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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

UPDATE: Check out the new Get Profile Feedback board!

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was closed as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.


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Community Manager

Great news, everyone! 👏  Due to the overwhelming success of this thread, we've created an entire board dedicated to profile feedback. This allows each freelancer to start a dedicated thread requesting feedback which makes it easier to manage for all involved parties. Check out the new Get Profile Feedback board!

Due to the new board, we've blocked new replies on this post. If you're still waiting for feedback, please post a thread in the new board. 😁


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Community Member

Hi Musa,


I see good information in your profile, but you need to go further to convince clients to hire you. There are thousands of email copywriters on Upwork, so clients need more than just skills to choose you.


Here are a few suggestions that might help optimize your profile:


1) Capitalize the first letter of each word in your title; this will help it stand out: E-mail Copywriter


2) Correct a few grammatical errors in the first two sentences of your overview/summary:


I'm an e-mail copywriter with experience writing emails and copy that help businesses make more money. Whether you're trying to make more sales, connect more with your audiences, or write a winning email campaign copy, I can help.


Next, do not use ALL CAPS when listing your skills.


Finally, give more details about your process for helping clients with their emails. For example:


  • Talk about your accuracy, attention to detail, and how you can maintain quality standards.
  • Also talk about your time management and organizational skills.
  • Highlight any email marketing campaigns or projects you have worked on and your accomplishments.
  • Talk about your ability to solve administrative problems and adapt to changing or new requirements if necessary.


Remember--you are competing with thousands of freelancers, so clients need several reasons to choose you.


3) You may want to add one or two Specialized Profiles that focus on more specific services or completely unrelated services. Having a specialized profile can help increase a freelancer's searchability.


Good luck!

Community Member

Hi Greeting! 


I recently joined Upwork, I would greatly appreciate it if you could detail review of my profile.
My Profile Link is: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~019b60c3f22be0d9b7

Mamunur Rashid

Community Member

Hi Mamunur,


Welcome to Upwork.


Good start to your profile. The only small suggestion I have is to remove the greeting and your name from the first part of your overview/summary: "Hi, Greetings! I'm Rashid,"


Why? Because only the first two sentences of your summary are shown to clients when they search for freelancers. This means you have very little space (approximately 200-250 characters) to get their attention. You want clients to see their goals (your services) in this small space. No need to waste space with greetings and names; clients can already see your name displayed on your profile.


Everything else looks good.


Good luck!

Community Member

Hi Clark S,

Thanks for your feedabcak. Already i change it and improve some other section. It will great help for me me if you have a look once again.


Thank You for supporting Newbie

Community Member

Hi AndreaG,

Request your help to give a feedback on my profile.Thanks for the help:





Community Member

Hi Sunil,


Andrea is an Upwork Moderator; she doesn't review profiles. Other freelancers offer to review profiles and provide feedback.


I looked through your profile and I have a few suggestions that might help improve it:


Title: Upwork recommends using experience information in your summary; not your title. I suggest removing the "22 Years" and adding spaces between "|" to make your title look less jumbled: IIM MBA | Sales, P&L, Consumer Durables, Media, Oil&Gas, IT


Overview/Summary: There is good information in your summary. I recommend using the first part (second sentence) to immediately tell clients how you can help them. For example:


I am an IIM Lucknow MBA, an accomplished Sales Leader with over 22 years of experience leading teams across various industries like consumer durables, lubes, FMCG, publishing/media, and IT. I help companies increase sales revenue and growth by setting ambitious, achievable sales targets using a proven sales strategy.


Portfolio: Add a portfolio to show samples of previous work or to demonstrate your skills. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


You should also consider adding a project catalog. The project catalog allows you to setup a pre-packaged service that clients can buy without you sending a proposal. Due to higher than usual requests for project catalogs, reviews and approvals are taking a minimum of 10 business days. Read Get Started With Project Catalog for more information.


Everything else looks good.


