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Dan's avatar
Dan R Community Member

My proposals are archived!

Who can explain me why the half of my new proposals are archived? Today I posted a job to find a good freelancer for my project, but an hour later I discovered that the most of the proposals are in the archive list. What's going on? I even didn't have an opportunity to review the freelancers. Upwork promotes some freelancers and hides others?

Lena's avatar
Lena E Community Member

Hi Everyone,

We apologize for the delay, but understand we may not always be able to address posts with urgency, especially over the weekend or holidays. We understand and have read your feedback and grievances. We are glad that many of you are pleased with the Talent Services decision to no longer archive proposals. At the same time, we will not be reimbursing connects. These proposals were archived, not deleted, which means clients still had full access to all submitted proposals and were able to see the total amount of proposals listed in each section.  


Rest assured, archiving will not be replaced by any new process. Proposals would only appear  in the Archived list if the client or freelancer took action on the proposal. Talent Specialists will only be shortlisting proposals, as they have done. The Shortlisted list highlights proposals that Talent Specialists want to share with clients, this separate list which does not affect or touch proposals in the All Proposals list.


ATS Navigation.png

The All Proposals tab includes all active proposals. Proposals withdrawn by freelancers or clients, and declined invites are not included in this active list, those would be found in the Archived list. The All Proposals list displays Best match as the default sorting order. However, clients can sort the proposal list as they see fit: Newest to Oldest, Highest to Lowest rate, etc. The total amount of proposals in a tab is always visible at the top alongside the navigation link.



ATS Sort.png


As for Talent Specialists in general, they will continue improving their services and training. We recognize the comments shared in the Community. Feedback about irrelevant invites is shared with their team and actioned when necessary. Obviously, we wouldn’t keep or push a program that wasn’t working or producing results. Currently, Talent Services assists with around 5% of all jobs on the platform and these jobs have a higher fill rate as well as end with high success rates and great feedback. And as mentioned before, both clients and freelancer are given an option to opt out of the service.


View solution in original post

328 REPLIES 328
Bojan's avatar
Bojan S Community Manager

Hi Dan,


I'm sorry for the trouble this caused. I checked this for you and you should be able to ''Unarchive'' proposals you would like to review. You can find ''Unarchive'' button on the right side of the Archived proposals. Let us know if you need any further assistance. Thank you.

~ Bojan
Dan's avatar
Dan R Community Member

I don't have so much time for "Unarchiving". Moreover I asked why Upwork prevented clients from chooing the best candidate for them, but I didn't get an answer. Your platform desides for the client which candidate fits and which - doesn't, sends the invitations to the interviews, bur at the end it appears that the candidate is not qualified at all. But we are people and want to choose candidates ourselves.

Bojan's avatar
Bojan S Community Manager

Dan, we followed up with the team and an agent is already communicating with you about the process. Feel free to share any of the concerns or questions you have with her. Thank you.

~ Bojan
Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

@Bojan S wrote:

Dan, we followed up with the team and an agent is already communicating with you about the process. Feel free to share any of the concerns or questions you have with her. Thank you.

 No. Just NO.


Let's not hide this question under "you have a ticket, discuss it there, hidden from view..."


If a client has not archived a bunch of proposals, why are they archived? By whom? Based on what?

This is a serious matter and freelancers and clients alike deserve an answer to the question if, and why,  and how Upwork would hide proposals in an archived folder.


The question was not whether a client can un-archive them, the question was why proposals are hidden in the first place, and by whom and based on what, exactly.

Some people pay for connects. If nobody else they deserve to know how and why their Proposals wind up in an archived folder.


Let's answer that right here, shall we?


Valeria's avatar
Valeria K Community Member



That is part of the services that Talent Services offer to clients and Dan is currently in contact with one of the Talent Specialists. This is a service that clients can choose to receive or opt out of.

~ Valeria
Kathy's avatar
Kathy T Community Member

@Valeria K wrote:



That is part of the services that Talent Services offer to clients and Dan is currently in contact with one of the Talent Specialists. This is a service that clients can choose to receive or opt out of.


So, are you saying that the services of the Talent Specialist is the default setting/choice unless the client chooses not to have these services?  That is NOT right. It should be the other way around. 


I wonder how many freelancers proposals are archived because the client didn't click on whatever to choose NOT to have those talent services. And I wonder how many clients know proposals are archived and how to "un" archive them. 

Dan's avatar
Dan R Community Member

No no no! Nobody asked me whether I need this service or not. There was't any choice. Talent Specialist just started sorting my proposals without my agreement. As the result, lots of cool freelancers are in the archive list and less qualified guys are shortlisted. And I just waste time for interviewing freelancers from so to say "shortlist". Is it OK for you to waste your clients' time? Why do people from the Talent Specialist Service think that they know better what I need?

Sarah's avatar
Sarah H Community Member

Hello everyone! I have the same trouble with the proposals! 45 proposals have been archived. And the thing is that I saw this list accidentally ( I use the mobile device and there’s this archive list hidden). I think it’s unfair. Dear Talent Specialists, leave us a chance to make the decisions by ourselves!
Rene's avatar
Rene K Community Member

What the frak is going on here?


"Where darkness shines like dazzling light"   —William Ashbless
Jennifer's avatar
Jennifer M Community Member

oh no lol Talent Specialists in charge of choosing who is right for the project.  If you can't laugh at these situations, you'll go insane.


Oh dear oh dear. I'm gonna stay positive and zen and assume the Talent Specialist hit the wrong button and didn't mean to do this. Upwork has made me a zen alcoholic because of this stuff.

Virginia's avatar
Virginia F Community Member

@Rene K wrote:

What the frak is going on here?


What the frak indeed? Way to bring down the holiday mood I was in, Upwork.

