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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was closed as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.

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Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.


Thank you!


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Hi Bohdan, please visit our  Academy Page, which contains great courses on creating a strong profile and portfolio as well as many other courses and learning paths

I want to know about my profile, I'm applying to lot of jobs and not getting any reply. I even tried with boosting proposals.

I am a new freelancer, a college student primarily, who started here a 2 weeks back. I sent 5 proposals out, only 1 has been viewed which didn't even fetch me an interview. What is wrong with my profile, I thought I did a good job there.

I can't seem to get my first job here, could someone check my profile and give me feedback or tips...

I appreciate you helping, thanks.



There are many thousands of established freelancers active on Upwork, so you have a lot of competition. You may have to submit 100 or more proposals before you find your first job, so perseverance will be necessary. Once you get your first few jobs completed with good feedback from clients you'll likely start getting better traction with your proposals.


Good luck!

You have work to do. Your profile needs work and you have no portfolio. Please read this post, and follow every link. Because you are inexperienced here, you are a target for the scammers, especially when they see an incomplete profile.


As Will said, 5 proposals are nothing, and you may have to put in 100 plus before getting a single job. However, we were all new once, and plenty of freelancers have been successful. Millions of freelancers have not, and come here with no skills. Freelancing requires marketable skills, time, patience, effort, energy, and money. If any of those aspects are ignored, no jobs will be forthcoming.


Hello Everyone, I would like to know how I can improve my profile views and What to do when your views don't improve 


Hey there, Upwork Community!

I'm facing a little hiccup as a fresh face on Upwork and could really use your friendly guidance. Despite putting in my best effort to complete my profile 100%, and starting off with 50 connections, I haven't had any job offers come my way just yet. It's been a bit disheartening, especially because I've used up most of my connections and now only have two left in my pocket.

I've been actively applying to various jobs, but it seems I'm still waiting for that breakthrough opportunity. So, here I am, reaching out to this incredible community for some much-needed advice and tips from those who've successfully paved their way.

I'm eager to learn from your experiences and wisdom. Is there something I might be missing or could improve when it comes to showcasing my skills and experience? Do you have any strategies or suggestions to help me stand out and increase my chances of landing that first job? I'm all ears and ready to make adjustments to my profile and approach.

Speaking of adjustments, I'm also a bit worried about running out of connections. Is there a way to make the most of them or regulate their usage more effectively? I want to ensure I have the opportunity to apply for new and exciting projects without being held back.

I truly appreciate your friendly support, and I'm grateful for any insights or tips you can share. 

Silvia, you need to work on your profile. You will not be receiving jobs at $200. an hour, it is far too high. Your title is a mix of skills. You need to pick one or two and focus on that. Graphic design and content writing are flooded categories, and you will need to do something to stand out. You need a portfolio. If you don't have work, create something to showcase your skills.
Please use the links at the top to the Academy. If you don't know the Terms of Service learn them now. Learn Upwork's rules and how to stay safe. Before you apply to another job, read this from Wes. Scammers look for new and inexperienced freelancers.
Be selective in applying for jobs, and boosting. Don't apply for a job unless you know you are one of the top two or three applicants, and never boost unless you are certain you are one of the top three. You may not see a genuine job, for which you have the skills, very often. Do not apply for any job, just to get a job. It never works and you lose time, money, and hope. You have to learn to check out the clients, because no one does it for you, including Upwork. There are red flags you must learn before applying for jobs. Only you can protect yourself. Please learn the rules and how to be safe.

Thank you too much for the recomendations. I'll do the best.

Unless you're incredibly skilled and extremely lucky, I would advise against trying to make a career here. Every single area is oversaturated and there are fewer and fewer clients nowadays. You'll spend a lot of money buying connects just to try and find the first few jobs, which will be low paying.

Community Member

Hi Andrea G

I'm new to Upwork and haven't had success in getting a job yet. I'm unsure if it's due to my profile or my proposal approach. Could you please review my profile and provide feedback on areas for improvement?


Thank you!

Community Member



Welcome to Upwork.


Andrea is an Upwork Moderator. The moderators provide valuable information and moderate the Forums, but they do not provide profile reviews.


Since you are new to Upwork, make sure your profile is 100% complete before applying to jobs. At a minimum, you should read through the following:



You should also click the Academy link at the top of the screen and dive into the Courses and Learning Paths. Once you learn more about the Upwork platform, things will be much clearer.

