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Did not receive Connects after interview

i Should Get 10 Connects After Winning an interview and Replying to it , well i didn't Get any Connects ?  does it take time or there is some kind of mistake ?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi all,


We are no longer awarding free Connects for every interview won or disclosing the number of Connects rewarded in these cases. Unfortunately, we learned from our community that some dishonest customers were gaming the system to get free Connects they didn’t deserve. We occasionally may still give out different amounts of Connects based on factors like the number of jobs available in the marketplace. 


For more information, please see this Product Update. You can check your Connects History here.






This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.



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922 REPLIES 922
Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Zeyad,


In order to receive Connects for an interview you need to:


Submit a proposal to a job.
Win an interview from a client.
Respond and win a bonus!

Note: Direct offers and invitations from clients won’t receive a Connects credit. If the job post you're referring to meets these guidelines and it's been more than 24 hours, please let me know which one it is so I could check this for you. You can check your Connects History to confirm if you've received your Connects.


~ Arjay


So I was interviewed by a client and there should be a 10 connects as a reward but I get nothing and it has been 2 days now!

Also previously "maybe a month or two ago" I got interviewed by 2 clients and also get no connects at all so I wanna know what is the problem?!

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Donia,


We appreciate you reaching out to us. I have checked your account and I can confirm that the Connects has just been awarded back to your account today. For the other interviews for the month of March, Connects has also been rewarded back to her account and you can validate these by going to Reports> Connect history.




~ Arjay
Community Member

Hi! Can you please help me to solve this issue for me too. I won a proposal day before. I still didn’t get my free connects

Hi Chathura,


I've escalated your concern to the team. One of our agents will reach out and assist you directly via a support ticket.

~ Joanne
Community Member

Hi Joanne, I have won an interview tommorrow but have not been awarded connect. Kindly look into the issue and solve it. Thanks

Hi Saifullah,


Thank you for your message. I see that you have already received free Connects for winning an interview today. Please note that it may take 24-48 hours for the free Connects to be credited to your Upwork account after you respond to the client's interview message. 


Thank you,



Hi Joanne


In the last week I've got interviewed by 2 clients and still haven't gotten any connects.


PS - I sent a proposal and they replied 

Hi Ogana,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Could you please provide the details for these interviews? When did you receive the invites so we can check?

~ AJ

Last week I submit a lot of proposals and got 5-6 interviews but I didn't receive any connects reward 

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Muhammad,


Please note that we are no longer awarding free Connects for every interview won or disclosing the number of Connects rewarded in these cases. Unfortunately, we learned from our community that some dishonest customers were gaming the system to get free Connects they didn’t deserve. We occasionally may still give out different amounts of Connects based on factors like the number of jobs available in the marketplace. 


For more information, please see this Product Update. You can check your Connects History here.

~ Arjay
Community Member

Hi there, How you doing. Hope all well. I'm Arshad and I'm a full time freelance graphic designer in this platform. I really enjoy working here. Yesterday I received an invitation from a client regarding a social media graphic and recently I'm working on it. I had an issue on my connects. Previously when I get an invitation I earned 10 connects as a reward. Today I didn't received new 10 connects related to the new invitation. I was waiting to apply for some saved jobs and now I feel bit disappoint. Could you please help me out to get my connects. Really appreciate your support. Looking forward to here from you soon.

Hi Mohamed,


As my colleague Arjay shared above, we are no longer awarding free Connects for every interview won or disclosing the number of Connects rewarded in these cases. For more information, please see this Product Update

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Thanks a lot for your reply. Really appriciate your cooperation.


Community Member

Wow what a great on time response rate. Keep it up 


Community Member

Hello 👋


I also received an interview from  proposal but I didn't receive any 10 connect back more than 33days now. Please me out.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Odunayo,


We are no longer awarding free Connects for every interview won or disclosing the number of Connects rewarded in these cases. For more information, please see this Product Update


Community Member


I have responded to two interviews, one about a month or so ago and another last week, but I have not been issued with connects. Could you please chack what the problem could be!


Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Francis,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Could you please tell us which interviews did not receive Connects? You can respond with the job post title and/or the dates you received the invite for the interviews so we can check.

~ AJ

Great response, keep it up 

Community Member


Last week I sent a proposal and was interviewed by a client after that got hired and there should be 10 connects as a reward but I get nothing and it has been 7 days now!

Also previously "a month ago" I sent a proposal and was interviewed by a client after that got hired and also get no connects at all so I wanna know what is the problem?

Hi Imran,


Thank you for your message. Please note that direct offers and invitations to apply to jobs from the clients are not eligible for free Connects. Feel free to share the job post title if you need further assistance.


Thank you,




Community Member

I am facing the same problem. I was interviewed two days ago but didn't received connects yet. Please solve my problem. Thank you!

Hi, Arjay

I win an interview against my proposal but i did not recive any connects.

Similar thing happened to me last week. I win 3 interview and did not get any connects.

Kindly guide in this matter.

Community Member


I was interviewed on 4th November,2022 and on 6th, November,2022 but I did not received 10 connects for each job. Kindly resolve the issue.

Community Member

Hi Team upwork!

I have a same problem. An Upwork client responded on my proposal (9 nov) but I did not get 10 connects. Its been 3 days now.

Please let me know what is the problem. Waiting for your response 


Thank you


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi Hamza,


We are no longer awarding free Connects for every interview won or disclosing the number of Connects rewarded in these cases. Unfortunately, we learned from our community that some dishonest customers were gaming the system to get free Connects they didn’t deserve. We occasionally may still give out different amounts of Connects based on factors like the number of jobs available in the marketplace. 


For more information, please see this Product Update.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hi support team, This is my job title Email Signup EASY date 17 Jan 2023.First client interviewd me. Then he hire me.This task have been completed. i am still waiting for  refunded connects for award & awards connects. This is third time i am posting this issue on group please look into this matter and resovle my connect issue. 



Best Regards

Muhammad waheed


I was intervied and hired by client 2 days ago but still didnt get  my 10 free connect.

Hi Bimal,


I'd like to reiterate that you won’t receive a Connects credit in cases where a client sent you a direct offer or invited you to apply. You may check out this help article to learn more.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hello Arjay! I applied to 5 jobs yesterday and got interviewed by 2 clients and there should be 20 connects as a reward but I get nothing. Can you please check and explain it. 

 **Edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi Aska,


Thank you for your message. Please allow 48 hours for the free Connects to be credited to your Upwork account. Feel free to message us if problems persist.


Thank you,



I submit many proposals for jobs within a few days but I get interviewed only for 5 jobs Only. I was happy that I will get free 50 connections but I did not receive Connects. What's the problem?

Please Help me Upwork team I will be thankful.

Hi Juel,


Thank you for your message. Free Connects for winning interviews are credited within 24-48 hours from your first response to the client message on your proposals. You can check your Connects History page for more information. Feel free to message us if you do not receive Connects after 48 hours.


Thank you,



Hi, i was interviewed by two clinets 1 on saturady (11 june) & 1 on sunday (12 june) But i didn't recive any free connects yet please solved this problem thanks.


Hi Abdul,


I checked and it does look like you did receive free Connects for one of the interviews. Please, check your Connects History. Regarding the other proposal, please note Direct offers from clients don't receive a Connects credit. 


Community Member

Hi Arjay, I have been posting on the support for days but getting no answer. I have won three interviews on monday(7/18/2022) but only awarded connects for one interview. Kindly resolve this issue.


Hi Saifullah,


Thanks for reaching out. A Customer Support Team member has reached out to you through this support ticket to assist you further with your concern.

~ Luiggi
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