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How can I know that my profile is approved?



  1. I would like to know if my profile has been aprroved....?
  2. Can you not have a status marker in the profile information so new users know whether or not they have been approved?






Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi all,

This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. Please know that you can check if your profile has been approved on your end by trying to submit a proposal. If you’re able to submit proposals, it means your profile was approved! 


We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.

Thank you!


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Hello Bojan, thanks for getting back to me! I tried going through it again using Firefox versus Safari and came up against the same issue. The only option presented to me is still 'Review Application'


Not sure where to go from here!

Hi Caleb,


One of our team members will reach out to you directly and assist you further with this concern. Thank you!

~ Bojan



I have precisely the same problem. I can do nothing but Review my application. Can you also reach out to me? Thanks so much.


Hi Bryan,

Your profile is accepted, happy Upworking!

~ Goran

I am also having this issue!

Hi Matthew,

We'll have a member of the team assist you with this and you'll be hearing from them via an email support ticket very shortly. Thank you.


I am having the same problem. Please assist.

Hello Montez,


I have escalated your concern. One of our representatives will get in touch with you shortly. Thank you.


I have precisely the same problem.  Can you also reach out to me? 


Hi Jason,


We'll have someone reach out to you directly with more information about your account status.



~ Valeria

I am also having the same issue! 

Hi Sara,

Please try using another browser to submit your application for a review. If you`re still experiencing the same issue with another browser let me know, thank you. 

~ Goran

Tried using a different browser but I am still experiencing the same issue. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Sara, 

A member of the Customer Support Team will reach out to you through an email to assist you directly. 

~ Avery
Community Member

Hi Avery,


No one has reached out yet.



Sara Seyan

Hi Sara,


I'm sorry about the delay. I already followed up with the team, and one of the team members already emailed to assist you further. Please refer to your email. Thanks!

~ Joanne

Hi there,

How long does it take for a profile to be approved? **Edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi Marietta,


I checked your account and I can see that you are yet to submit your profile for review. You need to click the review application button to make sure you did not miss any section of the profile creation process. Any portion that is highlighted in red needs to be filled-in. Please review your application and update the missing fields to be able to submit your profile for review. In this case, please update the city field and resubmit your profile for review. 


Once you submit your profile, it takes at least 24 to 48-hours for the process to complete and you will be notified via email about your account.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Hi there,

Thanks for your response. My bad 🤦🏼‍:female_sign:. I finally sent it off.




My profile's approval is pending. It was mentioned as 12 hrs for approval (while submitting) but still haven't heard from Upwork. Its almost 24 hrs since submission. Is there any problem with the account or is this the usual? 



Thank you.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Gladwin,


I checked and it looks like your account has already been accepted. You should be able to send proposals to jobs on the general marketplace. Please, make sure you check resources in this post to help you get started.


Thank you!

~ Bojan

Hello, Upwork community,


I have an issue with the profile being approved, an application review request was sent weeks ago, but I haven't received any messages on any media to inform me of its status, as it looks like it's still pending.

Is there a way to submit an application other way, or get assistance on that matter, which would be much appreciated.


Best regards,


Hi Alex,

Upon checking, you haven't finish in creating your profile yet. Please continue in setting up your profile and you'll get a notification once it's approved. You will also see the notification when you log in to your account. Thanks!

~ Jo-An


Hello, Jo-An,


I've reviewed my application and filled in the second address field, by adding apart of the address from the first field to it, as it seemed to be necessary, however did not show as an application error, and did the job.

Thank you for your assistance.


Best regards,


hi , same thing happens with me . i submitted my profile and i get the page shown on the screenshot . and until now i haven't received any response

Hi Patricia Nicole,


I checked your account and it looks like our team already responded to your ticket regarding this concern. Please refer to the ticket to view the team's response. We thank you for your patience. 

~ Joanne

I have the same problem. I've been waiting for days for approval. I tried filling the address line as stated in the previous comments. Still nothing, having the exact same text on the top of the page: 

"If your profile is approved, it will become the public profile you’ll use to market your freelance business to clients (you can edit it after approval)."

It doesn't say the form is unfinished or anything, it doesn't say we are processing your profile. That text is not changing no matter what I do. I don't know what is taking so long.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Melis,


We'll have one of our agents reach out directly to you and assist you further with submitting your profile for review, thank you for reaching out to us. 

~ Bojan

Hey Joanne, my profile also has been pnding for approval for few days now. Would you be kind enough to check please? Thanks!

Hi Kazim,


Just to confirm that your application haven't been submitted for a review, if you`re ready please go to the bottom of the page and click on Review Application.
If you`re directed back to the same page please try clearing your cache and cookies or logging in with another browser. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hi Guys, I'm having the same issues.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Jacob, 

I've asked the team to look into your account and I'll get back to you once I have more information. 

~ Avery


I created my upwork profile this Monday early in the morning. I got a message saying that I will either get an acceptance or rejection email in 24h. Now it is Wednesday and almost 72h since I created my profile and I have still not received any message. What can I do?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Yannika,


I just checked your account and saw that you still haven`t submitted your application for a review. Please go to the bottom of the page and click on the ''Review Application''. It can take up to 24 hours for the review to be completed, once it is completed our team will reach out to you directly with the results. We wish you a positive outcome with this, thank you.

~ Bojan

please check what issue my account having is it approved or not

Hi Zaryab,


I can see that you`ve submitted your profile for a review, please allow 24 to 48 hours for the review to be completed and our team will reach out to you with the results. Thank you.

~ Goran

Applied for a new profile two weeks ago, haven't gotten an answer yet.

Hi Dobri,


It doesn't look like you have submitted your profile for a review yet. Please, go to Create your profile page on Upwork.com, make sure that all the fields are completed and, when ready, click on Review Application button at the bottom of the page. 

~ Valeria

Hey Valeria

Thanks for the reply, not sure how that happened 🙂 submitted from my phone now.


How do I know if my profile is approved because there's no submit button?


Thank you.



Best Regards,




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