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My proposals are archived!

Who can explain me why the half of my new proposals are archived? Today I posted a job to find a good freelancer for my project, but an hour later I discovered that the most of the proposals are in the archive list. What's going on? I even didn't have an opportunity to review the freelancers. Upwork promotes some freelancers and hides others?

Community Member

Hi Everyone,

We apologize for the delay, but understand we may not always be able to address posts with urgency, especially over the weekend or holidays. We understand and have read your feedback and grievances. We are glad that many of you are pleased with the Talent Services decision to no longer archive proposals. At the same time, we will not be reimbursing connects. These proposals were archived, not deleted, which means clients still had full access to all submitted proposals and were able to see the total amount of proposals listed in each section.  


Rest assured, archiving will not be replaced by any new process. Proposals would only appear  in the Archived list if the client or freelancer took action on the proposal. Talent Specialists will only be shortlisting proposals, as they have done. The Shortlisted list highlights proposals that Talent Specialists want to share with clients, this separate list which does not affect or touch proposals in the All Proposals list.


ATS Navigation.png

The All Proposals tab includes all active proposals. Proposals withdrawn by freelancers or clients, and declined invites are not included in this active list, those would be found in the Archived list. The All Proposals list displays Best match as the default sorting order. However, clients can sort the proposal list as they see fit: Newest to Oldest, Highest to Lowest rate, etc. The total amount of proposals in a tab is always visible at the top alongside the navigation link.



ATS Sort.png


As for Talent Specialists in general, they will continue improving their services and training. We recognize the comments shared in the Community. Feedback about irrelevant invites is shared with their team and actioned when necessary. Obviously, we wouldn’t keep or push a program that wasn’t working or producing results. Currently, Talent Services assists with around 5% of all jobs on the platform and these jobs have a higher fill rate as well as end with high success rates and great feedback. And as mentioned before, both clients and freelancer are given an option to opt out of the service.


View solution in original post

328 REPLIES 328


For the first time, i just passed 50 days without a new job . 

Note, i've completed 400+ projects in here and have 96% JSS  .


Smiley Surprised

Community Member

Join the Club - I guess you are not US based either

Abinadab A wrote:

Tiffany S wrote:

"These proposals are either not relevant to your job, or may not meet one or more of your job qualifications like previous work history, availability, or skills."

In my previous experiences I found that the proposals hidden are almost always irrelevant. Usually they were proposals from cookie-cutter spammers whose profiles had absolutely nothing to do with the job posting, or a freelancer or two with extremely low JSS (like 60% and below), and they were almost certainly full-time spammers. Of course, that was in the days of free connects. But, of course, the proposals are not hidden in the real sense of the word, you can see them if you want to by clicking on the drop-down. Yes, a client can choose to hire from the "irrelevant" proposal. if they so wish.

Sure, if you know it's there. I noticed it on my third or fourth pass through the list. And, if you know enough about how poor Upwork's algorithms are to disregard their warning that the proposals are irrelevant.


None of that is really the point, though. Mine was that it's disingenuous to say "we're not hiding proposals"--when they were being archived, clients also had the ability to choose to click through to them and hire from them, yet that's being referred to as "hidden".

Sorry, but anybody in digital marketing knows that if the default is set to "Only US Freelancers" that you have to click a button if you do not just want to see US based freelancers it is a clear advantage for US freelancers versa the rest of us - fair would be if the default setting would be set to all and there was a button to click if you want US freelancers only

Community Member

Dan, was this resolved?

@ Tiffany and Rene - from the sound of it Rene's RFP was posted sometime in the past; Tiffany's RFP  was posted within the last few days.  This might explain why you are seeing different things ...

Wendy C wrote:

@ Tiffany and Rene - from the sound of it Rene's RFP was posted sometime in the past; Tiffany's RFP  was posted within the last few days.  This might explain why you are seeing different things ...

My RFP was posted two or three days ago.



"Where darkness shines like dazzling light"   —William Ashbless
Community Member

Hello Dan,


Try to make a search with keywoords that are more specific to what you are looking for, did you try that ?

Community Member



This thread has been closed from further replies as it discusses a process that's no longer in place.



~ Valeria
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