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United States Location Verification - Unable to do

Getting this error:

Unfortunately, you cannot submit a proposal for this job post because it requires location verification. Based on your previous attempts, you are currently not eligible to verify your location. Please contact customer support.


I had uploaded the driver's id once but it said verification failed. 



I need help on this. 


Please help me resolve the issue.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. If you've encountered any issues while trying to verify your location, please know that you can reach out to our support team by selecting the "Get Support" button on this page and they’ll be happy to assist you.


We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


Thank you!


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Community Manager

Hi Scott, and Melissa, 

I see that Ryan has escalated this to our Customer Support Team and they have reached out to you both separately to assist you further. Let us know if there is anything else we can help you with. 

~ Avery
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Lilia, 

I followed this up with the Customer Support Team and they will reset your attempts to submit your ID-documents. 

~ Avery
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Douglas, 

You will be prompted to verify your location again once you bid for any U.S. based job in the marketplace. When you apply, you will be asked to submit your identification documents to verify your location. 

~ Avery
Community Member

Hello i couldn't find another way to get help with this issue. I cant seem to get me Drivers License verified, it just tells me not a vaild forum of identication its a new Drivers license i got it two months ago. if someone could help me get this sorted i would appreciate it thank you.

Hi Pat,


We'll have somebody reach out to you directly and help you with the verification process. 


Thanks for reaching out. 

~ Valeria

Hello I'm having issues uploading my driver's license to verify my location. I took several different pictures of my license and each time I tried to upload it it would say that I was uploading an unsupported type of ID. Then it said that I had reached the maximum amount of tries to upload a picture.

Dear Katie,

I think you should upload a jpeg file. If you are trying to upload and getting error as well then please try to chang the dpi of the image. If it faild then try to change resolution of the file. I think it will be done.

Hi Katie,

You may now attempt uploading your ID for verification once more. If you encounter difficulties, please, let us know.

Also, before doing so, please, review the information here about how to successfuly upload the correct documents.



Felix, I've also had this problem and when I clicked on link to customer support I was directed to a page that doesn't exist. I took 3 different photos of my license and tried all three. None of them were "accepted". Each image is 1.1 - 1.2mb and is a .jpg

Hi Stephanie,

I've escalated your concern and one of our agents will reach out to you to assist you with this.


I'm also having issues. I won't verify because it says my account name does not match the name on my id. My id has my middle name. (required by Florida DMV). I tried to change my account name but it's saying it needs to be reviewed and could take 24hrs. In the meantime, I cant submit a proposal to for a job  I would dearly love to get. Can you help?

Hi Gerd,

Sorry to hear you are still having issues with this. I have again escalated your concern to the support team who will continue to help resolve this. Please check your email or most recent ticket for an update.


Hi Gerd,

A member of the team will reach out to you directly very shortly to assist you with uploading documents that have not successfull uploaded. After that is complete, you will be able to submit proposals.


Hi, I'm new to Upwork. I've completed my profile and verification. I have not received any upwork emails regarding a verification issue. I also show 60 connects on my account.  
Why is the submit proposal button disabled? I am unable to submit a proposal for any job listed.

Community Member

I tried to upload my license and for whatever reason, it couldn't be read. I need help verifying my ID and I can't connect with customer support. It's really frustrating. Any advice?

Same here :-(.. What do we do?

I am facing the same issue. What should we do?

Hello Fizza,


One of our representatives will reach out to you to assist you. Thank you.

Community Member



Can they reach out to me too? Thank you, Melissa Bump

Community Member

Hello Melissa and Dominique,


I have escalated both of your concern. One of our representatives will reach out to you shortly. Thank you.


"You've reached the maximum number of tries for uploading your ID. Please contact customer support". I need a help please!

Hello David,


I have escalated your concern. One of our representatives will reach out to you shortly. Thank you.


I cannot upload a revised passport image (UpWork didn’t accept the first one), but there’s no option to replace it. This has been going on for a week now and I’d like to get to work.





Could you please reduce the size of the image file you are uploading and make sure it's less than 5MB?

~ Valeria

Sure, but I’m not even given the option to upload. There’s no button, or link, or anything.



Could you please close the page and then access the link an agent sent to you via the ticket again? There should be Choose File button:



~ Valeria

I am still not getting that “file upload” choice.

Sorry about the confusion, Joe. I tried but I couldn't replicate the issue you are having. Could you please try logging into your account using a different browser or incognito window and copy paste the link from the ticket?

~ Valeria

Nothing works. I tried Chrome, Safari and Firefox. I used incognito mode. I cleared cookies. If we take this off this board I will give you my login and password so you can see for yourself. 



We'll further investigate and update you via the ticket you already have open about this issue.

~ Valeria

Hello Valeria,

I can't upload my DL, its a jpeg file with specifications which are acceptable, still its not allowing me to upload that document. 

Please help as early as possible.





Hi Rahul,


We'll have a team member reach out to you directly and assist you with the process.

~ Valeria

There is no longer an option for me to upload my id. 

Hi Dana,


I've requested that one of our agents get in touch with you via an email ticket to help assist you with this.


I am also having the same problem Joe is having and I am not even getting the option to upload anymore. 


Could an agent send a new ticket?

Hi Robert,


Yes, we will have someone reach out to help you with this very shortly, thank you.


I have tried to upload my driver's license numerous times and it doesn't pick up any of the pictures I have tried.  I was kicked out and then given three more times by a support but I still can't get a picture of my ID to even show up on the screen...once I press upload.  Please help me! It's very frustrating.

Hi Leo, 

I can see that the team has reached out to you via email. If you are still having issues with uploading your license, please respond to the email so that the team can help you troubleshoot. 

~ Avery

 i am unable to submit proposals on jobs, the option is greyed out. How do I know if my account is verified? or how do I get if verified? very confusing, no clear direction or links that I have found. Thank you.

Hello Christopher,


I'm sorry to hear that. One of our representatives will reach out to you shortly. Thank you.

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