Community Member


Please Visit My Profile. 

Community Member

Hi Md Adbul,


I looked at your profile and you need to make several changes. First, your title should be more focused and not include terms like "professional" and "expert." You can include those in your overview/summary. Your title should be something like: Data Entry and Typing Specialist.


You should also revise your overview/summary to focus on the client's needs. While clients expect to read about your skills and qualifications, what they really want to know is how your skills/qualifications will benefit them. Explain how you have completed data entry tasks for other clients/businesses, and how successful you were. Then explain about how this will benefit the prospective client.


You should also add a few more items to your portfolio. Clients will expect to see more examples of your data entry skills.


Also, add short job descriptions for each job in your employment history.


Since you are fairly new to Upwork, you want your profile to be 100% complete before applying to jobs. At a minimum, you should read through the following:



You should also click the Academy link at the top of the screen and dive into the Courses and Learning Paths. Once you learn more about the Upwork platform, things will be much clearer.


Good luck!

Community Member

Hi Andrea,

I'm new to Upwork. Could you please review my profile and provide feedback on it?




Community Member

Hi Bikash,


Welcome to Upwork.


Andrea is an Upwork Moderator. The moderators provide valuable information here and moderate the Forums, but they do not provide profile reviews.


I reviewed your profile and it looks good. I think your hourly rate may be a little high. I see hundreds of other digital marketing / campaign managmeent specialists with similar experience (9+ years) and they are between $15.00/hr. - $30.00/hr. Most of them are Top-Rated and Top-Rated Plus, which means they are doing very well here on Upwork. You may be worth $50.00/.hr, but be aware that clients pay very close attention to hourly rates.


Portfolio: You should provide a portfolio and include items that grab your client’s attention. You can add video marketing screenshots, social media campaigns, Hubspot screenshots, etc.


Project Catalog: You should also consider adding a project catalog. The project catalog allows you to setup a pre-packaged service that clients can choose to buy without you sending a proposal. Due to higher than usual requests for project catalogs, reviews and approvals are taking a minimum of 10 business days. Read Get Started With Project Catalog for more information.

Thank you for your email.
Community Member

Hello, I simply wanted to learn more about how to be more professional because I am new to freelancing. Please give me some criticism on my profile. Thanks

Community Member



I reviewed your profile and you want to make sure it is complete before sending bid proposals. Also, you want to revise your overview/summary and remove any references to being a "new freelancer." Clients only care about your ability to do the work and if you have the skills to provide the services you list, focus on those skills and tell the client how you will meet their needs and solve their problems.


Since you are new to Upwork, make sure your profile is 100% complete before applying to jobs. At a minimum, you should read through the following:



You should also click the Academy link at the top of the screen and dive into the Courses and Learning Paths. Once you learn more about the Upwork platform, things will be much clearer.

Thank you.
Community Member

Nice work. cheer up

Community Member

Hello everyone! I'm new to Upwork and I'm looking to optimize my profile to attract clients. I was wondering if any experienced freelancers in the group would be willing to take a look at my profile and provide some feedback on how I can improve it. I'm open to any suggestions and would greatly appreciate your help. Please let me know if you're interested and I'll make sure my profile visibility is not set to 'Private'. Thank you in advance for your time and assistance!

Community Member



Since your profile has been around since 2021, it does not look like you are that new to Upwork.


Either way, there are a few things in your profile that need improvement:


Overview/Summary: Your summary is written in a third-person point of view, and this is unnecessary. Clients expect you to provide information about your skills/qualifications and how you can help them, and your summary should be written as if you are speaking directly to a prospective client. Also, there is a lot of personal reflection in your summary and prospective clients rarely care about this. Clients want to know how your artistic direction will benefit them or their business. I suggest you revise your summary to be more client-focused, and write it from a first-person point of view.


Portfolio: You should add more items to your portfolio. Most clients will expect to see more forms of artistic expression from an art director. The two items you have in your portfolio are great, but you should add two or three more examples of your work.


Project Catalog: You should also consider adding a project catalog. The project catalog allows you to setup a pre-packaged service that clients can choose to buy without you sending a proposal. Due to higher than usual requests for project catalogs, reviews and approvals are taking a minimum of 10 business days. Read Get Started With Project Catalog for more information.


Employment History: Add short job descriptions for each job in your employment history, especially since most of the jobs are highly relevant to your art experience and background.


