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Bank code

Hi guys,

I am so concerned as I just received an email from upwork saying that I should update my current payment method, which is local bank transfer. It says that I should input my bank code, I called my bank (which is the biggest bank here in Colombia, Bancolombia) and they say they do not have any bank code, they only have swift code which is the one I have been using all these years...I am so concerned about this update, I fear not being able to get my money...any advise or any Colombian colleague who is in the same position? Thank you!

129 REPLIES 129

I have the exact same issue in my case is also for Colombian bank named Colpatria and they don't have a code besidesd SWIFT and the first 4 letters don't work at all and I've always been paid through my local bank account so I need to fix this ASAP!
Community Member

The following fields need to be edited or added:
Bank Code
Citizenship Card Number
Bank Account Type


Hi, Upwork has asked me to update my bank details, I wrote the following but I still have no response from them.


Hello, I called the bank I am affiliated with and requested the bank code, but they tell me that they have none or do not know what I mean, I wonder if they can give me more information about what type of bank code they need.

Hi Andres,


We are investigating the issue and will post an update soon.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

I'm having the exact same issue with a bank from Guatemala. I need help.


My bank says this is a code that the platform should provide. 

Hi Lourdes,


Could you please try entering the first 4 digits of your SWIFT code. If you receive any errors on your end please let me know. Thank you.

~ Goran

I tried that and got an invalid code error. They are asking for an 8 digit

Same issue here. I use Siam Commercial Bank here. The SWIFT code for SCB is SICOTHBK.

I used SIC and it says "Invalid Format".

Please help!!!

Hi Rajat,


Could you please try entering the first 4 digits of your SWIFT code. If you receive any errors on your end please let me know. Thank you.

~ Goran

There are no digits in my bank's Swift code. It is SICOBKTH. I tried to enter SIC but it says 'invalid format'.

My bank's Swift Code is SICOTHBK. So, when I enter SIC, it says 'invalid format' or something like that. It doesn't work.

Hi Rajat,


Could you please try using 014 as your bank code and let me know if you`re still experiencing any problems on your end. Thank you.

~ Goran

Okay, this works! Many thanks!

Community Member

Liliana and others,


We've gotten an update from our payment partner about the bank codes you could use. If you are using Bancolombia, please enter Bank code 1007. If you are using Banco Colpatria, please use 1019. If you are having issues entering an account in any other bank, please follow up on the notification you received last week about this and we'll further assist you with adding the correct code.


We appreciate your patience as we were getting this sorted.

~ Valeria

Thank you, it seems to have worked, let's hope everything is ok. Thank you very much!

Mine also worked , thank you so much.

Thanks, it works, finally. 

Hi Valeria, I'm from Banco Davivienda and I don't know what the bank code is, could you help me?

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Community Manager

Hey Andres Daniel, could you please try 1051 as a bank code?


Thank you!

~ Bojan
Community Member

I managed to place it, I hope it works, now we just have to wait, thank you very much Bojan S

Community Member

Hello good morning.
I'm having same issue. I'm from Nigeria and I'll love to use my Highstreet Microfinance Bank account. But they said they don't have any SWIFT code or the don't know it. Kindly help me check if there is any number I can use just like you gave others. Thank you.
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Community Manager

Hi Fortress, 

I'll go ahead and share your concern with the Customer Support Team so that they can look into this and assist you. 

~ Avery

Hi There upwork team.

So i just got an email from 

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Is this a valid information ? because normally upwork's email is 

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Thank you

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Community Manager

Hi Maulana,


Yes, this is a valid email sent from Upwork. Here you can find a support ticket related to the content shared in your post.


Thank you! 

~ Bojan

Valeria K., where can I find a list of these codes?


I'm Brazilian and I was also asked to update my bank details. In my case it is a 3 digit number.


Thanks in advance.

I also asked "Banco do Brasil" - one of the largest Brazilian banks - to give me their bank code. They reply as follow (my translation):


"To receive remittances from abroad at Banco do Brasil you only need to enter the Swift Code and IBAN. It is common for some senders to request information such as ABA code or Routing Number, but they are used to identify banks and accounts in the United States. If you have questions about how to report this information, you may want to ask the bank that will send you this order."


As previous posters, I do not know how to do. I'm also concerned about my next Upwork payment

Hi Welder, 

A member of the Customer Support Team will reach out to you to assist you further with your concern. 

~ Avery

Hello Welder!


I'm writing in English so that others can follow - if needed.


Did you manage to get the bank code for Banco do Brasil?


I'm working on setting my payment method at this moment and this piece is missing.



Hi, I need the Bank code to "Banco AV VILLAS" in Colombia, the swift code is BAVICOBB. Thanks

Hi Juan,


Please try using this code 1052, if you experience any problems on your end let me know. Thank you.

~ Goran

this one works

Thank you Valeria

Community Member

is the bank code means swift code?

Hi Aditya, 


As noted in your support ticket the bank code is a 4-digit alphanumeric bank code that identifies your bank. You may check both the bank code, and the branch code with your bank (the one in your payment method). If you go through any issues, you can come back here and our team will assist you further. 

~ Avery



Was there a resolution to Bancolombia bank code? The swift code has been working just fine until I received an email alerting me to update my bank information. The swift code is: COLOCOBMXXX. 

What is the expected code? Please help! Thanks! COLO, XXX and other examples given do not work!

Hi Francisco, as you can double check on the 2nd page of this discussion for Bancolombia the code would be 1007 as it is not related to the SWIFT CODE but these codes are being provided by Upwork , I hope it works for you too.
Community Member

I need to know what is the bank code for 'Banco Caja Socia', Colombia, I asked the bank and they told me that this is a number that Upwork should provide, so I don't have the code yet and I need to get paid

Hi Jeyson, 

Please try the 1032 for your bank code, and let me know if the issue persists. 

~ Avery

thanks, it worked
Community Member

Hi, I have a problem with the Bank Code of  "Banco de Bogota" of Colombia, the swift code is BBOGCOBB and I can not find information about that field, I appreciate any help you can give me

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Hi Cindy,


Could you please try using 1001 for your bank code, and let me know if it worked.


Thank you!

~ Bojan
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