Good luck!

Community Member

Thanks Clark. Points Noted.Really appreciate your Feedback

Community Member

Hi Clark, Can you help review my profile too?

Community Member

Dear Upwork community,

I am new here in the freelancer market and I need your help in setting up the perfect account of mine, as A Designer I need my things to be nice looking and super clean and for that I need your suggestion what should I Improve in my profile to look nice and super clean 

Here you can view my Profile:- https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01bda5b6879c339291

Hello Mansi, As I review your profile, description was good but you can be do better in adding specialized profile and the description you have right now is missing a lot of structure like on the second paragraph and at last one you can add something special about yourself 
and the other was to update your portfolio, to engage more clients.

Thank you for your time to take a look on my profile, I will make sure to work on your suggestion.

Thank you Shivang 🤗

Community Member

Hello Freelancers, 

I am a little new over here in the market and by changing description, tags and giving solution on the specialized I get 50+ views from last 2 months, Now I am confused why I am not getting invite on that, Is there any one genius how can help me or guide me what can I do to make better in this!!



Your answer will be more appreciate on this 
Thank you 

Community Member

Hello Shivang,


Profile views will not always lead to invitations; in fact, most profile views do not lead to invitations. Also, your profile is not stationary in search results. When your profile appears high for your skill categories, you will likely get more views. When your profile appears deeper in search results for your skill categtories, you will probably get fewer views.


For most freelancers, the best way to get attention is by sending proposals to jobs where you meet the qualification and skill requirements. Getting invitations is difficult, so I encourage freelancers to send proposals if they have the Connects to spend, and not wait for invites.


Good luck!

Community Member

Hello all, Could you please review my profile and provide feedback on how I can enhance its quality and skills? Thank you.

Hello Tanvina,


Overall, I think your profile looks good.


In your overview/summary, I think you should establish your experience early. For example:


As a virtual administrative assistant with _____ years of experience, I bring a diverse skill set and extensive experience to deliver top-notch administrative support in a freelance capacity.


Also, you should mention which software applications and tools you are familiar with and use to support your clients (e.g., Slack, Asana, Zoom, Trello, Google Calendar, etc.)

Be sure to add other relevant skill categories to your skills list. For example, you should add Virtual Assistance and Administrative Support since both are highly relevant to your services. Upwork uses these skill categories to match you with relevant jobs, and to help your profile appear in search results when clients search for those skills.


Your portfolio, project catalog, certifications, and employment history look great.


Good luck!

Thanks for the valuable feedback! I'll definitely incorporate your suggestions into my profile to highlight my experience and skills more effectively. Your positive remarks on my portfolio and certifications are encouraging. I'll make these updates promptly. Thanks again!

Community Member

Profiile is private

Already sent a request to Upwork to reset the profile and make it public. Thanks.

Hi Zapadiya,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Your profile visibility is now updated. 

~ Nikola
Community Member

Dear Upwork Community,

I believe this message finds you all well. I am reaching out to kindly request for your valuable input on my Upwork profile. I am bent to professional and smart working and also striving to/for continuous improvement, I believe that constructive feedback from experienced peers can be incredibly beneficial.

If you have a moment, could you please review my profile and provide any insights that could enhance my visibility to potential clients? Your expertise and perspective are highly appreciated, as I aim to refine my presentation and service offerings.

Here is the link to my profile: Christine Naigaga Kawuma

Community Member



Your profile is not Public. You must set your profile to Public or Only Upwork users so we can see it. If you have it set to Only Upwork users, provide the link to your profile.



Community Member

Hello Upwork Team

I hope this message finds you well. I've come across a challenging situation where, I haven't received any project invitations recently. Could you provide guidance or suggest steps I can take to improve my prospects on the platform?

Thank you for your support.

Best regards,


Take your job title out and replace it with "Video Editor."


