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Please Introduce Yourself!

Hello Everyone! 


This thread is here so you can introduce yourself to your fellow Community members!


You are encouraged to add some details on:

  • what you're looking to achieve with joining this Community​, 
  • what you'd love to learn from other ​freelancers, or 
  • what business processes you've got figured out!

Tell us a little bit about yourself below!

778 REPLIES 778

Hi everyone!
I'm ZileHuma. I haven"t got any project. Trying to learn but it is
difficult for me

Try, Try and then try

whats feel you difficult that you can't do this..

Community Member

Hi Carina,

I am new here as well. My name is Alice. No projects yet for me. I am looking forward to learning the tips and tricks from the experienced folk in this group.

Community Member

Hi, am Benjamin and new in this app
Community Member

I'm Rabia. I am new here. Kindly tell me about got proposals because I don't have any 



Please first fully pay heeds what the client really wants. Then write the proposel according to this.....proposel should be short and attractive


Community Member

Hello! I joined Upwork to explore opportunities to supplement my regular income, and start to build a portfolio for the potential to move to self-employment sometime in the future. I joined the Community because as I was browsing posted jobs, I realized that I have the education and skills, but I lack the experience with some programs or websites that clients are asking for. So I'm looking for information about some of those topics! And to meet some people that have been doing this work for a while and learn from them. Thanks for welcoming us newbies to Upwork!

Community Member

Hey Bethany, I am Ashia Bibi from Gilgit, Pakistan. I am an English Linguistics and Literature student at a local university. My major formed the basis of my writing career. I joined Upwork to improve my skills in a practical and challenging environment while supporting myself financially. 

Throughout my Upwork journey, I have noticed that the better work you deliver the better opportunities and clients you will get. I have tried to implement several tips from Upwork Academy courses on my profile. Do have a look here, https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~014382b5a6e1331309.

Thank you,


Community Member

Hi Everyone!


I first found Upwork in 2017 while working as a French-to-English translator. Now I've been a member of the Upwork team for nearly five years!


Welcome to all the Upwork newbies! I wish you all the best of luck on your freelancing journey.

Community Member

Hi Bethany and everyone in this group!

I have just discovered Upwork and look forward to increasing my client base and hopefully learn some interesting new things along the way.

I am an English/Italian interpreter, translator and proofreader. I am a native speaker of both languages and have been working in localisation for over 30 years. I am also a qualified ESL teacher and enjoy the challenge of teaching at all levels and ages. 

Happy hunting everyone!


Hi Adriana,


Welcome to Upwork and Upwork community! Here is a link to a few Upwork Academy courses to help you get started:

You can also sign up for upcoming events and webinars to learn more about how you can boost your success on Upwork. We hope you find these online resources useful in your Upwork journey.
Thank you,

Thanks Pradeep,
I will most certainly follow your advice.
Thanks for the links
Community Member

Greetings all! 

I'm delighted to join the Upwork community, offering editorial services for individual and business projects. I'd like to connect with others venturing in a similar field. Any advice on how to make a start on securing clients/creating a viable buisness plan would be wholly appreciated. 

Thanks! 😊



Community Member


I wish you're all well and good. I'm pretty new with Upwork and I hope to get my first job soon. Joining this community I think will help me gain new insights and ideas on how I can gain the most of this platform. Looking forward to interacting more with you all! 


Community Member

Hi everyone,

I am new to the Upwork community and I am hoping to start working for myself and create a viable source of income for myself. I am an experienced administrative assistant/secretary and I am wanting to use my skills for the best outcome for myself and for potential clients. Any advise on creating strong proposals to attract clients as well as strengthening my profile would be greatly appreciated.

My talents lie in creating word and excel documents, writing, proof-reading, my attention to detail and accuracy is very high. I can also translate english to norwegian and vice versa.

I look forward to interacting with all of you.



Community Member

Hi everybody, 


I've been on and off Upwork for a few years, but always feel like there is more to learn about it. My specialty is investment writing, bonds and international economics specifically. I was an analyst, portfolio manager, and head of research for a variety of banks and asset managment companies in the U.S. and Europe, but.. burnt out. So I turned to writing about the markets and really enjoy it. 


One of the reasons I joined this community is to connect with other investment writers. It is pretty niche work so I'd love to be able to chat with others in the field. Also, it is just nice to be able to learn and share some knowledge about writing, upwork, working from home, dealing with painful clients, or just swapping bad writer jokes.





