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Tips for finding that first job

Hi all,


Welcome to the Upwork Community! We know landing that first contract can be challenging, so we built Upwork Academy and threads like this to help you get started. With a lot of resources and so little time, we wanted to put together some recommendations for you to check out first:



Do you have a specific question or maybe a tip to offer? Reply to this post and share your question, advice, or words of inspiration!


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Community Member

how can I get my first job on upwork?

Community Member

Hi I'm shelema this is my first work from home job i convert image word to word and pdf. 


I'm new in upwork community and someone invited me to look at the job he posted. I've already to sent a proposal.

         thank u .


Community Member

Why is it so hard to get a project or job quickly?

Community Member

To start earning from Upwork, follow these steps:


Create a Strong Profile:

Sign up on Upwork and create a complete profile.
Add a professional photo, a descriptive title, and a summary highlighting your skills and experience.
Fill out your employment history, education, certifications, and skills.

Skill Verification:

Upwork offers skill tests to showcase your expertise. Take relevant tests to validate your skills.
Clients often look for verified skills when hiring freelancers.

Build a Portfolio:

Upload samples of your work to demonstrate your capabilities.
If you're a writer, include writing samples. For designers, showcase designs, and so on.
Clients want to see what you can do before hiring you.

Set Your Hourly Rate or Project Fee:

Determine your pricing based on your skills, experience, and the market rates.
You can set an hourly rate or a fixed project fee. Upwork also offers options for milestone payments for larger projects.

Search for Jobs and Submit Proposals:

Browse through available jobs on Upwork that match your skills.
Craft personalized proposals for each job. Highlight your relevant experience and explain how you can add value to the client's project.
Be sure to read the job description thoroughly and tailor your proposal accordingly.

Communication is Key:

Once you land a job, maintain clear and prompt communication with the client.
Understand the project requirements fully before starting work.
Update the client regularly on the progress of the project.

Deliver High-Quality Work:

Meet deadlines and deliver work of the highest quality.
Satisfied clients are more likely to give you positive reviews and hire you for future projects.

Get Reviews and Ratings:

After completing a job, ask the client to leave you a review and rating.
Positive reviews and high ratings build your reputation on Upwork, making it easier to attract more clients.

Consistency and Persistence:

Finding success on Upwork takes time and persistence.
Stay active on the platform, submit proposals regularly, and continue to improve your profile.

Additional Tips:

Be professional in all your interactions.
Be open to constructive feedback and willing to make revisions.
Keep learning and improving your skills to stay competitive.


Remember, success on Upwork is a combination of having a strong profile, effectively marketing your skills, delivering quality work, and building positive relationships with clients. It may take time to establish yourself, but with persistence and dedication, you can start earning from Upwork.

Community Member

Good day this is my first time in upwork industry, i applied to many job offers. But when i want to apply to other job i can't submit it because i dont have any connects. What is connects means hear in upwork? And please have some suggestion to my profile thank you have a nice day 

Community Member


For several many months, it has become difficult to send proposals being a new seller, it is not possible to send several proposals by using 12 or 16 connections each time and this has made me an idle seller. Is there any solution?


You know there's quite tough competition on each freelancing forum, therefore, previously it was possible to send multiple proposals with 1 to 4 connections and the chances of getting work were also higher but now it has become nearly impossible to get orders, I would be obliged if you could give some workable solution instead of stereotype reply.

Community Member

I'm new to Upwork, but I think that if we are real troopers, browsing and learning the Upwork site with discipline, perseverance, and patience are the key to finding the first of many job opportunities on Upwork.

Community Member

Hi every one my name is Abdillahi and I am new in here and I need your help or some one guide me to successful freelancer.

I tried more by applying jobs and sending proposals and yet not a single job mostly veiwed and just am using my monthly connects which is 10 connects so its if the job needs 12 connects and I know that this job is my skill then I can’t becouse of my connects.

also, how can I make a great profile?

any help or guidence I will be appricieated.


Community Member

I can't find the "Find a Work" tab on the page to start exploring options. What's happening??

Hi Rosa,


The Find Work tab is the one that opens by default when you visit the Upwork website. If you're in any other tab, you can click it on the top left corner of your screen

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hi iam new to Upwork and have just send two proposals. I want to know if i am not successful with these two proposals, what happens to the connects, do i lose it can i request Upwork to restore it back since i didnt get the job. Pls advise.


Hi Noorjahan,


Thanks for your question. Connects you used to apply are only returned under two circumstances:


  • If a project is canceled by the client before a contract is made. This does not apply to expired job posts.
  • If we remove a project's post because we believe it violates our Terms of Service.

You can visit the "Returned Connects" section of this article to learn more.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hi, I'm new here and hopefully someone who can give me tips on finding a work and offer.

This is my first time looking a job that work at home, I hope as well that someone can refer me as a virtual assistant(any field will do)

Community Member


I am new here and I am having trouble submitting proposals . It keeps writting ''error loading this page''.  My internet is just fine.What do you suggest i do.

Hi Goitseone,


I'm sorry you're having trouble submitting proposals. Could you please try clearing your browser cache and cookies and see if that helps? Don't hesitate to let us know if the issue persists so we can assist you further. 

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hello Andrea,

Thank you for the warm welcome to the Upwork Community! I'm excited to be a part of this vibrant platform.

Regarding your recommendations, I couldn't agree more about the importance of identifying and communicating one's value effectively. In such a competitive marketplace, it's crucial to showcase not just what you can do, but also the unique value you bring to the table. Clients are often looking for more than just technical skills; they want someone who understands their needs and can offer creative solutions.

Creating a compelling proposal is indeed key to landing that first contract. I've found that taking the time to tailor each proposal to the specific needs of the client can make a significant difference. It shows that you've done your homework and are genuinely interested in their project.

As for tips, I would suggest leveraging Upwork's portfolio feature to showcase your best work. Visuals can often speak louder than words, and having a strong portfolio can help you stand out from the crowd. Also, don't be afraid to ask for feedback from clients, whether you win the contract or not. Constructive feedback can help you improve and refine your approach over time.

Looking forward to learning and sharing more with the Upwork Community!

Best regards,

Community Member


Am maryann odens 

Pls am new to up work freelance,how can I start writing my upwork portfolio 

Community Member

I am trying to get job but still didn't get any. Please evaluate my profile and let me know if there are any adjustments I need make.

Community Member

My name is Mansi I am writing as a up work ma content writing please can you give me work

thank you

Community Member


I am new freelancer. I start to feel desperate to get client. I buy connect, I make my profile complete, I attached all the docs supported, attached video introduction as well. But still, some clients looking for the "experienced" one.

What about us, the new freelancers?

we never had a chance to get that experience thou? 

Community Member

As I am new on Upwork I have an excellent grip on my skills:


Anyone can visit my profile and tell me what changes I need to make.


How to rank my profile to get my first order as a new seller?

Community Member

can someone help How to win jobs in Upwork

Community Member

Its difficult to take job on up work.can anyone make it easier for beginners?

Community Member


HERE IS THE LINK: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01c22d42bb8a73aba4 

I'm sorry for any confusion, but I'm unable to directly access external links or profiles, including the one you provided. However, I can offer some general advice on what to add or remove from your Upwork profile:

To add:

  1. Professional photo: If you haven't already, consider adding a professional profile picture that portrays you in a positive and approachable light.
  2. Detailed overview: Make sure your overview provides a clear and concise summary of your skills, expertise, and what you can offer clients.
  3. Relevant skills: List all relevant skills and expertise that you possess, ensuring they align with the services you offer.
  4. Portfolio items: Upload examples of your work or projects you've completed to showcase your abilities to potential clients.
  5. Client testimonials: If you have received positive feedback from previous clients, consider adding these testimonials to your profile to build credibility.

To remove:

  1. Irrelevant information: Remove any outdated or irrelevant information that does not contribute to showcasing your skills and expertise.
  2. Grammar and spelling errors: Ensure that your profile is free from grammatical or spelling mistakes to maintain a professional appearance.
  3. Generic statements: Avoid using generic statements or clichés in your profile. Instead, focus on highlighting your unique strengths and capabilities.

