» Forums » Freelancers » Re: Adding Testimonial - Error "Invalid Linke...
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client testimonial request doesn't work - linkedin profile field buggy

screenshot: https://jmp.sh/z6INymj

137 REPLIES 137
Community Member

Team - We got a solution to this issue yet? Getting the error on my end, red text pops up as "invalid Linkedin profile".

Hi Bilal, 

I'm sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you. Could you please make sure that you have copied the correct LinkedIn profile link? You may be experiencing this issue because of a wrong link.

~ Avery

Hi Avery,


I am also receiving this error. I have tried copying with or without https:. I have tried copying from the top bar and from the client's contact info section. Nothing seems to work, unfortunately.

I have tried 2 different client's profiles and double-checked the URL upon receiving the error...

Any advice?




Hi Lorraine,


One of our team members will reach out to you via ticket as soon as possible and assist you further with your testimonial/s. Thank you.

~ Goran

Thank you!

Hi Goran,


I am also having the same issue of adding testimonial because of the "Invalid Linkedin profile" error. Kindly help me in resolving this issue.



Faraz Danish

Hi Faraz,


Our team will reach out to you via ticket as well and will assist you further, thank you.

~ Goran

I am also getting same issue Invalid Linkedin Profile. I am sure that I am copying correct linkedin profile url and I did check through chrome. Can you please help me in resolving this issue?

Hi Goran,


I am having the same issue on my end. Can somebody please contact me as well to help me on this?



Hi Goran,


I am experiencing the same error. I have tried both the link in the address bar and the link in the client's contact info with and without "https://www." but to no avail. The site appears to consider every link to the profile invalid. I would appreciate your assistance! 


Thank you,

Sam Boggs

Hi there,


I'm also experiencing this issue. I double-checked that the link I'm providing is correct, and I even tried another profile and it's causing the same issue. Can you please help?




Hi Goran,


I'm having the same problem trying to request a non-upwork client testimonial. Invalid LinkedIn profile...

Can someone please assist me via ticket?


Thanks so much,


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Barbara 


Could you please confirm if the link you're trying to enter suits one of these formats:




Hi Andrea,


Thank you, this helped! Had to manually go in and add the https://www. Even though I directly copied and pasted the profile from linkedin.



Community Member

Hi Andrea,

I'm also having this issue and I've tried all the work arounds that have been suggested on this thread and it's still not working. Can you please help me with this issue.


Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Simon,


We’ve escalated your community post to a support ticket. One of our agents will be in touch with you soon to assist.

~ AJ

hi Goran
I am also receiving this error. I have tried copying with or without https:. I have tried copying from the top bar and from the client's contact info section. Nothing seems to work

Hi Khaled,


 Could you please confirm if you're using any of the following supported link formats?






I am using this type of link

Thanks for confirming, Khaled. Could you please try clearing your cache and cookies or logging in with a different browser to see if the issue persists?



Thank you Khaled. This works!


I am also having the same issue of adding testimonials because of the "Invalid Linkedin profile" error. Kindly help me in resolving this issue.
Issue Screenshot:

**Edited for Community Guidelines**






Could you please double-check the link that you have and then retry requesting a testimonial?


Have you also tried clearing your browser’s cookies or using a different browser?


II the issue still persists, could you please share the following information so that we can forward it to our team to be investigated further?

  • Browser/s used
  • Browser version
  • Machine’s OS
  • Machine’s OS version
  • Screengrab of the issue
  • Additional details that may help us/the team investigate your concern better

~ AJ

It still shows the Issue.
Issue Screenshot: https://prnt.sc/Of6gsYXqwuRi

Here is my client's LinkedIn profile Link: **Edited for Community Guidelines**

I used the Google Chrome Browser
My Browser version is: Version 116.0.5845.180 (Official Build) (64-bit)
My Machine’s OS Version: Screenshot: **Edited for Community Guidelines**

Please Solve this ASAP.

Hi Rakibul,


Thank you for sharing additional information. I see that you are using a company LinkedIn profile while submitting the Testimonial request. Could you please try with a personal LinkedIn profile for your client. Feel free to message us if you need further assistance.


- Pradeep 


Do clients have o have a Linkedin profile/account in order to request for them to provide feedback?


Hi Alisha,


Yes, they need to have a LinkedIn profile.




I am also receiving this error. I have tried copying with or without https:. I have tried copying from the top bar and from the client's contact info section. Nothing seems to work, unfortunately.

I have tried 2 different client's profiles and double-checked the URL upon receiving the error...

Any advice?




Hi Mohsin,


Thank you for your message. One of our team members will reach out to you via ticket as soon as possible and assist you further.


Thank you.



I am facing the same issue. Can someone help me out please!


Hi Aditya,

Could you please check if you're entering the link in one of the supported formats listed below?


If you do and still experience the error, could you please send me a PM with the link you're trying to add so we can further troubleshoot?

Community Member

Upwork, please advise when you plan to fix this

Community Member

Hello there, I'm trying to request a Testimonial to one of my client outside upwork.

But when I add link of LINKEDIN Profile it says "Invalid LinkedIn profile"

Hello there, I'm trying to request a Testimonial to one of my client outside upwork.
But when I add link of LINKEDIN Profile it says "Invalid LinkedIn profile"

Having the same issue

Hi Faisal, and Jesse,


I will look into this further and will get back to you once I have more information.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Hello, I am also new to UpWork and I am encountering this issue where copying the linkedin profile from my client gives me an error.

Hi Johann,


One of our team members will reach out to you via ticket as soon as possible and assist you further with your testimonials. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hi Goran and Moderators,


Isn't there a permanent fix to this problem?


I am experiencing same problem as well.



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