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Marketplace Updates: Boosted Proposals and Connects

Two new Marketplace updates: 

  1. Introduced a fourth slot in Boosted Proposals, increasing your chances of being noticed, while continuing to let clients see who is most interested in their job post.
  2. Adjusted the range for the cost of Connects per job to better match the demand for jobs in the Marketplace.


Check out the product release for Marketplace Updates: Boosted Proposals and Connects and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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Boosted Proposals and Connects were recently updated. This is why you are seeing the minimum of 2 Connects.

Community Member





Yes that was a site update last week. Did you have a question? Thanks!

Hi William

Apart from this, has Upwork updated anything else?

Hi Surender,


Please click the Platform and then "Product Release Notes" on the top of this page for the new changes to the website. It's very helpful.

i see that too..

Yes, the new adjusted range will be anywhere from 2 to 8, depending on the value of the job. 

You can see all updates here, Platform>> "Product Release Notes" 

Community Member

Maybe the next step will be 1 connect - 0.2$  to ''reduce the number of proposals on the projects''.

Community Member

For those who didn't realize it yet, it's not just that the maximum is now 8. In a subtle way, Upwork doubled the price of applying for jobs. 

1 connect jobs became 2 connects = 100% increase
2 connects jobs became 4 connects = 100% increase
4 connects jobs became 6 connects = 50% increase
6 connects jobs became 8 connects = 33% increase

Community Member

Im seeing MOST jobs now require 12! connects? What is going on? 

Community Member

This viral step was needed to take to save the upwork! Love it! let's see how much can it effect on the faoul freelancerS!

Community Member

Hi Freelancers,


I recently joined and most of the proposals I was getting ranged from 1 to 6 connects. However recently all the proposal I am getting are 4 connects and above. 


This increase happened over the past 2 weeks.

Community Member

If a job was posted 2 days ago and there are already people who have boosted their bids, is there really any point to my boosting my bid today? (I don’t look for new jobs every day when I already have enough work.) Haven’t the clients already seen those previous bids? If I outbid them today am I not just wasting those connects?



Clients will typically log into their account many different times before hiring as well as Upwork's system sends out email reminders at various points about the Boosted and Best Match freelancers. Therefore, it can still make sense to outbid other freelancers. Thanks!

I never apply to jobs posted more than 6 hours ago or those that have 50+ proposals already. Not worth spending the connects.

Community Member

hi all,

i just noticed few jobs requiring 8 connects to post proposal? is it due to some issue or new policy regarding selected jobs? but its is not right smaller jobs requiring 8 connects..why cant be connects requirement as per the scope and budget of job.

Almost all of the jobs in my feed require 8 connects as a minimum now. Apparently it's an Upwork's way to reduce a number of unwanted proposals, but I don't see any number reduced, there's always/still a huge amount of proposals, plus the boosted ones.



It's a new policy. There was an announcement about it, but Upwork really ought to send out emails to freelancers when they make a change like this; lots of people are asking about it. https://community.upwork.com/t5/Product-Release-Notes/Marketplace-Updates-Boosted-Proposals-and-Conn...

Community Member

For a couple of days, I have seen that Upwork has increased the number of connects to apply for the job. As a beginner in Upwork, It's become hard for me to use 4 or more connects for all jobs even for small jobs like $5. Are you facing a similar problem or its just me? If it's just me then what do I have to do to make it right?

Community Member

Yes, you are right, switching to somewhere else is definitely an option. Here we are sharing with the Upwork management what is happening. What impact do their decisions are doing on us (the freelancers)? After all, we are all interlinked together.

Community Member

Dear Upwork so talented product managers


  • Do you really think that freelancers are coming with deep pockets? 
  • You simply raised applying cost to range of 33% to 100% hike. Like 6 to 8 is 33% and 1 to 2 is 100%.
  • Why making fools to freelancers only, introduce some gimmick for clients as well. 
  • Even if I consider you are making the playground even for all, can you make one more change please.
  • Start charging client 5$ per job which you can settle later once he hire someone as your contact fees. Why am I asking this because if you really have balls to make playground even for both, this idea will remove all the spammers and fake job postets.
  • Penalty on spammers malware creators should be high like $50 per violation.
  • Earn from that model as well then only freelancers will have good ground to play on equality. 

Hope someone who has big ears can listen in Upwork as most of them are non freelancers centric and operate without empathy.


God Bless You!  Hoping none of your siblings are doing freelancing, their prayers will be bad for you only, for God sake understand pain of freelancers! 

Community Member

I see many jobs get closed with many proposals submitted, and yet no one is hired. I suggest that in these situations, the Connects are refunded to those freelancers. There are certainly clients on this platform who actually have no intention to hire a freelancer, not just the scammers. This would go a long way toward building good faith with freelancers, especially with this change and the fee structure change.