You don't have to say "Professional." The term "Long Term" is just about meaningless. The word "Course" is unjustifiable. The words "YouTube" can be explained in your write up. The word "Commercial," like "professional" is completely unnecessary.

That leaves you with "Video Editor." That's all you need.


Then, most of your first paragraph is a waste of time. Take out, "Tired of dealing with freelance editors? Hire a freelance-based professional ..."

Why do you need any of that? Answer: You don't.


Start with "I am an expert video editor with 7 + years of experience ..." 


That's where you start giving useful information to your clients. Everything else I just pointed out is a waste of their time.


You then write, "My name is Green." That is also a waste of time. Your name is already in big, bold letters on top of your profile. You don't need to tell people your name twice.


Then you write, "with over 7 years experience, I am an expert video editor who has a passion .." 

All that is unnecessary. You already said you have 7 years experience. You don't need to say you're a video editor again. You don't need to say you have a passion for the work. If you've been doing this for 7 years, it is assumed you have some kind of passion for the work. You can say you are passionate at the bottom of the profile. It is nice to say, but it isn't that important.


Don't say "We'll create a masterpiece." Be a professional. Professionals know what they can do and can't do. Tell them, "I can get a solid production to you on time." That's what you can do. I doubt you really produce masterpieces. That's a fairly outlandish thing to say.


Why does any of this matter? If you write things twice in a short paragraph you do not look very professional. If you waste people's time writing things they already know or don't need to know, you are wasting their time.

To be a professional, you have to act and look like a professional. That's why this matters. Don't say, "Let's create a masterpiece." That's unprofessional. Give them the straight information without frills. "I can get a very respectable, professionally edited video for you, delivered on time." That's what you can do. Don't pretend you can make miracles when you know you can't.


Just be yourself and tell the truth. If you need ideas, find other video editor profiles and read them. Do some research. Get some ideas that way.


Good luck.

Community Member

I have seen more results by increasing my engagement in Upwork and following up with past clients who reached out to me regarding business. 


Are you looking for help? You didn't say.

I did take a peek. I ask this and opine about this once in a while, but why $62 per hour?  My take is that professionals don't play little games. Make it $60 or $65 and be done with it. It looks like you're trying to sneak something past us. 

Anyway, you didn't ask ... but I opined. It's a bad habit, I guess.

Community Member

 I belief once i get client off upwork my account will be able to rank and get invititation to job easily and now i have already bring a buyer from facebook to pay me on upwork and yet I'm not getting profile views as well as no invite coming to my account

What can i do please?


It sounds like you believe clients will find you. I don't think that's how it works. You have to find them.


I've been on Upwork for years. I don't get many invites and when I do most are for strange jobs that have little to do with what I do. In the past, I would respond to a few. None of those responses lead to work.


My take on the invites is that Upwork sets up an algorithm that selects job invites for freelancers. They do this because they want to advertise, "We select jobs for you and send them right to you directly -- what a great service that is."


In other words, Upwork wants to sound like they are helping. So, they promote this invite system, which is extremly ineffective. I know, clients can also send out invites. I presume this is extremely ineffective, too.


It's just for show.


The only way I've ever found work on Upwork was by sending effective proposal letters in order to get a conversation started with potential clients. Out of those conversations, one out of five or so ends up with a contract. Maybe I'm naive. But waiting for invites, to me, would be like waiting for the man or woman of your dreams knocking on your door and asking you out. The last line in The Maltese Falcon: "That's the stuff that dreams are made of."

Thanks you Anthony

Community Member

i m new here



I think you are testing the limits of irony.


I don't know what to say about your profile. Did you actually copy and paste a template of a letter of application as your write-up and not realize it was packed with parentheticals that were there to guide you to fill in with specific company names, dates and other standard facts?


You are using this as a write up to solicit work as a content creator and it seems clear (could be wrong) that you didn't even read the letter you posted for your write-up. 


If so, this really does test the limits of irony, right up to the fenceline.


Good luck.





