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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was closed as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.


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Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.


Thank you!


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Community Member

Hi Qudsia,


I think your profile is off to a good start. I have a few suggestions on how you can improve it:


Overview/Summary: You have good information in your summary, but I think you need to rephrase part of it to sound more client-focused. Clients expect to read about your skills and qualifications, but they really want to know how your skills/qualifications will benefit them. The first two sentences of your summary are really important because these sentences are shown to clients when they search for freelancers. So, if you revise the first two sentences to be more client-focused, it might sound like this:


I'm an expert Content Writer with experience creating high-quality content that resonates with readers. I writing abilities are diverse and I can write everything from website material, blogs, and email campaigns to research papers and highly effective speeches.


As an accomplished writer, my goal is to create written copy that will entertain your readers, add value to your academic documentation, improve your web copy, enhance your company's image, or help drive a return customer-base. I can achieve this by developing written content based on your unique needs.


I hold a special diploma in English Language from the National University of Modern Languages and I specialize in writing research articles and papers in an academic environment. I am skilled in applications such as Google Docs and Microsoft Word, and can prepare quality written materials in a timely manner.


Let’s discuss your needs and how I can help. 


Portfolio: Add one or two more items to your portfolio. Clients will expect to see a few examples of your writing and it is a chance to make a positive first impression.


Skills: If you have any other skills related to content writing, you should add them. The biggest reason to update your skills categories is so clients can find you when they search for your specific skills, and so Upwork’s matching algorithms can better match you with relevant jobs.


I think that is it, for now. The information you have currenlty is okay, but once you make these updates, I think clients will have a better understanding of the services you offer and how you can help meet their needs.

Community Member

Hello Upwork community, I am new to upwork, need help in starting. Please review my profile and let me know any suggestions and feedback. https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~0116a7c305edb418e7

Community Member

Hello Shreyance,


Welcome to Upwork.


Your profile appears to be incomplete. Here are some suggestions to improve it:


Photo: The first thing you should do is change your profile photo. The picture in your photo should be a close-up image of your head and shoulders that clearly shows your face. Read through Upwork's best practices for How to Choose A Good Profile Picture.


Overview/Summary: Remove the titles BRIEF SUMMARY and ACHIEVEMENTS. This appears to be information copied/pasted from a résume. You can use résume content if you want, but you should explain how your skills/qualifications will help prospective clients. As a freelancer, you operate as a business providing services to other businesses (clients), and a résume often sounds like an employee looking for a job with an employer.


Revise your summary by telling clients what you can do. Your summary should not only list the applications in which you have skills (i.e., Angular, TypeScript, Node.js, etc.)--you have to tell clients what you will use those skills for. In other words, what can you provide (e.g., web and mobile applications, chatbots, etc.)


Portfolio: Add a portfolio to show samples of your work. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


Skills: There may be more skill categories you can add to your list of skills. It is important to keep your skills list updated with relevant skills categories so that Upwork can match you with relevant jobs, and so your profile will appear when clients search for your skills.

Community Member

Hi Andrea,

Kindly review my profile and provide feedback


Community Member

Hi Antoine Patrick,


Andrea is an Upwork Moderator. The moderators provide valuable information to freelancers and moderate the Forums, but she does not provide profile reviews.


I looked through your profile and the first thing I noticed is the length of your overview/summary; it is quite long and most clients will not read it all. Make sure your most important information is near the top because clients will see the first two sentences of your summary, so it should say something impactful. In fact, I would combine the first three paragraphs of your summary and revise it like this:


I am am expert Change Communication professional with over 18 years of experience in the developmental field with multilateral and civil society organizations. I have helped organizations in the fields of health, education, consumer policies, and environment/nature build effective communication, social mobilization, media relation and community engagement, and advocacy programs.


This way, prospective clients will learn--within the first two sentences--what you offer and how you can help their organizations.


You should probably add a portfolio to show any samples of your work. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


Also, review the skill categories in your skills list to ensure you have as many relevant skills as possible. We are allowed up to 15 skills. The biggest reason to update your skills categories is so clients can find you when they search for your specific skills, and so Upwork’s matching algorithms can better match you with relevant jobs.


Finally, capitalize the first letter of each word in your title to help it stand out better: Change Communication.

Community Member

Hi! I would like someone to review my profile and give me recommendations on how I can stand out and attract clients:


This is the link to my profile and thank you very much in advance.

I think your profile looks great and is very informative. The All Work description in the first two pargraphs feel a little clinical, like a list of things more than a description of you and what you can do. The last few paragraphs feel and sound much better. Maybe a little re-wording in the beginning.

Just my two cents worth.

Hello, I would love some feedback on my profile. Thanks in advance.

Community Member

Hello Community,

As per suggestion I have done some changes in my profile. Please review my profile that would be greatful



Your profile is set to Private. Unfortunately, I can't see it at all.

