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Tips for finding that first job

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Welcome to the Upwork Community! We know landing that first contract can be challenging, so we built Upwork Academy and threads like this to help you get started. With a lot of resources and so little time, we wanted to put together some recommendations for you to check out first:



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Hello, I'm new here. I am registered town planner in Nigeria. I want to work full time in this platform . Pls help me in how to get good jobs . Thanks

Hello I am newly registered.i am expert of hand writing assignments.i am searching a client.


i need tips on how i can be succesfu; on upwork

Welcome. I'm delighted to see that you've made the decision to pursue a career as a professional Shopify specialist. I understand that you may be experiencing a mix of excitement and uncertainty at this stage, but rest assured, you're on the right path.

Building a successful career as a Shopify specialist on Upwork is more of a marathon than a sprint. It requires patience, dedication, and a constant drive for learning and adaptation. I can relate to the concerns you may have because I, too, experienced moments of doubt when I first started. In fact, it took me seven months to secure my initial project. However, it's important to remember that everyone's journey is unique. I've witnessed talented individuals secure their first project within just a few months. The key is to stay motivated and persevere.

Now, let me share some valuable tips to help you navigate this path and increase your chances of success as a Shopify specialist on Upwork:

Define your niche: Take some time to discover your strengths and passions within the Shopify ecosystem. Determine the specific areas you excel in, whether it's theme customization, app development, or store optimization. By specializing in a particular niche, you can attract clients who specifically need your expertise.

Showcase your skills: Build an impressive portfolio that showcases your abilities and demonstrates your previous Shopify projects. Don't hesitate to reach out to past clients for testimonials or reviews that can validate your skills and professionalism.

Establish your online presence: Create a compelling profile on Upwork and optimize it to attract potential clients. Additionally, consider setting up a professional website or blog where you can further demonstrate your capabilities and provide valuable insights and resources related to Shopify.

Network and collaborate: Engage with other Shopify specialists and professionals in the industry. Attend virtual events, join relevant forums or communities, and actively participate in discussions. Collaborating with fellow specialists or agencies can lead to new opportunities and help expand your network.

Stay committed to learning: Continuously update your skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends and features in the Shopify platform. Take advantage of online courses, webinars, and workshops to enhance your expertise and stay competitive in the ever-evolving Shopify ecosystem.

Remember, success as a Shopify specialist often comes with its share of challenges. Embrace these challenges as opportunities for growth and improvement. Stay positive, remain persistent, and celebrate each milestone along the way.

I have every confidence that with the right approach and mindset, you will achieve great success as a professional Shopify specialist on Upwork. Take a deep breath, trust in your abilities, and believe in the value you bring to clients. I'm excited to witness your journey unfold.

Good Luck

New to freelance, please how do I get my first job?


I am Shgaufta Naureen. I have a profile on Upwork as a data entry operator. I didn't get any projects even I send proposals for many jobs. is there anyone who can guide me on how to get the projects?

I would recommend that you fill out all the required information and that the descriptions be attractive, direct and concise.

Keep in mind that accounts that have not had jobs are less likely to get jobs so I would recommend charging $10 an hour to start

You should also be careful in the cover letters that you use in the proposals

Your profile is set to private. It's important to see what the client sees. Some clients pay little attention to proposals and only care about the profile, while other clients believe the opposite.


Data entry is a hugely flooded category. It will be difficult to find any jobs and if you do, expect them to be for low pay. If you can find something to add as a specialty, that might help. Use the Academy at the top of the page and use the resources. It is taking 100 proposals to get a job for many, and they have valid skills. It will take dozens of proposals, marketable skills, time, patience, and money to find work here. Most of the people you will contact will  be scammers because they can tell if you know and follow the rules.

Hi everyone, 


Been on this platform for a while, just requesting anyone willing to assist me win my very first project. Thanks in advance 

Hello Enock,

To win your first project, focus on creating an optimized profile that showcases your skills and experiences. Craft personalized proposals that address the client's needs directly. Starting with smaller projects can help you gain experience and build your reputation. Offer competitive pricing while demonstrating the quality of your work. Stay active in Upwork, persistent, positive, and determined in your search.

Best of luck in landing your first job! 

Warm regards,

 Thanks Bro. Let me revisit my profile plus other suggested recomendations.