Remember to regularly update your profile to reflect any changes in your skills, experience, or services offered. If you have any specific questions or areas you'd like feedback on, feel free to provide more details, and I'd be happy to help.

Community Member

Impolite question with bot response. This is part of what I meant by junk vs junk in the junk 😂

Community Member

I need clients who give me jobs.I am here to make money🤣.

Community Member

I have sent so many proposals,but i can't get any work.How you guys got your first job here?


Hi Sinthia,


On Upwork, your profile is a critical tool to your success. It is a great way to demonstrate your skills and experience. Leveraging it to its full potential may help you differentiate yourself from other freelancers and improve the likelihood of getting hired. Here are some of the items successful freelancers incorporate into their profiles below:
  • Build your profile: This is your chance to showcase your skills and experience to potential clients. Complete your profile, including your work history, education, and a description of your services.
  • Build a strong portfolio: Your portfolio may help impress potential clients with real-life examples of your skills and expertise. Add any projects you’ve completed in the past to help you showcase your skills.
  • Network with clients: Establish good relationships by delivering quality work on time and communicating effectively. This can help you secure repeat business and new opportunities in the future.
  • Bid on projects: When you find a project you're interested in, submit a proposal outlining why you're the best candidate for the job. Make sure to tailor your proposal to the specific project and client.
Still need to figure out where to begin on Upwork? These resources can point you in the right direction:
I also noticed that your profile is set to private. I've gone ahead and reset it for you. 
With these steps, you'll be on your way to success.
Good luck!
~ Joanne
Community Member

My account is 3 years old, I have been wrtting proposal since I created the account but no proposal has been successful interviewed please help me how can proceed on to get one? 


80% getting clients depends on the writing proposal

Here are some tips

0. Short intro to 

1. Give attractive headlines showing clients pain points.

2.. Show your past experiences solving those points

3. Sending some work sample

4..  At the end write some attractive call to action.

5. Keep up bidding.

Warm Regards




More Help needed

Ask freely..



Community Member

Hi experts

I hope you all doing well. I am new here. But I am not new to my career. As new freelancer here I couldn't get my first client. Can anyone guide me or check my account it may have errors.



Hussein M.

Community Member


 I spend connects and money every time for getting work but I am disappointed, because they don't hire me. I have a good portfolio, 100% job success badge, availibility badge is on, but I can't be hired, Please give me some advice what to do. Thank you 

Waiting for your suggestions

The people who respond and provide advice are all volunteers. The paid Upwork staff members are the moderators, who are identified in their posts. You will find people may be more willing to give you free help if you were not acting like you were paying. You waited 3 (three) minutes before posting again?


Your profile is private, and it needs to be viewed to see what's going on. If you make it public, and show a little patience, someone might be kind enough to help you.


Go to the top of the page, and use the Academy. Your profile must be excellent, your proposals must be even better. If you don't have every qualification for the job, don't apply. Learn how to improve through the Upwork and community resources. If you are hiding your profile from clients, how do you expect to receive invitations?



Mistakenly my upwork profile set to private yesterday 


otherwise wise thanks for your suggestion.

You need to use the Academy and other resources to create a good profile. Is Butt Creatives the name of your Agency? Where does the name come from? Are you aware of the English meaning? So, you work as an individual and through the agency? Your profile is for a freelancer, not an agency.


The writing needs to be rewritten, and use a spell and grammar program or a native or bilingual English speaker, because there are many mistakes, and it doesn't read well. The first line is all the client sees in a search, so don't waste it. Use it to tell the client why your skills are better than the rest, if you have the hard skills to back it up. Develop some material for the introduction. Use the space to highlight your skills and what you can do for the client.

The KEY is having in-demand clients Skills.

Community Member

I have been freelancing seasonally since the 1st launch of 'E-lance'... in 2010 !!! 

Following are some quick tips; 

- Filter your search category. 
- Start with a low price, high commitment. 
- Make the 1st expression, deliver maximum. 

These are just some quick tips to get you started with. Feel free to reach out... 



Ijaz Ali
Community Member

Hello everyone, 

I am new to Freelancing, I decided to give it a try and earn money. If any of you can give me some tips on how to get noticed and apply to my first jobs, I would highly appreciate your time.



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