Perhaps a mod will come along and let me know if I should stop wasting my time crafting thoughtful proposals tailored to a client's RFP if it means one of your "Talent Specialists" is going to toss it in the trash, never to be seen by anyone.

Here's an idea, UW - how about NOT inserting yourselves into my freelance business unless I asked for your help. What a travesty.


ETA: I don't know whether or not to be surprised at the lack of follow-up by a mod. What is the reason for this total and complete silence from Upwork? And where are the clients who posted their concerns about "hidden" freelancers.


Hello? Anybody home?

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

@Valeria K wrote:



That is part of the services that Talent Services offer to clients and Dan is currently in contact with one of the Talent Specialists. This is a service that clients can choose to receive or opt out of.

 Yes.  And according to Dan he never wanted this "service."

According to Sarah she didn't even know that the "talent specialist" was hiding proposals from her.


I find this so deeply disturbing I am having trouble wrapping my head around it.


Do freelancers who buy Connects or memberships get their money and / or connects back when Upwork first takes their money and then hides their proposals from clients without the client's knowledge and consent?


It's like a lottery company taking your cash for a lottery ticket and then not including your ticket in the draw.


Frankly, I am somewhere between flabbergasted and outraged.

This is so wrong I don't even know where to start.


Kathy's avatar
Kathy T Community Member

The sad part of this is that there is nothing we or anyone can do about it except to post our thoughts here. It's also sad that the thousands + of freelancers on here, who don't read the posts, know nothing about this.

Virginia's avatar
Virginia F Community Member

@Kathy T wrote:

The sad part of this is that there is nothing we or anyone can do about it except to post our thoughts here. It's also sad that the thousands + of freelancers on here, who don't read the posts, know nothing about this.

You're right, Kathy. That said, when we post our thoughts, the clients who have participated in this thread will (hopefully) see our responses and they'll keep crying "FOUL". Let's not get this thread buried and forgotten. I'm (mostly) over other stupid decisions UW makes, but this thing has got to go away. I like the noise crickets make ... but not in this case.

Tasha's avatar
Tasha V Community Member

Ohhhh, I just walked in and saw it. This is a problem, and she touched everyone. I see so many disgruntled freelancers. I am outraged because my offers go to the archive every other day, and I buy a membership and they do it unfairly. I hope they solve it.

Yabets's avatar
Yabets T Community Member

seriously that's why I lost many jobs opportunities and loose all those connects why??

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Yabets T wrote:

seriously that's why I lost many jobs opportunities and loose all those connects why??

If you had read the whole thread you'd see that Upwork stopped doing so almost 2 years ago. So no, it's not why clients don't hire you.

Douglas Michael's avatar
Douglas Michael M Community Member

While this may be a stretch, programming changes at Upwork so commonly produce unexpected ancillary results that I have to ask:


Could this be at all related to my inability to accept a current client's invitation to a new job?

p.s. Back on topic: And once again, it seems, we have a fundamental change in how the site works, affecting both buyers and sellers, rolled out willy-nilly with no thought of informing—let alone consulting—anyone.


[edited: Invitation failure appears to be unrelated; it was failing via computer, but worked via tablet. Go know.]

Jessica's avatar
Jessica S Community Member

Valeria K wrote:



That is part of the services that Talent Services offer to clients and Dan is currently in contact with one of the Talent Specialists. This is a service that clients can choose to receive or opt out of.


Can you please let me know if having a talent specialist IS something they have to actively select and not a default option? It’s concerning that several clients are saying they did NOT ask for this service. I get the concept. If a client actively chooses it, that is one thing. But if talent specialists are a “default” option now, where the client didn’t ask for nor want it, that is something else. Does a client have to actively tick a box (or something similar) to have the help of a talent specialist?  If so, why are several clients on this thread receiving the service when they didn’t ask for it?

Ahmed's avatar
Ahmed F Community Member

Petra R wrote:

Some people pay for connects. If nobody else they deserve to know how and why their Proposals wind up in an archived folder.


Let's answer that right here, shall we?

I couldn't agree more with Petra! Especially after spending $70 over the past few days in purchasing additional connects. Now I know that was a total waste of money, and obviously a waste of time!


Screen Shot 2019-01-10 at 6.58.27 PM.png


[ IMPORTANT: I have checked the comunity regulations regarding attaching support files, and I believe that the file I am attaching here does not violate those regulations by any means. Therefore, I do not expect it to be removed by an Upwork agent without a prior notice and clear explanation of the reason(s) they find applicable to this case. Thank you for understanding. ]

K. M. Robiul's avatar
K. M. Robiul K Community Member

I am facing the same problem, I already buy 120 connects and submit 20+ proposals. I still not get any response. Upwork can't prove I was unfit for that job and confidently can tell I can do that project perfectly than others. So why Upwork deprive us of that project. 

Now I stopped submitting my proposal and trying to understand the Upwork algorithm. 

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi K. M. Robiul,


Submitting proposals doesn't always guarantee that you will get hired or get a chance to be interviewed, but you shouldn't give up on sending proposals to potential clients. You may check our Resource Corner and find some excellent topics there:


Submitting a Winning Proposal on Upwork

Make Your Freelancer Profile More Visible & Appealing

Enhance Your Freelancer Profile for Greater Success


When you apply for jobs, make sure your proposal is well written and that you're absolutely qualified and certain of your ability to complete the job you're applying for.
Raju's avatar
Raju G Community Member

I'm a new freelancer user of Upwork.

What is the Archived proposal? please let me know ASAP.

Valeria's avatar
Valeria K Community Member

Hi Raju Gurung,


When your proposal is declined by the client, withdrawn by you or the job is closed, it'll be moved to Find Work> Proposals> Archived. 

Clients also have an option to archive proposals on their end. 

~ Valeria
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