Community Member

Hello everyone! I'm seeking feedback on my profile. I aim to engage in this endeavor on a part-time and full-time basis to connect with entrepreneurs and have the chance to contribute to the growth and enhancement of various businesses.


The fundamental aspect of freelance work is that you be an expert at a particular skill or possess a specific set of knowledge that you can offer as a service. This generally defines freelancers as one-trick ponies, as it is very hard to convince people you are an expert at two different things.

That said, there is no such English word as promting. So, I have no idea what it is you are planning to do as a freelancer.

Do some research on freelancing. In short, freelancing entails running your own business -- a service oriented business, but a business just the same. So do some research on the topic of freelancing -- what are the pros and cons. How long does it take to establish yourself? What skills do you need for self-promotion? How will you handle business slumps? Etc. etc.

Community Member

Hi all , 


i have on Upwork for a little while now , but I have a hard time getting it to start. 

'would you please help me by reviewing my profile ? 

best regards 


I think your best bet would be to look through architect profiles on Upwork and see if you can come up with some new ideas of what to write about.

I found your write-up to be sparse and soft. I also advocate for higher rates. People who post rock-bottom prices, like you did, are shooting themselves in the foot, my theory goes, because people who want a quality architect are not looking for a low prices. You know, low prices are great, but not when they sound like you  are risking your money, as you might be doing by buying a $5 car. If your rate is too low, you risk looking like you are a novice or someone who is out of sync or someone without any confidence. 


On the other hand, when you start on Upwork you need good reviews more than you need money. So, posting the right rate can be tricky.

As far as soft goes ... be more specific. You say you worked on various projects or a variety of projects. That's kind of soft. Why don't you put in some details on the actual projects. "I worked on a series of residential homes with modern design features." Probably even more details than that would be appropriate -- I'm not an architect and you are, so I won't try to pretend I know the important details of your trade.

Anyway, look for top-ranking, high-earning, favorably reviewed architect profiles. Those are the guys to learn from.

Good luck.

Community Member

Hallo fellow  upworkers


Please  kindly  review  my upwork profile,  your valuable feedback as well as constructive criticism is highly appreciated . As a new member who aspires  to be a top rated freelancer  your feedback helps  me to improve and grow on the platform,  I have attached  the link to my profile thank you.


Hello Ronald,


I looked through your profile and I have a few suggestions that might help improve it:


Photo: The first thing you should do is change your profile photo. The picture in your photo should be a close-up image of your head and shoulders that clearly shows your face. Read through Upwork's best practices for How to Choose A Good Profile Picture.


Title: Having a diverse skill set is great, but it might be confusing to clients when they see your profile summary. I recommend using only Google Ads Expert and adding a Specialized Profile that focuses on your virtual assistance services or any services unrelated to your Google Ads work. Having a specialized profile can help increase a freelancer's searchability.


Project Catalog: You should also consider adding a project catalog. The project catalog allows you to setup a pre-packaged service that clients can buy without you sending a proposal. Due to higher than usual requests for project catalogs, reviews and approvals are taking a minimum of 10 business days. Read Get Started With Project Catalog for more information.


Everything else looks good.


Good luck!

Community Member

I will really love a profile review


Community Member



You need more details in your profile to convince clients to hire you. Use an even number hourly rate (i.e., $16.00/hr or $17.00/hr) and add more information to your overview/summary; add a portfolio; and update your skills list.


Make sure your profile is 100% complete before applying to jobs. The best way to complete your profile is to go through the following Academy Courses and other resources:


Community Member

I want to change my whole profile from Mathematics Expert to wordpress and web development. Is it possible? Is it will effect my Profile?

Hi Iqra, I believe it's not a problem for you to update your whole profile. Keep in mind that there's a feature called specialized profile so you can create multiple profiles when sending proposals. Basically you could still keep the math expert profile and create a new "specialized Wordpress and web Dev profile. I hope my answer is helpful to you.

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