Community Member


Kindly visit my profile and give me suggetions whats can be do to get projects. I am not getting work.  Here is my profile: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~018f66dafe157520d8?viewMode=1


Thank you

Here's my suggestions:

1 - Move the line about turning incredible design into reality above the Skills listing

2 - Get a little bit more wordy with your first paragraph, describe the skills you've used and how you've used them on other projects and maybe break it up into two bigger paragraphs

Community Member

Hello, I would love some feedback on my profile. Thanks in advance 😄


Here are my suggestions

Change this line that you have: “I’ve got a Bachelor's degree in Dentistry and I've got a Certificate in Digital Marketing specializing in content writing.”
To something more like this:
“I have earned a Certificate in Digital Marketing and I specialize in Content Writing. I also have a Bachelor’s Degree in Dentistry which allows me great insight into content regarding the medical fields.”
I would lead off with the content writing since that is the kind of freelance work you are looking for.


This line: “I'm a fast learner, extremely organized and I meet my deadlines.”
Reads much better than this one: “I pay attention to details and I am a fast learner.”

Just my suggestion, do with it whatever you want.

Thank you so much 🙏 great suggestions.

Community Member

Hi Upwork Community!

Look up to my profiles if there is any error grammatically or in arrangement.

Here is my suggestion:


I'm a passionate writer with an ambitious and thoughtful personality focused on self-development.


My core skills include copywriting for health and medical, email, advertising, and other business related campaigns.


Also, If you are a business owner or designer and you need a write up for your advertisement, brochure or flyer; bring it on - I can help!


I am experienced in medical education, research, copywriting, proofreading, translation, working with teams, and the mindset of young adults.


On a personal note, I love reading poetry, hiking and traveling.

Community Member


Please review my profile and let me know if anything needs changing.


Your profile looks great, but you seem to write more about copy writing and editing than about data entry, maybe move the paragraphs at the end about copy and put them before the data entry. Ans maybe also add copy writing to your title.

Community Member

Hey guys,

This is my first time posting in the Upwork community.


Actually, I am using Upwork since 2018  but actively I working on Upwork since 2021.

I tried to find a job last 1 year very hard but I can not find any job.

I apply for many jobs but clients did not respond my offer .


When I applied for a job I concern  that  many things like 


What do clients need? Is this type of job related to me or not the Client timeline? client job  success rate , hired rate, etc 


But I don't know why the client did not reply.


May anyone review my profile, please? And suggest to me what is the problem


Thank in advance 




Md. Shariar,


Clients receive dozens and sometimes hundreds of proposals, and there are several reasons why they might not respond to your proposals.


I looked through your profile and I do not see any huge problems. The suggestions I have for your profile:


Overview/Summary: Your summary has good content. I would revise the first two sentences by combining them to make it simpler:


I am a professional structural steel Detailing Engineer with 7 years of experience in designing and detailing structural steel using TEKLA and CAD.


Skills: Be sure to select more skill categories that are relevant to your work. We can add up to 15 skills and there may be more you can add. The biggest reason to update your skills categories is so clients can find you when they search for your specific skills, and so Upwork’s matching algorithms can better match you with relevant jobs.


Employment History: Add short job descriptions for each job in your employment history.

Clark S

Thank you for your response.I follow your suggestion you giving.If further need will post again 


Thank you.

Community Member

Hi, can you help me with my profile? Here is the link: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~0114b5424a874d6cf9. It would such a great honor to have a feedback from you. Thank you.


Community Member

Hi Zyrin,


I looked through your profile and I have a few suggestions that might help improve it:


Title: Your title should be specific to a skill area or occupation. Based on the information you have, can we assume you will provide administrative or virtual assistance services on Upwork? If so, your title should be something like: Virtual Assistant or Administrative Assistant.


Overview/Summary: Your summary should be aligned with your title and build upon it. For example, clients want to know which administrative or clerical services you provide and how it helps them. Clients expect to read about your skills and qualifications, but they really want to know how your skills/qualifications will benefit them.


You could revise your summary to be more client-focused by making it more assertive, and telling clients what you can do, rather than focusing on your job experience. Something like this:


I'm a highly skilled Administrative Assistant with experience helping businesses improve operations and meet their aggressive deadlines with quality office administration and clerical support. I can help you with data entry, schedule/calendar management, organize various activities, develop presentations, track meeting minutes, compose letters for reputable customers/partners, and generate reports.


My abilities in time management, organization, goal-setting, multitasking, attention to detail, adaptability, and collaboration allow me to quickely and accurately provide administrative assistance services in accordance with your timelines.


I have held notable positions as an Administrative Assistant for a local government organization, and as a Statistical Researcher and Data Processor at the Philippine Statistical Authority. My experience allows me to remain well-organized, focused, and resourceful. This will prove beneficial in helping your business improve efficiency, streamline business processes, and increase productivity.


Regardless of the size of your company or your goals, my mission is to deliver the highest quality administrative support that allows your organization to meet your most important goals. Let's discuss your needs and how I can help.


Portfolio: Add a portfolio to show samples of your work. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your skills.


Employment History: Add short job descriptions for each job in your employment history.


Once you make these updates, I think clients will have a better understanding of the services you offer and how you can help meet their needs or solve their problems.