Exactly! It's the same cycle over and over again...I spend 8 connects to apply, take the time to google the client's website from the job post, write a custom cover letter and add multiple relevant samples from my portfolio, that's more than half an hour's worth of effort and then keep checking back, no one gets hired. And this has been happening over and over again since the start of this month since I've been active again after a looong break. Blew through 150 or more connects on 14 jobs. I was a great fit for all of them, have 4400 logged hours and 87k in earnings with perfect 5star feedback but since I was inactive for a few years I don't have JSS or any of the new parameters... so here I am wondering what happened to this place!

  Secondly, a client friend of mine showed me their end of the picture, and it turns out upWork makes multiple suggestions to clients at every step of the hiring process so it's highly likely that the clients will trust the system and prefer those freelancers that are suggested by upWork rather than people like us who are spending money on connects and boosting etc to apply to jobs. 
   Even turning the available now badge on didn't get me a single profile view. 
     Now I'm wondering if I need to add money to my account and buy the freelancer plus version, any suggestions if that is going to make a difference?!

Always reach for the skies, for even if you fall, you'll still be on the top of the world...
Community Member

Think something different now other than UW use multiple options.


Community Member

I have also found another pattern in the jobs posted. I feel I must say this here. 

I found 5 star rated clients with 80% percent hire rate, spent more 5k on upwork with so much good reviews posting a job with 8 connects, seems like legit right? But even after a week, they did not hire, not even an interview. But these things happen right? What I felt weird was, the client has offered jobs in the software field python this, python that till the previous week, all of a sudden the client requires a children's book illustrators....


This is a pattern I found with nearly 10-15 job postings... I haven't applied since I felt weird. I just wanted to know if anyone has observed this sudden shift from one field to another field. 

Community Member

I'm not sure whether this message reaches the top decision-makers.

In addition to my comments in a msg below, now when UW is committed on its way to get as many connects spent by the freelancers, (thus benefitting only the UW), I'ld just suggest UW to consider:

1- increasing the free connects from 10 to 20 per month,

2- incresing the membershiop connects from 80 to 100 or more;

3- reimbursing the used connects to freelancers, on a project which is PROVED as fake/scam, and penalising only the so-called "client" by permanently blocking his email and contact No. (if UW makes it mandatory for clients to mention their email and mobile no. before posting a job, and then client's email and mobile both are banned on proof of scam, the result would be good both for UW as well as us freelancers... there would be less spam!


Increasing free connects does not make sense at all since it's just the tip of the iceberg compared to 100/200/1000 connects which take the top 3-4 boosted slots. 
Removing the boosting feature is the best option.  This feature gives benefits to only the freelancers who have big long-term contracts. So riches get richer and poorer get poorer.  

Community Member

This is the worst system ever introduce to upwork, if you want to limit the number of proposal then there are multiple way to do that. By raising the cost of the connect per job and giving more boost feature is a death trap for new freelancer. 
you could have simply introduce the more filter. if UPWORK can't get an idea then let me suggest few of the suggestion.


1. limit the number of proposal one can submit per day ( based on agency / individual ) 
2. there are people who is willing to give jobs only to individual instead of the agency or vice-versa so that can be a must fullfill criteria as well while appling the job.

3. there are open jobs that are not closing for months : give a job expiry option while posting the job 
4. there can't be more then a limit open jobs for a client, he must close the existing jobs first to post more jobs based on his profile activity 

on upwork for a simiple job people are boosting with 60 connects , if you purchase the connect then it will cost you around $9 for 60 connects so only people who has already earned around big amount and have amazing profile can only afford. for a newbie to show the skills and portfolio nothing is left because after 4 places boost there are very few clients will be scrolling and interviewing the other talents. 

Community Member

It seems competition is still fierce and adding extra 2 connects isn't helping much. Plus, be it boosted or organic; the chances of even getting highlighted have been reduced by 80% compared to the past.


I think you will need some solution as the majority of freelancers are losing trust in this platform. If you ask me, Upwork was more stable 3 years ago when there was no boosting of proposals and talents were only chosen with their strength in proposals.

Community Member

I've noticed recently that most of the jobs I bid on went from 2, 4, or 6 now up to 8 connects most of the time. Did Upwork crank up the cost to bid on projects across the board? 

I'd say so...so - on free plan, you get to bid on one project.
Which is fine with me, since 98% of those "job postings" are never awarded anyway (just checked my stats).

Community Member

Listen, I'm willing to pay 8 connects and maybe even more. But only if I see that the client is reliable and is really going to hire. If it's a beginner with zero feedbacks, 0 % hire rate or "payment method not verified", then it's just a waste of connects. Make a ceiling of 5 connects maximum for new clients' projects. Then it would be fair!