After you make these updates, just keep applying for jobs that match your qualifications and skills by writing great cover letters.


Good luck!

Community Member

Hi Andrea;

I'm new to Upwork and haven't had success in getting a job yet.

I have done a proposol and i want to learn how to be an Upwork freelancer, And I'm ready to work and focus in this i just need help about how i can do thit.





Community Member



Welcome to Upwork.


There are several issues with your profile, so the chances of you being invited to jobs is extremely low.


The first thing you should do is change your Photo. Your photo needs to be a picture showing your face, not a graphic or image. Read through Upwork's best practices for How to Choose A Good Profile Picture.


Next, as a freelancer providing services to clients, you are not an undergraduate. You should change your title to something that reflects a job occupation or skill/qualifications (i.e., 3D Modeler, 3D Design Engineer, etc.)


Since you are new to Upwork, make sure your profile is 100% complete before applying to jobs. At a minimum, you should read through the following:



You should also click the Academy link at the top of the screen and dive into the Courses and Learning Paths. Once you learn more about the Upwork platform, things will be much clearer.

Community Member


I am a Full Stack Developer with over 6+ years of experience and I am new to Upwork, Well I landed a job in just one month after creating my account and the client was extremely happy that she offered me 2 more jobs but after that, I did not get any job even I bid on a lot of jobs any advice.

Community Member

Hi Burhan,


Congratulations on the completed jobs and great feeback. Your profile is fine.


A lot of freelancers—even Top-Rated and Top-Rated Plus—are finding it difficult to get profile views and responses to their proposals these days. Just keep applying for jobs that match your qualifications/skills by writing great cover letters.

Community Member

Hello everyone, i am new here and request the seniors to please review my profile and give there valuable feedback.


Community Member

Hello Waqas,


Welcome to Upwork.


I looked at your profile and there are a few things you need to work on.


Title: Your title focuses on services you offer, but you may want to include an occupation along with those skills/services. For example, Data Analyst | Auditing, Accounting, Data Entry, Data Extraction.


Overview/Summary: Your summary reads like a résumé and it should read more like a freelancer seeking to establish a business-to-business relationship, not an employee-to-employer relationship. I suggest you rewrite your summary to focus on a prospective client's data analsyis/ data entry needs. While clients expect to read about your skills and qualifications, what they really want to know is how your skills/qualifications will benefit them. Talk about how your data analysis work can help them; the tools you use (i.e., PowerBI, QlikView, Power Query, etc.); and how this will help them improve operations, finances, etc.


Portfolio: Add a portfolio to showcase your skills. You can add examples of data entry spreadsheets, dashboards you might use, examples of financial analysis, market analysis, etc.


Skills: You should add more skills to your skills categories. The biggest reason to keep your skills list updated is so that prospective clients can find you when searching for freelancers with your specific skills, and so Upwork’s matching algorithms can better match you with jobs. Maybe you should  add: Data Extraction, Business Analysis, and Data Mining.


After you make these minor updates, start applying for jobs that match your qualifications by writing great cover letters. Write a custom cover letter based on the client's job: 1) acknowledge the job you are applying for; 2) highlight your qualifications; 3) explain how you will solve their problem; and finally, 4) request an Upwork Zoom call to discuss their project.

Community Member

,Hello Clark

Thank you for your valuable suggestions I will make updates to my profile shortly.

Community Member

Hi Andrea, 

Thanks for this thread.


I'll like a profile review on my general profile and specialized profile.

Community Member



I just reviewed your main profile and both specialized profiles, and they all look and sound great. I do not see any huge issues with either one.


Lately, a lot of freelancers are finding it difficult to get responses to their proposals. Keep applying for jobs that match your qualifications/skills by writing great cover letters. Just make sure each cover letter is tailored to the client's specific job requirements and you will eventually start winning jobs again.

Community Member

Good day Andrea

The information was very useful, it's so good to know that we can get feedback from other Upwork community members given guidelines on our profile

Hello Ebute,


Since you are new to Upwork, it is best to make sure your profile is 100% complete before applying to jobs. At a minimum, you should read through the following:



You should also click the Academy link at the top of the screen and dive into the Courses and Learning Paths. Once you learn more about the Upwork platform, it will be much easier to apply for and win jobs!

Community Member


This is 3rd month since I crated upwork account.

So far I have made lots of proposals to jobs, but there are a few messages and no offer from them.

