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How can I know that my profile is approved?



  1. I would like to know if my profile has been aprroved....?
  2. Can you not have a status marker in the profile information so new users know whether or not they have been approved?






Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi all,

This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. Please know that you can check if your profile has been approved on your end by trying to submit a proposal. If you’re able to submit proposals, it means your profile was approved! 


We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.

Thank you!


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Hi there,

I am seeing this message when I login into the Upwork "

Your profile is under review

You should hear back within 24 hours. You will be able to submit proposals once your profile is approved."


It is more than 24 hours now, but I did not hear back from Upwork team. How do I know the status of my account?



Hi Sikkandar, 

I'll go ahead and follow up your account with the team so that they can proceed with reviewing your account. I apologise for the delay, and thank you for your patience.

~ Avery

Hi Avery,

Still my account is under reveiw. 🙂





I'm new here and I have no idea if I'm the only one experiencing this issue, but it's been a week since I submitted my profile for review and I still haven't heard from UpWork. Can anyone help me with this?


Thank you very much in advance.

I took a look at your profile. I don't see any red flags,

I think you just need to be patient. Wait at least two weeks total before worrying.

Meanwhile, work on your portfolio. Tricky, yes, given your stated job skills, but you're smart. You can figure something out.

I think your profile text is a bit confusing in terms of communicating what it is you will do FOR ME, THE CLIENT.

But it's not bad. I would say you appear to be more of an asset to Upwork and to potential clients than 90% of new contractors whose profiles I have looked at.

Welcome to the Upwork Community, Mary!


I am excited to inform you that your profile has been accepted. Thank you for improving your profile.


I wish you best of luck finding your first job on Upwork and I suggest you look through this thread to find some useful information.

~ Valeria

Hi Valerie,


Just want to check what is the lead time for a profile to be approved? Can you please check mine. Thanks



Kyle A.

Hey my profile is taking very long to be approved too. Please can someone help me, i don't know what to do

Hi George, 


I apologise for the delay. I have followed up your profile with the team handling the reviews to that they can proceed with reviewing your account. 

~ Avery


My profile is still under review and it has been more than 24 hours. What should I do? Kindly assist. 

It looks like it is up to me

Hello! How do I know if my account is getting reviewed or if it got rejected/approved? I have submitted my Upwork account days ago and nothing shows up. I keep getting redirected to the "introduce yourself" page.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Ray, and Sophia, 

I apologise for the delay. I have followed up your account with the teams handling the review so that they can proceed with reviewing your account registration.

~ Avery


My profile shows that it is still under review and it's been more than 24 hours. What could be the problem? 

Hi Ray, 

Please see my response to your post here, which you should also see on this thread.

~ Avery



My accounts shows it is still under review for more than 24hrs already. Does this mean anything?



Hi Margielyn,


Please allow up to 48 hours for the review to be completed and our team will reach out to you with the results. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hello. It’s been three weeks since I’ve registered my profile. No answer at all. Not sure what could be wrong, but three weeks is much more than stated 24 hours.

Hi Herman,

Just to confirm that your application haven't been submitted for a review, if you`re ready please go to the bottom of the page and click on Review Application.
If you`re directed back to the same page please try clearing your cache and cookies or logging in with another browser. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hi Goran, thanks for your help. The form worked in firefox.

How long does it take for a profile to be approved?

It typically takes 24 hours to review your application and Upwork will notify you if your application is approved or declined.

Hello, We are past the 24 hour mark for approval or denial of my profile. Please advise on the status.

Hi Tamara, 

I apologise for the delay. I have followed up with the team handling the account reviews so that they can proceed with reviewing your account registration. 

~ Avery

I haven't gotten an email about whether or not I've been accepted on Upwork. I'm also not seeing the message "Your profile is under review" like the Upwork Help Center says I should. I'm not sure what I should do to find out if I'm accepted because I haven't gotten an email.

Hi Anna,


I can confirm that your account has been approved and you already have available connects to apply for jobs on Upwork. Check out this post for some resources that will help you get to a successful start on Upwork.

~ Valeria

Hello, I try to register as a freelancer, i fill the form and at the end it looks like I have only the option to become a client. Can someone tells me where I do the mistake to end up there?

Hi Anita,


Just to confirm you have opened the correct profile.

When you`re ready you will need to submit it for a review by clicking on the Review Application button at the bottom of the page. If you`re being directed back to the same page please clear your cache and cookies or log in with another browser to submit your application. Thank you.

~ Goran

How would I know that my profile has been approved and I can start the work?


Hi Rashmi,


Congratulations! I would like to confirm that your Upwork account registration was accepted. 


I highly recommend that you read up on the freelancer resources we have compiled, for great tips and insights on how you can work successfully on the platform. Please also pay attention to the Safety First! section of the resources, and these tips for avoiding questionable jobs for more information about working safely through Upwork. Hopefully, this will help you kick start your freelancing career on Upwork. 



~ Riri


I want to get my profile verified.
Please let me know how to proceed.


Hi Rashmi,


I would like to confirm that your Upwork account registration was accepted! 


I highly recommend that you read up on the freelancer resources we have compiled, for great tips and insights on how you can work successfully on the platform. Please also pay attention to the Safety First! section of the resources, and these tips for avoiding questionable jobs for more information about working safely through Upwork. Hopefully, this will help you kick start your freelancing career on Upwork. 

Good luck, and welcome to Upwork!

~ Aleksandar

Hi Upwork,


How do I know if my profile is approved or not?


Thank you!

Hi Vincent,


Thanks for reaching out to us. Yes, your account has been approved and you should be able to send proposals to jobs you are interested in and are qualified to do.


Welcome to Upwork!

~ Aleksandar

I don’t know if I’m stressing it but my profile has now been in the “profile is being reviewed” for 40 hours. I have not gotten a email either. Should I wait until a week has passed?

Hi Sixten,


I`m sorry about the delay with this.

Our team will review your profile as soon as possible and reach out to you with the results. Thank you.

~ Goran

Okay! Cheers!

Hi. I left Upwork two years ago for health reasons and now I am back recently. I have tried submitting proposals and every time I do, there's a window that pops up and says, "Thank you for completing your Upwork verification upload. Please allow 3-4 business days for your verification to be processed." I don't understand. I didn't submit and ID because in the first place I was not asked to. It just said, "Thank you..." and so on and it's been over 4 days since and I still can't apply for a job and submit proposal(s). There's no button to click either so I can upload my ID if that's what all Upwork is asking for. Can anyone help me please? Thank you.

Hi Michelle,


One of our team members will reach out to you via ticket as soon as possible and assist you further, thank you.

~ Goran

how to know my upwork profile is approved or rejected?

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