Community Member

So - I did some math based on my 2022 upwork experience.
I'll need 1200 connects - that's $195 to apply for the same number of jobs I applied to in 2022. In 2022 I didn't get a single job (apart from a few small edits from my long term client).
So - pay $200 - get nothing.
No, thanks...

Community Member

Yep. I've paid twice as much *to date* (less than 3 mo) for Connects as I did in *all* of 2022, yet only seen one new job from it because views have plummeted. (No views, no jobs.) And now with the charge higher... well, Upwork's interface with the big bad world isn't sustaining itself anymore. It doesn't work.


I worked for myself without a middleman for many years before... if this is now more expensive than before—and has zero results, when it used to get me work... what am I here for? I can get that "on the outside."


I'd pay for results, but I can't pay infinitely for nothing.


*sigh*  I really used to like UW.

Community Member

Upwork has to realise that profits increase is linked to client satisfaction which in turn is linked to freelancer satisfaction.

Client satisfaction is increased when the job gets completed successfully and for that to happen, it has to be easier for the client to find the right person for the job. Having tons of proposals thrown at a client works against that, hence the increased connect cost to apply. It's not a popular opinion, but I agree with this action.


Yet, when it comes to freelancer satisfaction, Upwork fails on a few fronts. One of them mirrors the client's frustration: just like they have to go through tons of freelancers' proposals, many of them inadequate, we have to filter through tons of useless job postings. What is being done about this? Nothing currently. We need the "connects cost" equivalent for clients, or freelancers' satisfaction is going to continue its downward trend and while the clients are the ones bringing the money, the freelancers are the ones putting them into Upwork's pocket. Ignore this aspect for long enough and nothing good can come out if it.


To mitigate this issue, Upwork could go about a few ways:

1- introduce a small fee for every job posting. I know this is not favored by some freelancers from what I've seen here and possibly by Upwork either, but it would discourage lots of job postings that are more like a google search "what would it cost me to have this done". It's not phrased like this most of the time, as no one would apply, but rest assured, many clients have no serious intention of hiring.

2- "Payment unverfied" jobs should cost nothing. If they're not willing to show that they're serious about hiring, then perhaps, sifting through 50+ proposals is an appropriate cost for asking questions/info, instead of us paying in order to educate them.

3- another way of discouraging clients to use Upwork instead of google, would be to incurr some kind of penalty after the hiring rate drops below 50%. This is acually not mutually exclusive to either of the two above, since it alone, wouldn't address the "payment unverified" merely curios or downright bored client.

There are, of course, many other ways to address this and my proposed solutions might not be the right ones, but I'm sure there are some.


tl;dr Increase the connect costs all you want, it's fine by me, cost of doing business and all that, but address the other half of spamming, that is job posting spamming, not just proposal spamming.

Community Member

I wholeheartedly agree with you.
Yes, Upwork is trying to solve the problem of spam on proposals under projects.
However, that shouldn't been done by the expense of Freelancers.
They need to work with the ethics of customers, and not rely on the fact that the other half of the Upwork community will simply swallow it!

Community Member

Why do I need to use 4 connects for a 5 Dollar job? Upwork didn't reduce the connect price or give me any big sale offers. This situation is making Upwork an unreliable marketplace indeed. As a newbie, it's hard to join the competition. Upwork should do something about it

Community Member


  Hi Upworkers.
Maybe I missed this news. However, the cost of applying to jobs offered by employers has increased a lot lately. I mean the amount of Connects that are required to apply.

In general, on my profile, I see next: to apply for a job I need to spend 8 Connects. While previously, for a similar job, the ceiling was only 6!


  Other Jobs now costs me 4-6 Connects. And this is a category of jobs that have very poor requirements or no clear understanding of what the client needs. This is also a category of clients who usually have low ratings and a low-level hourly rate paid.😔


  On average, I spend a consistent amount of Connects per month to win a job. And from that, I plan my monthly budget. So I have to buy more Connects to maintain my income on a previous level (read - I have to pay the platform more to maintain the previous reward).


  Now I have to limit the number of jobs that I can apply for because it's getting unreasonably expensive. Clients don't really care about how many Connects their potential freelancer spends. They may not even consider the request from a freelancer. And in this case, the freelancer simply wastes 8 Connects to nowhere, because the task may not specify clear requirements or the desired result.


  Also now, the "Availability Badge" becomes absolutely useless. After all, in addition to the high-bet Connects, I'm constantly paying for this badge, which is of no use.


  In general, advise please what are the solutions for this situation, and maybe someone has faced with similar?

Thanks you.

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