If you have some times, could you look around my profile and what I am missing on it?


It will be good if you can teach and guide me.




Community Member



Your profile looks good, but you need to work on your overview/summary. First, remove this:


This is Roberto.
Since 3 years ago, I started to learn about web programming.

The client will see your name when they are searching for freelancers, so you don't want to waste space introducing yourself. The first few lines of your summary are important because this is what clients will see first, and you want to make an impact. Also, you want to focus on the client's needs and how you can help them. While clients expect to read about your skills and qualifications, what they really want to know is how your skills/qualifications will benefit them. Maybe you can say something like:


I'm a dynamic, highly skilled Web Developer with 3 years of experience building web platforms and developing blockchain projects for my clients.I  specialize in both front-end and back-end development, and I'm always looking for new technologies to help my clients improve their products and businesses.


My clients often provide requirements for their web projects and design mock-ups, walk them through the design phases, and complete their websites within their desired timeframe. I am passionate about solving complex problems and take a creative approach to developing web applications that meet my clients needs.


Front-end skills:

(everything after this is good)


Even though your profile can use these improvements, the lack of response to your proposals may be because of your cover letters. Make sure to write a custom cover letter based on the client's job: 1) acknowledge the job you are applying for; 2) highlight your qualifications; 3) explain how you will solve their problem; and finally, 4) request an Upwork Zoom call to discuss their project.


For more tips on cover letters, read through Upwork's best practices on How To Write a Cover Letter.


Good luck!

Community Member

Can I get a Profile feedback?!


Community Member

Hi Eduardo,


I reviewed your profile and I have a few suggestions:


Title: Your title sounds good, but it may not help you appear in the searches where you want to appear. The phrase "digital commerce" is known, but it's not a phrase most clients would know. As I'm sure you know, "e-commerce" is the more popular term, so you may want to revise your title. The digital transformation part is fine, so maybe: Ecommerce Expert | Digital Transformation.


Overview/Summary: The summary needs to be refocused on ecommerce, digital marketing and how you will use these skills/qualifications to help potential clients. Clients want to hear a little about your qualities and skills, but what they really want to hear about how your skills/qualifications will benefit them. Revise your summary to focus more on the customer. Maybe something like:


I'm an expert in e-commerce, digital marketing and digital transformation with over ____ years of experience helping businesses with their online paid media campaigns. I specialzie in developing and implementing paid media campaigns, CRO, Google Adwords, social advertising, programmatic buying, analytics, conversion rate optimisation and strategy development.


My clients are small and large businesses and facilitate their B2C, B2B and marketplace dynamics to help them improve their campaign ROI. Businesses often ask me about a variety of digital marketing solutions and I have been highly successful due to my effective decision-making, problem solving and dedication to identifying customer needs and delivering the right solutions to business models.


-----------I am an expert in the following:------------

✔ Digital Transformation Strategy  Development

✔ Facebook & Instagram Ads

✔ Google Ads: Search, Shopping, Display

✔ Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

✔ Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Google Merchant

✔ Marketing Reports

✔ Data Analysis

✔ Funnel Creation

✔ Landing Page Optimization

(... add more or remove any that do not apply to you)


---------------------Tools I use:------------------------

✦  VTEX B2B & B2C Ecommerce Platform

✦ Shopify
✦ WordPress
✦ Asana
✦ ClickUp
✦ Airtable
✦ ShareASale

✦ Octoboard

(... add more here or remove any that you do not use)


➔➔ I have one goal: Help you transform your digital strategy to generate more leads and higher traffic to your website and strengthen the impact of your digital media campaigns using organic reach and paid advertising solutions.


Let’s discuss your digital transformation needs and how I can help. I'm available to meet here on an Upwork Zoom call to talk about what I can do for your business.


Portfolio: The item in your portfolio is good, but I suggest adding two or three more. Clients will expect to see a few more visuals of digital marketing campaigns, a website screenshot, a VTEX screenshot, etc.


Everything else looks good.


After you make these minor updates, start applying for jobs that match your qualifications by writing great cover letters. Write a custom cover letter based on the client's job: 1) acknowledge the job you are applying for; 2) highlight your qualifications; 3) explain how you will solve their problem; and finally, 4) request an Upwork Zoom call to discuss their project.

Community Member

Hey Clark. Thanks Man
I really apreciatte it
Will do the changes

Thanks again best regards

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