Community Member


Hello! My name is Max, and I am a Copy writer with many years of experience. I specialize in Content writing, and I am passionate about helping my clients achieve their goals. I have a strong track record of success in industry, and I am confident that I can provide the highest quality of service to my clients. I am excited to be a member of this community. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Community Member

Hello everyone,

Am glad to be part of this group as istart a life changing opportunity.

Community Member

Hello,  This is Hasan Sakr from Egypt!

As a copywriter, I bring a unique blend of creativity, technical know-how, and attention to detail to every project I take on. I possess a passion for words and an innate ability to turn complex ideas into simple, engaging messages that resonate with audiences. I have experience in a variety of industries, including retail, technology, and non-profits, which has allowed me to develop a diverse skill set and a deep understanding of how to craft messages that resonate with different audiences.
In conclusion, I believe that I would make a valuable addition to any team.

Community Member

Hello everyone,

I joined Upwork to find work in writing and joining this community group to find fellow writers. 

I am always open to find new and better solutions, hearing success stories and deep failures are interesting as all can learn from them. 

I know how to find and win jobs, get reviews and now "settle back" as work is sent to me. My backgroud is in sales but I have changed my carrer to writing as I want to be free and work for myself. This i can both sell and produce so I control all and determine my life better. 

I am usually an on and off type as I have free time to go here and tehn I am preoccupied to wrtie and do not bother to come here. So if you send questions, please be patient if I am away. We can exchange faster means of contact later if you like. But we start here.  

Community Member

"I'm like a superhero, but instead of saving the world, I save boring scripts."
As I'm new to upwork but , "Yo! I've been "killing it" as a professional comedian in the world of art, design, and comics for the past five years. I take people's script and turn it into a comic-book masterpiece.
I'm all about working on comics, comic pages, concept art, character designs, illustrations, graphic novels, comic gifts, drawings, and even comic portraits. Now that I've made the big transition to professional art, I'm offering low rates to help bring people's comic ideas to life.

Community Member

Been pounding those keys and churning out content since 2011. Loving it and hoping to make some great contacts and learn a few tips here in this forum!

Community Member

Hello everybody,


I'm Cathia and I'm just starting to be a virtual assistant in freelance.


These are the tasks I can handle:

- the inbox and outbox emails;

- audio and video transcription;

- text proofreadings;

- data gathering;

- other administrative tasks.


The reason why I joined upwork is to enlarge my network and to get job.


Thank you


Community Member

Hello everyone!


I am Rubina and I have been a content writer. Keen to write and learn about new things. I have been there since the website was named as ODesk. However, I was not an active member. Now I have started work on this platform again and receiving good responses from clients. Hoping to have more soon.  


Thank you

Community Member

Good morning!


I joined Upwork to make money. To make money from what I enjoy doing the most, the job I'm most skilled at, the work that keeps me from getting bored. I have over 20 years of experience in technical writing, learning and development, and managing teams. I am a pandemic victim.


Laid off in November 2020 I am still trying to secure full-time work. I struggle every day trying to decide whether I should start my own business, continue freelancing while looking for a full-time job, or compromise my well-being by taking a job just to keep the lights on.


2023 has not been progressing the way I hoped - unexpected deaths, a continued lack of funds, stolen vehicles, and losing friends. Joining Upwork and several of its communities is hope - hope for a better future, a future without compromise nor eviction but one that finally turns the events of the last three years around from struggle to prosperity.


What do other freelancers spend their time on between projects? How do you bid on jobs without compromising your worth? Why do you freelance? Whom do you follow that produces the most value? Where do you work from that turns out your best work? What do you do to keep from getting depressed or to relieve anxiety? These are the things I need to learn from other freelancers.


I have been fortunate to attain a couple of interviews since joining. Had life not interfered, I feel I would have landed one of those opportunities. However, I also think "forces at play" provided interference for a reason. So I will continue to study the platform and the intricacies of how it works.  If anyone knows the formula for driving offers toward me and winning bids, please share your expertise with the community (tagging me gets my attention).


Thanks for the ear.


P.S. I sound like I have the Monday blues but I don't. Grammarly shows my confidence,  curiousity, and directness indexes to be slightly higher than a kite. I'm not re-writing this post. But I will try again tomorrow (probably in a different community). Jaha 🤷🏼‍:female_sign: