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How do I delete my messages?

I'm sure ths is a silly question but I can't figure it out.  How do I simply delete messages in both the web version and the desktop verson of the messaging system.  I don't see a delte key icon anywhere and I'd like to clean up my inbox form old messages no longer needed.   Help much appriciated and screen shots too.  Thank you.



Community Member

You can't delete them, but you can click to the right on the three dots in a circle and choose "hide".

I have one message without the 3 dots.  Now what?

Hello Gail, 


Please select the message and you should be able to see the button by hovering your mouse in the message. 


Thank you.

Community Member

Hi David,


You can hide conversations on the left side of your messages by hovering your mouse under the time stamp and clicking on the (...) button that appears:




You can also delete individual messages by clicking on the cogwheel icon that appears next to the time stamp opposite of that message:



~ Valeria

Ohhh ... didn't know about that cogwheel thing. Thanks!

thank you so much for the detail explaination, it was really helpful.

Community Member

The cogwheel did not work. It shows something completely different but nothing about deleting messages also how do you do it in the Android app? When was this messaging system written? like 1993? LOL it's not very intuitive.



Please, note that using the cogwheel you can only delete your own messages. You can't delete messages of other people on the room.

~ Valeria

Valeria, please help....


I have received a number of emails from people "Inviting me" and some of these are very old.  They are cluttering my inbox.  When I click the Circle with (...) next to the client name, a "Hide" option does not appear.  How do I get all these messages removed from my inbox so I can see the ones I need to respond to?


Thanks for your help.



Hi Jason, 

You should be able to see the button by hovering your pointer somewhere under the time. 


Screen Shot 2017-03-29 at 11.11.36 AM.png

~ Avery

It's totally an oudated system.  I hope they update it soon.

Why can't I find it. or by process.**Edited for community guidelines**

Hi Rapid,


I checked your account and it looks like you have not posted a job yet. You may want to read this help article to help you get started on Upwork. 

~ Joanne

Hi Valeria!


I guess, you can no longer delete a message once the recepient has read it? Been trying to delete a message I missent to a different client, but can no longer do it. Is there another way? Thanks!

Hi Marie,

You will be able to delete/edit messages only 1 hour after you have sent the message. After one hour has passed this options wont be available to you, thank you!

~ Goran

I hid some of my messages, but one does not even have the option to hide it! It really shouldn't be this hard to hide / delete messages from an inbox...

I'm having the same problem as the others. One of my messages doesn't have the time stamp of the three dots, no matter how long or where I hover the mouse. Can Upwork please upgrad this so we can delete unwanted messages? Thank you.

Hi Linda,

You will be able to delete/edit messages only 1 hour after you have sent the message. If this option is not available to you in the first hour let us know here or contact our customer support directly, thank you!

~ Goran

Goran, thank you for your reply. I realized I'm talking about deleting an entire interview. I'll look in the forum to see if this has been asked.

Why in the hell I can't delete other people's messages permanently from my screen, it's CRAZY!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Salah, 


Are you trying to delete your messages from a certain room in your Message page? Or are you trying to block users from messaging you?

~ Avery
Community Member

I’m trying to remove this conversation permanently from my messages

Hi Salah,


Unfortunately at the moment, we don't have this option. You can only hide the conversation, to do this hover over the message room and click on the three dots that will appear on the right side.

You will also be able to delete/edit messages only 1 hour after you have sent the message. Thank you.

~ Goran

As you can clearly see, and everyone else keeps saying, there is no three dots or a way that you can delete or hide a message. It's ridiculous... 
It's frustrating not being able to delete unwanted messages.


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi Uros,


I'm sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you. I shared your issue with the rest of our team and one of our agents will reach out to you directly via a support ticket to assist you further.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar
Community Member

Stupid system why you cannot delete messages - some offers are not of my interest and it keeps pilling up - how difficult to create a system to delete a message? Ok upwork team probably you need to hire ChatGtp to explain to you how to integrate a message delete. 

Community Member

We agree, here we are in August 2023, and this is as idiotic as it gets.


Here I am trying to block a scammer and hide the message - I'm on the road, traveling with my ipad on hand trying to run a business, and Upwork for some idiotic reason, has taken leave of their senses, and have forgotten that we are in 2023 where *majority of the Humans on the planet earth* have mobile devices.  


Yet... none of the features mentioned in this thread, for such things, that work on pc.. do not exist on iPad/iPhone while using safari browser and having the website set om the desktop, also not available on the app.  


Upwork, I must say... you guys really are idiotic with your mental framework regarding such things.

Community Member

Holy crap this is stupid. We can't delete or hide or archive old messages. 


Listen, if this is a feature that is NOT available for the user then you just disable messaging all together. If the client wants to get in touch with us, let them email us where we CAN delete their messages. 



Community Member

Hi Theodore,


Thank you for reaching out, and we certainly understand your concerns with the Upwork Messages. To hide or archive a message or conversation, click the three-dot menu over your conversation and then select Archive.


Additionally, please be aware that sharing contact information before a contract has started is against Upwork's Terms of Service, and all communications before the contract starts must take place on Upwork.

Let us know if you need further assistance.


~ Arjay
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