhere fast, buddy.


@Daniel P, Even when I started Elance I didn't have any portfolio items. I don't think people look at them as much in writing as they do in design and programming, but  maybe I'm killing off some invites and have no idea.  

Hey Bhupender,

You should read the TOS before starting on Upwork, Community discussions are for a suggestions, for the one who is confused at some point or to help someone, but the things you're asking here is already available when you sign the agreement with Upwork (when you sign up with Upwork), please read the entire article and then ask if you have any question. I am also providing the link.

I saw that there are lots of people replied to your question and I don't see any changes in your profile, If you are not serious which I don't think you are "STOP ASKING SILLY QUESTION"

You agree to provide true, accurate, and complete information on all registration and other forms you access on the Site or provide to us and to update your information to maintain its truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness. You must not provide false or misleading information about your location. You must not provide false or misleading information about your business, your skills, or the services your business provides. You must not register for more than one Client Account and one Freelancer Account without express written permission from us (except that you may register as an Agency Member of other Accounts as provided below). You must not ask or allow another person to create an Account on your behalf, for your use, or for your benefit.


Kindly look at my profile and suggest me how I can improve it to get hired. I applied to jobs but not hired yet.  https://www.upwork.com/o/profiles/users/_~01c1ff06153630e04b/










Thanks in advance

@Bhupender Y wrote:




And this one is for video editing:


Hello Sir, As you can see i'm a new freelancer on Upwork. (...) so may be i can do this for you in free, because (...)











Preston, Scott, stop wasting your time with those... *bleep*

"Where darkness shines like dazzling light"   —William Ashbless
Community Member


Removed, as I accidently wrote this as a comment and not as a new thread. Whoops! Sorry.

More subjective comment, fewer empirical facts and greater contextualisation maybe? If I was writing aboout Biohhazard, for example, I'd have mentioned it's unique atmosphere and sense of history, the subtle satirical nods, the emptional impact of having the power of life and death over children etc. These aspects, along with the interactive environments, distinctive weapons, and continual process of upgrading are what made them stand out in a crowded feild of FPSs.


Why not take a truly awful game such as Rogue Warrier, an absolute classic such as Resident Evil, and try to explain what made them so good/bad? It does not really matter what is said, rather how it is said. I think dynamism in writing is more important than objectivity, no matter what univeristy lecturers may tell people. 

Community Member


I have not much idea about Upwork, but heard that after getting the TOP RATED badge, you'll definitely get job offers, interviews etc. But it has been 2 months and I've not got a single job.


Yes, I got 1 invitation, but the fee for the job was too much low. Now my question is, where is the problem? Is there any problem in my cover letter? or am I submitting proposals too late? or is there something else?


Does anyone any idea to improve my profile here at Upwork?

@MD MEHEDI H wrote:


I have not much idea about Upwork, but heard that after getting the TOP RATED badge, you'll definitely get job offers, interviews etc. But it has been 2 months and I've not got a single job.


Yes, I got 1 invitation, but the fee for the job was too much low. Now my question is, where is the problem? Is there any problem in my cover letter? or am I submitting proposals too late? or is there something else?


Does anyone any idea to improve my profile here at Upwork?

The fee is too low? You work for $3/hour. You can't get any lower than that. You say you're a $4/hour SEO expert? I don't know of any real experts that work at that rate. Also, your profile is mostly cheap VA work. People look at past work.


You're probably bidding for anything at $3/hour. That's not the way to do it. You likely don't have the skills you claim to have and clients can see that. Your proposal is also probably poor and starts off with "I have read your job details...." 


I am not a top rated freelancer, but I just looked at your profile and yes you need to do some changes.

specialied - Do you mean specialized* (British spelling is -ised, -isation etc., while the American spelling is -ized, -ization.)

Are you looking for a skilled Web Designer? Then, look no further, I'm ready to help you with all my efforts.

You said you are a fast learner - You cannot learn here there are other platforms if you want to learn.

"I always love new challenges and welcome all project that requires me to get familiar with new programming languages." - Again, you cannot learn when you are working for someone, the client wants a good freelancer who can complete their task without making mistakes.

Overall, you need to write the profile overview once again with good English, and I say focus on one or two skills.


One more thing If I am a client, I will look at the job score and past jobs, not the profile overview. I don't have time to read your entire life story. Good Luck

Community Member



The most sucessful Upworkers all seem to have more incoming requests than they can handle. I've only had a few since December.  


I suspect that my profile is "good" but not "great". Can I have your advice?


Earlier today I took this forum's advice and quit the Agency I was affiliated with. It's too soon to see if that helps.  


In addition to Excel/VBA and Tech Writing, I'm open to copy editing and proofreading. However, I suspect my "title" line is too long as it is.


Thanks for your help!

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