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Temitope's avatar
Temitope O Community Member

Feedback is not showing on my profile

A client just dropped a feedback for me now after our contract ended and it’s showing no feedback on my profile. Please help


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Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hello Temitope,


I see that your contract was ended today. In general, your feedback will appear on your Upwork profile up to 24 hours after your earnings are processed on the contract. 


For Fixed-Price Contracts, this means after payment for the first milestone has been released. Learn more about how you Get Paid for Fixed-Price Contracts here

For Hourly Contracts, this means after the client has been successfully charged for the hours worked the week before. Learn more about the Weekly Billing Cycle here


Thank you

Pradeep H.




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Cindry Ross's avatar
Cindry Ross F Community Member

I need help

I've completed a project. Both of us, me and the client are happy, both closed the order, left feedbacks to each other.

It was project paid "per hours".

But my work/transaction history and hours  and feedback on the profile are still showing empty. How can I fix this one? It's been 2 days since the day that the contract ended.

Here's the contract ID: 29350757


Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Cindry Ross F wrote:

But my work/transaction history and hours  and feedback on the profile are still showing empty. How can I fix this one?

There is nothing to fix.

Contracts start showing on profiles after there has been payment.

That means, any contracts that started and ended last week will not be visible until after the client has been billed and charged. This happens every Monday afternoon UTC, and the contract should appear within 24 or so hours afterwards.

Cindry Ross's avatar
Cindry Ross F Community Member

Thank you! I will just wait by Monday!

Muhammad's avatar
Muhammad M Community Member


I have 5 completed contracts but my profile shows on 3 reviews and 3 jobs completed. Its been couple of days and it was in previous week cycle So I was expecting it to added on profile today but nothing there yet.

Can someone help me with it

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi Muhammad,


I've manually generated your profile, you should be seeing the latest information now.


Muhammad's avatar
Muhammad M Community Member

There is still less information, One review with job title "OBS Set up for
zoom conference" is missing and also I have 3 contracts in progress. It
shows 1
Bojan's avatar
Bojan S Community Manager

Hi Muhammad,


Your profile will display your contracts as long as at least $1 has been paid on them. Currently, all contracts with at least $1 paid are showing on your profile. Once payments are made on your other contracts, they’ll show there as well.


Thank you! 

~ Bojan
Asma's avatar
Asma K Community Member

Hi, my clieent ended a contract and wrote a positive feedback plus 5 stars but it isn't visible on my profile. Although i have also given the feedback in return but still cantsee that on my profile.

Plz help

CJ's avatar
CJ A Community Member

It looks like you have a couple of 'specialized profiles'.  I had this problem too in the past.  If you want a job (and its feedback) to show on each specialized profile, you have to edit each profile's 'work history' using the 'pencil' and 'select' or 'check' the jobs you want shown on that profile.   You probably haven't added the newly completed job to your specialized profile(s).   I see that you have 28 jobs on your 'all work' profile, but your specialized profiles each show fewer than 28 jobs, so you'll need to add those other jobs to the specialized profiles if you want them to show there.




Saddiya's avatar
Saddiya R Community Member

Thanks for the update Valeria . I am new to the platform and a client recently provided feedback for a project I completed. However the feedback isnt showing up on my public page. Is there a feature that I need to enable for it to show up publicly?

Valeria's avatar
Valeria K Community Member

Hi Saddiya,


I responded to the message you sent to me. Could you please let me know which contract you're referring to? 

~ Valeria
Luciana's avatar
Luciana B Community Member



I finished a Fixed Price contract yesterday and my client's feedback doesn't show on my profile. Is there anything I can do? 



Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi Luciana, 


I checked and it looks like your latest contract is showing on your profile! If you're referring to a different contract ID please let me know.


Marianne's avatar
Marianne M Community Member


The feedback left by my last client is not showing up on my profile. I can read it under ''contracts'' but not on the profile.

The payment is still in process (manual time)

When will I see it on my profile?

Thank you! 

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi Marianne,


Please know that feedback is not shown on your profile until you've earned at least $1 on the contract.


Mohamed Momtaz's avatar
Mohamed Momtaz M Community Member

Hi everyone,

I've completed 2nd project today morning -Alhumdolillah- but, when I gave the client feedback as a freelancer, her feedback popped up suddenly so, I pressed (Not now) instead of (Share feedback) by mistake. So, Where can I share it on my profile to be visible for other clients? 

Note: Her review is still shown in the contract but only for me (can't share it)

Martina's avatar
Martina P Community Member

You are confusing a few things. 

The share feedback function is for sharing on LinkedIn, maybe other social media, not sure.

The feedback from your client appears automatically on your profile, nothing you need to do to make that happen. 

Mohamed Momtaz's avatar
Mohamed Momtaz M Community Member

Thanks Mrs.Martina, but the problem is even the feedback is submitted it is not shown on my profile page?!

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi Mohamed,


Please know that contracts only show on your profile once you've earned at least $1 on them. Since this is an Hourly Contract that was started and ended this week, you'll need to wait for the client to be charged as per the Weekly Billing Cycle.


Nazam's avatar
Nazam S Community Member

My Client gave me beautiful feedback but it is not displaying in my profile.

Sushant's avatar
Sushant B Community Member

I checked your profile and it is appearing.

Darius's avatar
Darius I Community Member

Hello, I don't have the section "work in progress" on my profile. 

I have a job which I did and it appears on my profile and meanwhile, I have one more job in progress and it doesn't show on my profile.

What should I do? 

Tatevik's avatar
Tatevik G Community Member

Likely because the job you have in progress hasn't processed any money yet, once you receive payment from that job, it will show.

Anika's avatar
Anika T Community Member

Hello. It's Anika Tasnim. I'm a freelancer in Upwork. My jobs are not updated in my profile. My client ended a contract and left a review, but it's not showing in my profile. I cleared the cache and tried from other browsers. It's still the same. Usually I see it updated and shown in my profile within minutes or prolly half an hour maximum. It'd be really helpful if you could have a look into that. Also, any reasons why discovery of my profile might be lower from before in the stats? Are there ways I can work on it and increase the count? Thanks for your time!

Nikola's avatar
Nikola S Moderator

Hi Anika,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I have manually generated your profile which should now be reflecting the most recent information regarding your work history and feedback.  Could you please clear your cache and cookies or log in with another browser and let us know if the issue persists? 


Are you referring to the Profile view count? If so please know that this represents a number of distinct people who have viewed your profile tile in search results daily, in the past 30 days. You can find more information here


Additionally, I've pulled a few resources that may be helpful to you. Check out these articles to help you create a profile that stands out and improve your profile title and overview. Feel free to also check this video to help you learn how to optimize your Upwork Profile for maximum exposure.


Visit our Resource Center and sign up for upcoming events and webinars to learn more about how you can boost your success on Upwork.

~ Nikola
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