I am new here and I wish to get jobs I applied for.


Consistency is the critical driver for success. 

First make your own profile in upwork 

Then fill all the required information by upwork after filling the information start with your own upwork work for clients to earn money in upwork platform and get all the possible things from upwork beginning academy 


If you have any query about first job constant on NO: 8237876729

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I am not getting any job till now. Please tell me the solution.

Hello everyone,

I am Rock from Nigeria and I am new to Upwork. I am an Expert Biology Tutor and also good in Data Entry services. I have submitted 2 proposals on Data Entry Jobs. Please can you observe my profile to know what I need to do to land my first job in any of the two specialties. Also can the two be combined like I did in my profile? Thanks

 A strong Upwork profile is essential for attracting potential clients. Learn how to craft a compelling profile that highlights your skills, experiences, and achievements. Optimize your profile with a professional photo, captivating headline, and a well-written summary to stand out from the competition.

Tural Babashov

I won’t tell you about the profile but with your spam on the forum you have already caught my eye. If that's what you wanted then great job! 🙂

Hey Tural, Would you mind auditing my profile quickly: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01f8619af169b2c6b2



s a freelancer, time management is crucial for maintaining productivity and meeting deadlines. Learn effective time management techniques, such as setting priorities, creating schedules, and avoiding common distractions. Develop a balanced work routine that optimizes your productivity and work-life balance.

Tural Babashov

Upwork's job search can be overwhelming, but with the right strategies, you can find the best opportunities for your skills. Discover how to use search filters effectively, save relevant jobs, and set up job alerts to receive personalized job recommendations. Learn to optimize your job search and focus on projects that align with your expertise.

Tural Babashov

Hello everybody,

My name is Chris, I am 19 and I am a Content Writer and a Data Scraper.

I sent like 30 proposals, it was almost half a month ago. I just got 2 answers back that are telling me ,,I'm on hold, and that they will text me,,

37% of other proposals got only a seen.

Even tho every proposal is professional, with cover letters that are customized to the client, normal prices, few times i was bidding, too. I got a fine picture on the profile. I got a resume and a example of work on my profile.

Please take a look and let me know what should i change to get this first job and first client.

I'm feeling like I'm drowning to get my first one

Here is the link to my profile;



I am waiting for your answer patiently,

Best regards, Chris.

Chris, you are not alone. It's a bad feeling. I have 28 bids, 3 interviews and yet no offers in 5 days on a premium account and yet with extra 60 connect purchase. Admin should answer and guide us better 

37% views is great result! I have an 5%.

Hi everyone,

I want to know what a project is in upwork. I am an Expert Biology Tutor and also good at Data Entry Services. I have not landed any job since I joined last month, though I submitted 2 proposals only.

Community Member

If I were you, I would not ruin my biology teacher profile with trivial stuff like data entry, typing, file conversion or copy paste (how copying and pasting something could be a job?).


Work on your profile, take the Academy courses, and be prepared to spend lots of money in connects before finding a job. Competition is high. Scammers are everywhere, targeting new freelancers like you. Please be careful and read this: https://community.upwork.com/t5/Community-Blog/Top-Red-Flags-for-Scams-From-Community-Member-Wes-C/b...

Community Member

Thanks for your reply. I will do as you have instructed.

Hi my name is klabsh I search for job I have been in up work 1 week I can't find any job can someone help me 


I am saeed.

I am from Pak............

I am blogger,content writer,and novel writer.....

Investigate the Learning Path videos?

Hello dears 

My name is Ahmed and I'm a Google Ads search Certificated by Google I can launch a successful search campaigns and achieve the exact client's goals get the lowest CPC with achieving the highest conversations at the same time but the problem is that I can't get my 1st work here because of my profile it's a whole new account, my hourly wage is to low for now I promise with doing the best for any potential customer.


Hi  ,
I am a DATA ENTRY /Digital Marketer and new to Upwork. I have been struggling to get my first Preoject Catelog. I have submitted about many proposals to different leads base projects. How do I get my job?

I will try for few month but I will not success.
I really need help.

Just active few months and follow some rule

i am already 1 year try for getting work but no way i found for get work

Thanks but plz tell me upwark rules 

Hi how are you 

Hi runa how are you 

Please send us file


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