Community Member

Hello Upwork community, Have a look at my profile as I am new to Upwork and want to make sure I am readily optimizing my profile to successfully attain work.



Community Member

Hello Nyair,


Welcome to Upwork.


You have good content in your profile. I want to go through a few sections that I think could be improved:


Hourly Rate: It might seem trivial, but an hourly rate with zero decimals is probably more identifiable to clients. I suggest you make your rate something like $30.00/hour.


Overview/Summary: Your summary has good information, but moves between different skill areas and it only focuses on you. You mention investments and blockchain tech, and then you talk about resume writing and business card design and book publishing. These are all unrelated and this will be confusing to clients because they will have no idea which services you provide. Upwork clients look for freelancers who provide a specific service or group of related services.


If you have different skill sets and want to offer them on Upwork, you should add one or two Specialized Profiles to focus on different services. For example, your main profile can focus on project management; one specialized profile can focus on HR; and another specialized profile can focus on financial services.


Once you revise your summary to focus on a specfiic skill area and its services, then create specialized profiles to focus on other, unrelated skills and services, I think clients will have a better understanding of the services you offer and how you can help meet their needs or solve their problems.

Community Member

"Hello Upwork community, I'm looking for suggestions on improving my Upwork profile.


I sent many proposals but did not get a job. Please review my profile and give feedback.

Community Member

Hi Upwork Community, I used to get invites but now I'm hardly getting any invites. Please take a look at my profile. Your feedback will be highly appreciated: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~0114aa10010a577299

Hi Nikhil,


The decline in invitations is probably not related to your profile. Many freelancers—even Top-Rated and Top-Rated Plus—are finding it difficult to get profile views and responses to their proposals these days. Keep applying for jobs that match your qualifications/skills by writing great cover letters.


Your profile summary is a bit long, but I don't see that causing too many problems. Overall, your profile looks fine and I see no issues or problems that will prevent clients from hiring you.

Community Member

Hello guys i am in search of more jobs. Kindly  check my profile and tell me if my profile is okay to land jobs Thanks. https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01d4fd61af92f8a4ad

Community Member



Your profile has good content, but your overview/summary is quite long and most clients will never read it all, so make sure your most important information is near the top.


Also, add short job descriptions to each job in your employment history.


The other areas of your profile look good. I do not see any problems or issues that would prevent a client from hiring you.

Community Member

Ok Clark Thanks

Community Member

Please review my profile to get into moderate freelancers community and helping me to growing up. waiting for your kind suggestions.

Community Member



You have a lot more work to do to get your profile in better shape. Upwork profiles work best when they are focused on a specific skill area or occupation. Since front-end development and data entry are unrelated, you should change your title to focus on only one of them. Then, your overview/summary should build on your title.


You may want to add one or two Specialized Profiles that focuses on different services. Your main profile can focus on front-end development; once specialized profile can focus on data entry; and another specialized profile can focus on content writing. Either way, your title, summary, and skills should be in sync and relevant to each other.


Once you make these updates, I think clients will have a better understanding of the services you offer and how you can help meet their needs or solve their problems.

Community Member

"Hello Upwork community, I'm looking for suggestions on improving my Upwork profile. Previously I was advised that I need to change my profile photo. Please tell me is it good now?


I sent many proposals but did not get a job. Please review my profile and give feedback.

Hello, Muhammad A.
I clicked on the link, but I can't view your profile as it is set to private profile.

That, for sure, should be the first step for you to be found by potential customers.

Community Member

Hello .  I would love to get some feedback on my profile please.  Any and all help would be appreciated.

Community Member

Hello Gretchen,


Your profile overview/summary is short and to the point. Normally, this is okay, but prospective clients on Upwork will expect more information. If you have provided profesional voice overs for businesses or done commercials, you should definitely mention those.


I think your summary can be improved by adding a little more depth to your existing content. Maybe something like this:


Highly talented and in-demand Voiceover Artist specializing in IVR/voicemail messages, narration, explainer videos, and more. I can perform voiceovers for commercials, YourTube explainer videos, phone messaging systems, animation, and video sales letters using an American female tone.


My clients come to me when they need a calming, professional voice with warmth and compassion, while remaining conversational and engaging. I am clear and articulate in my delivery and my wide range of voice over experience ensures I can provide a high-quality voice over for your projects.


If you want the very best American female voice over or video spokeswoman to bring your project to life, reach out to me. Let's discuss to see how I can help.


Also, one of the most important things you should add to your profile is your actual voice! Every voice over artist on Upwork I've seen has a short video introduction or portfolio with multiple samples of their voices. Clients want to get an idea of your speech sound, tone, etc., and with voice over, it's easy. You simply have to create a short video of you reading--well--anything!


Once you make these updates, I think clients will have a better view of the services you offer and how you can help meet their needs.


Good luck!

Community Member

I am very new to this, please provide honest feedback.  Thank you. 

Jeanette B
Community Member

Hi Jeanette,


Your profile is set to Private. You must set your profile to Public so we can see it.



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